La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1994-09-16


Subject field(s)
  • Psychometry and Psychotechnology
  • Clinical Psychology

Vague term used in American clinical psychology used to describe a type of response elicited by the therapist that takes the form of either a question or statement which by its sympathetic nature encourages the patient to elaborate further, thereby providing the therapist with sufficient data to administer an appropriate therapy ("processing" of the client). The term "process" may also refer to the nature of the therapist's question, which on the surface appears as if he or she is summarizing the process that has caused the patient to be traumatized.


The trainer should prompt the group to provide process responses, and determine whether they are accurate or inaccurate interpretations ....


Process in casework includes the observable dynamics of behaviors, interactions, and feelings (affect). It includes nonverbal behaviors, such as tone of voice, body posture and facial expressions; emotive or affective responses; interactions between family members or between the client and the caseworker; and clients' expressed feelings about the problem or situation.


  • Psychométrie et psychotechnique
  • Psychologie clinique


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