La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2017-10-24


Subject field(s)
  • Private-Sector Bodies and Committees
  • Medical and Hospital Organization

The Change Foundation ... is an independent health policy think-tank that works to inform positive change in Ontario's health care system. With a firm commitment to engaging the voices of patients, family caregivers and health and community care providers, the Foundation explores contemporary health care issues through different projects and partnerships to evolve our health care system in Ontario and beyond. The Change Foundation was created in 1995 through an endowment from the Ontario Hospital Association and is dedicated to enhancing patient and caregiver experiences and Ontario's quality of health care.


The Change Foundation (TCF) is dedicated to evolving Ontario's health care system by enhancing patient and caregiver experiences and exploring contemporary health care issues. TCF works on projects and partners with organizations that have the same goal of informing positive change in the province’s health care system. TCF aims to: make patients, family caregivers, and health providers equal partners in finding ways to improve care and experience in Ontario's health care system; generate robust and independent research and policy analysis of health care issues related to improving care and experience of patients and caregivers as they navigate the health care system; [and] lead informed discussion and strategic engagement with the stewards, stakeholders and users of the health care system.


  • Organismes et comités du secteur privé
  • Organisation médico-hospitalière


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© Services publics et Approvisionnement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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