La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2013-05-15


Subject field(s)
  • Metal Forming
  • Packaging in Metal

... a process now known in the [beverage can making] industry as "spin flow necking." ... a process where an externally located free spinning forming roll ... is moved inward and axially against the outside wall ... of the open end ... of a rotating trimmed can ... to form a conical neck at the open end ... a spring-loaded holder or slide roll ... supports the interior wall of the can ... and moves axially under the forming force of the free roll ... This is a single operation where the can rotates and the free roll ... rotates so that a smooth conical neck end is produced.


The essential difference between spin flow necking and other types of spin necking [is] the axial movement of both the external roll ... and the internal support.

  • spin-flow necking
  • spin flow necking process


  • Formage des métaux
  • Emballages en métal

rétreint à la molette : terme obtenu d'un spécialiste du domaine.

  • rétreinte à la molette


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