La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

TEST RABOT [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2002-11-06


Subject field(s)
  • Engineering Tests and Reliability
  • Security Devices
  • Facilities and Equipment (Wood Industries)

There are three ways to tell whether gaffs are sharpened properly. Step 1: Three ways to maintain climbers: 1.1. Gauging. This method checks the gaff's length, width, and thickness and the profile of its point. ... 1.2. Plane test. This method may be used with the gauge or independently if the gaffs are sharpened by machine. The test is made by using a soft board to tell whether proper sharpness has been reached. Place the climber with the gaff side down and parallel to the board without applying downward pressure above the gaff. Push the climber along the board. If the gaff is properly contoured and sharpened, it will dig into the wood and hold within approximately one inch. If the climber continues to glide along the board for more than one inch, it needs more honing. 1.3. Pole cutout. After the climbers have been machine sharpened or gauged (and as often as required thereafter), the gaffs may be tested on a pole.


  • Fiabilité, contrôle et essais (Ingénierie)
  • Dispositifs de sécurité
  • Installations et équipement (Industr. du bois)


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