La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2011-12-08


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Government Contracts
  • Industry-Government Relations (Econ.)
  • Military (General)

Airworthiness Verification, Product Conformity Inspection and Airworthiness Reverification of Bundeswehr Aircraft, Aircraft Systems and Flight Essential Equipment. 1. General. 1.1. The establishment of airworthiness in respect of aircraft, aircraft systems and flight essential equipment, and system compatibility in respect of nonessential equipment, ground support and test equipment, and ground facilities, in connection with development and/or procurement, and the restoration of airworthiness in respect of aircraft, aircraft systems and flight essential equipment, and system compatibility in respect of nonessential equipment, ground support and test equipment, and ground facilities, in connection with modification or maintenance, in accordance with the following regulations, together with demonstration of the same, are integral to fulfillment of contract by the contractor. This responsibility extends to all subcontractual obligations and services. With regard to contracts subject to the General Terms and Conditions for Development Contracts with the Industry (Allgemeine Bedingungen für Entwicklungsverträge mit der Industrie, ABEI), 1 para. 1 of these Terms is not applicable in conjunction with this Annex.


Refers to contracts undertook by the armed forces of Germany.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Marchés publics
  • Relations de l'industrie avec l'État (Écon.)
  • Militaire (Généralités)

Expression se rapportant à des contrats conclus par les forces armées de l'Allemagne.


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