La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2002-03-08


Subject field(s)
  • Electronic Commerce
  • Foreign Trade
  • Customs and Excise

An electronic commerce pilot project to facilitate the movement of commercial goods between Canada, the United States and Mexico.


The North American Trade Automation Prototype (NATAP) is a joint initiative between Canada, the United States and Mexico to streamline the customs clearance of commercial goods. The Prototype is based on a foundation of common data elements, documents and processes, and will attempt to show that most of the duplication required today could be eliminated. It will also test the use of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) and the concept of a seamless border for low-risk and pre-approved drivers. The Prototype is a low volume field test operating at six sites. On the Canada/United States border, the sites are at Fort Erie/Buffalo and Windsor/Detroit, and on the Mexico/United States border the sites include El Paso/Juarez, Laredo/Nuevo Laredo, Otay Mesa/Tijuana and Nogales/Nogales. All transactions in the Prototype will be processed in parallel through the Prototype and through existing Customs commercial systems.


To expedite the flow of legitimate goods coming across our border, a transponder system for trucks has already been tested. NATAP now is working on other high-tech alternatives such as smart cards or swipe cards that can instantly provide data on both the truck and the load it is carrying to customs. Under NATAP, the three countries are also harmonizing the data and the procedures for customs clearance. Work is underway on common software and an encryption system for exchanging electronic data.


  • Commerce électronique
  • Commerce extérieur
  • Douanes et accise

Projet pilote de commerce électronique visant à faciliter le mouvement des marchandises commerciales entre le Canada, les États-Unis et le Mexique.


[Revenu Canada] a signé un protocole d'entente entre le Canada, les États-Unis, la province d'Ontario, la Buffalo/Fort Erie Bridge Authority et la Windsor Bridge and Tunnel Authority afin de piloter le Prototype d'automatisation des échanges commerciaux nord-américains (PAECNA) [...]


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