La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2005-01-11


Subject field(s)
  • Radioactive Ores (Mining)

A roll orebody of the Wyoming type, which is bounded on the concave side by oxidized altered rock typically containing hematite or limonite, and on the convex side by relatively reduced altered rock typically containing pyrite and organic matter.


roll-type uranium ore: C-shaped deposit, most commonly in sandstones, formed by advancing mineralizing fluids. Deposition takes place where groundwaters encounter reducing conditions ...


Sandstone-uranium-vanadium-base metal deposits. - These deposits are found in terrestrial sediments ... Uranium-rich examples are called Colorado Plateau-type, carnotite-type, sandstone-type, Wyoming roll-front-type ... In deposits of this type one or two metals are present in economic amounts, whilst the others may be present in minor or trace quantities.


Within carbonatites, deposits are often crescentic or rounded in form, reflecting the distribution of host intrusive phases. ... The deposits of this class are commonly groups of lenses or ore shoots of crescentic or annular form showing steep dips related to crystallization parallel to the walls of the intrusive complex, and are notable for great vertical continuity of the ore.


Orebodies of the Wyoming type are crescent-shaped in cross section and typically form in relatively thick, tabular, or elongate sandstone bodies, with the tips of the crescent thinning and becoming tangent to mudstone layers above and below.


Roll-front uranium deposit.


  • Minerais radioactifs (Mines métalliques)

Au Sud Texas, le gisement uranifère de Panna Maria, de type «roll», se serait formé selon ces processus biogéniques [...]


Sous-type rolls [...]. - Il est bien représenté au Wyoming. [...] Une des principales caractéristiques du sous-type est le caractère sécant de la minéralisation sur la roche-hôte, les gisements ayant une forme de croissant.


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