La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2004-03-18


Subject field(s)
  • Analytical Chemistry

Separation of spectral and non-spectral interferences by on-line high performance ion chromatography inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry (HPIC-ICP-SFMS) for accurate determination of234U,235U,238U and232Th in industrial ores.


Determination of trace elements in human milk by inductively coupled plasma sector field mass spectrometry (ICP-SFMS).


Indiana University Laboratory for Spectrochemistry. Plasma Source Mass Spectrometry. "Single-Crystal Scintillator-Based Array Detector for Sector-Field Mass Spectrometry," [by] David A. Solyom. Beginning with the use of photographic plates in the first quarter of this century, array detectors have had a long history of usage in mass-spectrometric analysis. Array detectors are position-sensitive devices capable of independently measuring ion signals that are incident at different locations on the detector's face. Currently popular among the different types of array detectors available for mass spectrometry are microchannel-plate(s) (MCP) coupled with a phosphor .... The electrons emitted from the rear of the MCP strike the phosphor being held in close proximity (1mm) to the MCP. The phosphor screen is sensitive to the incident electrons and will emit photons in response. The number of emitted photons is proportional to the number of incident electrons and the location on the phosphor from which the photons are emitted coincides with the location of the incident electrons. The photons from the phosphor can then be converted into a proportional electronic signal by an imaging device such as a CCD or CID detector array.


  • Chimie analytique

spectrométrie de masse à secteurs à plasma induit (ICP-SFMS).


Il existe plusieurs traductions du terme «inductively coupled plasma (ICP)» : le plus proche de la description de la technique est «plasma induit par un courant de haute fréquence», le plus simple est «torche à plasma»; pour décrire un «sector field mass spectrometer» nous parlons de «spectromètre de masse à secteur magnétique» ou, plus brièvement, de «spectromètre de masse magnétique». L'équivalent français de ICP-SFMS serait donc «torche à plasma couplée à un spectromètre de masse magnétique» (version courte) ou «plasma induit par un courant de haute fréquence associé à un spectromètre de masse à secteur magnétique» (version longue). [Source : Guy Bouchoux, Secrétaire, Société française de spectrométrie de masse, École Polytechnique, DCMR, Palaiseau (France)]


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