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4.17 Time references and historical periods and events

Capitalize the names of months and days, of holidays and holy days, of historical and geological periods and events, and of parliamentary sessions:

  • Wednesday
  • October
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Passover
  • Christmas
  • April Fools’ Day
  • The First Session of
  • the Ice Age
  • the Second World War
  • World War II
  • the Middle Ages
  • the Gulf War
  • the Pleistocene Epoch
  • the Thirty-second Parliament

Do not capitalize the names of the seasons, centuries or decades unless they are personified or are part of special names:

  • spring
  • winter
  • the twentieth century
  • the fifties


  • the Roaring Twenties (name of an era)
  • the Winter Palace

Capitalize the names of events recorded in sacred writings and of historical events with a strong religious dimension:

  • the Flood
  • the Exodus
  • the Immaculate Conception
  • the Crucifixion
  • the Crusades
  • the Reformation
  • the Great Schism
  • the Hegira
  • the Diet of Worms
  • the Second Vatican Council

Terms that refer to events and periods are often capitalized when they refer to specific events or periods and lower-cased when used in a general sense:

  • the Ice Age
  • the First World War
  • the Quiet Revolution
  • the Crusades
  • Stone Age hunting implements
  • the most recent ice age
  • the two world wars
  • She started a revolution.
  • a crusade against poverty
  • He uses stone-age management techniques.

For the use of capitals with time zones, see 1.22 Time zones.

4.18 Cultural periods, movements and styles

Capitalize nouns and adjectives designating literary, philosophical, musical, religious and artistic periods, movements and styles when they are derived from proper nouns:

  • Aristotelian logic
  • Cartesian dualism
  • the Bauhaus
  • Gregorian chant
  • Romanesque architecture
  • Arianism
  • Methodism
  • Hasidism

Otherwise, such terms are lower-cased except when it is necessary to distinguish a style or movement from the same word used in its general sense:

  • cubism
  • existentialism
  • humanism
  • rococo
  • the New Criticism
  • the Group of Seven
  • the Enlightenment
  • Scholasticism