La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

RESTE CANADA [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 1991-10-10


Subject field(s)
  • Neology and Linguistic Borrowing

A Canadian who resides outside of the province of Quebec; any part of Canada that lies beyond the borders of the province of Quebec.


Those of us who are TROCs are now emboldened to ask out loud the unspoken: why do all the prime ministers have to come from Quebec?


TROC is an acronym derived from "the rest of Canada", widely used by journalists during Bélanger-Campeau and Spicer Commission inquiries, and in dealing with Separatist topics, Canada, 1990-1991.


TROC is an acronym. Acronyms are words formed from the initials of other words. They differ from abbreviations in that they are pronounced as words, rather than as sequences of letters (eg: CIA) and they often share the grammar of standard words, taking on plurals or shifting to new parts of speech. Once an acronym becomes very common, it is usually spelled in lower case (eg: laser). TROC has recently become a very common acronym used by Canadian journalists in discussing the current movement taking place in Quebec with regard to the rest of Canada. TROC can be used either to designate people or to refer to a geographical area. The translation is quite heavy and wordy, as "le reste du Canada", but "LRDC" could not be an acronym, it would be an abbreviation. Moreover, LRDC would rarely be used in French, because it implies the idea that Quebec is still a part of Canada; leading contemporary Quebecois journalists write from a standpoint that Quebec is already a separate entity.


  • Néologie et emprunts


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