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11.23 Agenda

The agenda lists the order of business for a meeting and may include the items listed below, in the following order:

  • call to order by presiding officer
  • roll call
  • welcoming of new members and guests
  • reading and adoption of the agenda
  • reading and adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting
  • business arising out of the minutes
  • other old business
  • reading of correspondence
  • reports of officers
  • committee reports
  • new business
  • nominations and elections
  • announcements (including date, time and place of next meeting)
  • adjournment

If the agenda is short and few decisions are to be made, it can be incorporated into the minutes. If the agenda is long and many points are to be discussed and acted on, the agenda may be omitted and the following style adopted: a wide column at the left for the point discussed, and a narrower column at the right for the person or body responsible for carrying out any action decided on (see 11.27 Model minutes). The points are numbered and may be given subject headings.