La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2020-02-12


Subject field(s)
  • Flight Instruments and Equipment (Aeroindustry)

[A] cryptographic unit [is] designed for use in conjunction with IFF [identification, friend or foe] interrogators and responders for air, sea and land applications. [These units] transmit discrete interrogation signals via an interface[.]


  • Instruments et équipement de bord (Constructions aéronautiques)


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Fiche 2 2006-07-10


Subject field(s)
  • Flight Instruments and Equipment (Aeroindustry)
  • IT Security
  • Encryption and Decryption

Systems known ... distribute content decryption keys in encrypted form to a tamper-resistant cryptographic unit connected to (or part of) the user's playback device. ... Because smartcards and other tamper-resistant cryptographic hardware commonly used to implement the cryptographic unit often have limited performance and bandwidth, the cryptographic unit is often used to generate short-lived subkeys from the main content decryption key. These subkeys are then transmitted to a less secure portion of the system, such as the main playback device, and used to decrypt the content itself. The security of the system thus depends on the security of the cryptographic unit. If the cryptographic unit is compromised, attackers can determine the decryption keys and algorithms and use these to access content without authorization (e.g. by emulating an authorized cryptographic unit and/or the entire playback device).


  • Instruments et équipement de bord (Constructions aéronautiques)
  • Sécurité des TI
  • Chiffrage et déchiffrage


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