La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2004-11-24


Subject field(s)
  • Underwater Diving (Sports)

In 1882 the brothers Carmagalle took out a patent for an armour-plated diving suit. The most satisfactory modern version of this apparatus is the rigid jointed Neufeldt-Kuhnke type, which is lowered and raised by means of a cable and allows the diver to observe and make limited movements.


Following Lethbridge and Rowe's exploits there was little to no mention of the armoured diving suit until 1838, an almost 80 year lull from Lethbridge's death in 1759. ... W.H. Taylor designed the first known armoured diving suit with articulating joints in 1838. The suit was to be surface-supplied and had accordion-like joints of spring steel, reinforced and water sealed with leather. From his drawing, it seems that either Taylor had no intentions of his suit being a true atmospheric diving suit, or else had no understanding of the depth-pressure relationship. The suit appeared to exhaust directly into the surrounding water from a short hose located at the divers waist. Therefore, the interior pressure would have had to be greater than the water pressure at depth. Also, the soft cloth joints of the suit would have most likely collapsed when exposed to any considerable pressure.


Where diving operations are carried out during the course of a drilling program, the operator shall ensure that the divers do not, except in the case of an emergency involving the safety of personnel, carry out operations at, descend to or ascend from a work site located at a depth of 50 m or more unless the descent and ascent are carried out in and the operations are carried out from a submarine, an armoured diving suit, a diving bell or other diving vehicle.

  • armored diving suit
  • armor-plated diving suit


  • Plongée sous-marine (Sports)

John Lethbridge (1715) imagine l'armure de plongée dont une ouverture sert à l'alimentation en air par des soufflets et l'autre à l'évacuation de l'air vicié.


Lorsque des travaux de plongée sont effectués dans le cadre d'un programme de forage, l'exploitant doit, sauf dans un cas d'urgence mettant en cause la sécurité du personnel, veiller à ce que les plongeurs utilisent un sous-marin, un scaphandre renforcé, une cloche de plongée ou un autre véhicule de plongée pour descendre à un lieu de travail situé à une profondeur de 50 m ou plus, pour y effectuer des travaux ou pour en remonter.


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