La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2005-06-20


Subject field(s)
  • Plastic Materials

A urethane is formed from the reaction of an isocyanate with an alcohol. In general, polyurethanes are made using a diisocyanate, a low molecular weight diol (thermoplastic) and/or triol (cross-linked), and a polyether glycol or a polyester glycol. If the reagents are difunctional, a non cross-linked thermoplastic polyurethane will be formed; if the functionality of at least one of the reagents is greater than two, a cross-linked or three dimensional network will form. Cross-linked polyurethanes exhibit less mechanical creep than non cross-linked polyurethanes. The rubbery modulus of polyurethanes increases as the level of cross-linking is increased. Polyurethanes are diblock copolymers. They consist of hard segments (isocyanate and the chain extender rich areas) that act as physical crosslinks, and soft segments (polyether or polyester glycol rich areas).


It has been reported that the glassy and rubbery modulus of a curing resin is relatively insensitive to the degree of cure of the material.


  • Matières plastiques


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