La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2005-01-25


Subject field(s)
  • Television (Radioelectricity)
  • Computer Graphics
  • Applications of Automation
  • Video Technology

A standard of quality for the reproduction of video signals.


There is a further version of the CD-I known as full-motion video (FMV). In this format, audio and video are encoded using the MPEG standard ... This means that full-motion video with high-quality stereo can be output from a CD.


Although real motion video is the holy grail of multimedia, it still is impractical using today's technology. The current method for working with video is by capturing and converting the analog signal from a video source and either manipulating the image's data (which is written to video tape) or compressing the data using compression techniques (either software-only compression or a combination of hardware and software compression). To display or capture a single screen of an NTSC [National Television System Committee] signal, you must have a video frame grabber. ... Real-time frame grabbers capture full-motion video at a rate between 15 and 30 frames-per-second using video compression ...


In the NTSC format, it is achieved when the video signal is reproduced at 30 frames per second and in the PAL format, it occurs at 25 fps.


The Dictionary of New Media is available at: <a href="http://hepdigital.com/" title="http://hepdigital.com">http://hepdigital.com</a>.


  • Télévision (Radioélectricité)
  • Infographie
  • Automatisation et applications
  • Vidéotechnique

Le CD-I fait appel à des techniques très sophistiquées de compression d'images pour pouvoir stocker des images animées, très consommatrices d'espace. L'algorithme de compression est baptisé «Full Motion Video» (FMV). C'est la mise au point de cet algorithme qui a permis au CD-I de pouvoir afficher jusqu'à 72 minutes d'images animées plein écran. La qualité de l'image ainsi traitée est équivalente à celle d'un magnétoscope VHS mais inférieure à celle d'un LaserDisc.


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