The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
FATE [81 records]
Record 1 - internal organization data 2023-10-17
Record 1, English
Record 1, Subject field(s)
- Relativity (Physics)
Record 1, Main entry term, English
- quantum nonlocality
1, record 1, English, quantum%20nonlocality
Record 1, Abbreviations, English
Record 1, Synonyms, English
- nonlocality 2, record 1, English, nonlocality
Record 1, Textual support, English
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 DEF
[The] phenomenon by which the measurement statistics of a multipartite quantum system do not admit an interpretation in terms of a local realistic theory. 3, record 1, English, - quantum%20nonlocality
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
For those who study it, nonlocality is the mother of all physics riddles, implicated in a broad cross section of the mysteries that physicists confront these days—not just the weirdness of quantum particles but also the fate of black holes, the origin of the cosmos and the essential unity of nature. 4, record 1, English, - quantum%20nonlocality
Record 1, Key term(s)
- quantum non-locality
- non-locality
Record 1, French
Record 1, Domaine(s)
- Relativité (Physique)
Record 1, Main entry term, French
- non-localité quantique
1, record 1, French, non%2Dlocalit%C3%A9%20quantique
correct, feminine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, French
Record 1, Synonyms, French
- non-localité 2, record 1, French, non%2Dlocalit%C3%A9
correct, feminine noun
Record 1, Textual support, French
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Phénomène selon lequel les statistiques de mesure d'un système quantique multipartite ne permettent aucune interprétation sur le plan de la théorie réalistique locale. 3, record 1, French, - non%2Dlocalit%C3%A9%20quantique
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Il existe une tension connue entre la théorie quantique et la relativité, car les effets quantiques ne permettent pas d'envoyer des messages plus vite que la lumière, mais sont juste à la frontière de cette possibilité. C'est ce qu'on appelle souvent la non-localité quantique. 1, record 1, French, - non%2Dlocalit%C3%A9%20quantique
Record 1, Spanish
Record 1, Textual support, Spanish
Record 2 - internal organization data 2023-07-25
Record 2, English
Record 2, Subject field(s)
- Scientific Research
- General Medicine, Hygiene and Health
- Pharmacology
Record 2, Main entry term, English
- absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion study
1, record 2, English, absorption%2C%20distribution%2C%20metabolism%20and%20excretion%20study
Record 2, Abbreviations, English
Record 2, Synonyms, English
- ADME study 2, record 2, English, ADME%20study
Record 2, Textual support, English
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 CONT
A knowledge of the fate of a drug, its disposition(absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion, known by the acronym ADME) and pharmacokinetics... plays a central role throughout pharmaceutical research and development. These studies aid in the discovery and selection of new chemical entities, support safety assessment, and are critical in defining conditions for safe and effective use in patients. ADME studies provide [a] basis for critical judgments from situations where the behavior of the drug is understood to those where it is unknown : this is most important in bridging from animal studies to the human situation. 3, record 2, English, - absorption%2C%20distribution%2C%20metabolism%20and%20excretion%20study
Record 2, French
Record 2, Domaine(s)
- Recherche scientifique
- Médecine générale, hygiène et santé
- Pharmacologie
Record 2, Main entry term, French
- étude sur l'absoption, la distribution, le métabolisme et l'excrétion
1, record 2, French, %C3%A9tude%20sur%20l%27absoption%2C%20la%20distribution%2C%20le%20m%C3%A9tabolisme%20et%20l%27excr%C3%A9tion
correct, feminine noun
Record 2, Abbreviations, French
Record 2, Synonyms, French
- étude sur l'ADME 2, record 2, French, %C3%A9tude%20sur%20l%27ADME
correct, feminine noun
- étude ADME 3, record 2, French, %C3%A9tude%20ADME
correct, feminine noun
Record 2, Textual support, French
Record 2, Spanish
Record 2, Textual support, Spanish
Record 3 - internal organization data 2023-07-04
Record 3, English
Record 3, Subject field(s)
- Statistics
- Commercial Fishing
- Environmental Management
Record 3, Main entry term, English
- catch disposition
1, record 3, English, catch%20disposition
Record 3, Abbreviations, English
Record 3, Synonyms, English
Record 3, Textual support, English
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Catch disposition. In areas where not all the catch is marketed, at-sea monitoring provides the most accurate catch data. At sea, fishery observers should accurately record the number of individuals by species, note whether the shark is alive or dead when landed and record the final disposition of each shark brought aboard a vessel. Disposition is the final fate of the shark(e. g. saved for market, used for bait, discarded live, discarded dead, discarded after removing fins, etc.). Codes should be made for each possible disposition on field data sheets, that are both easy to use and to remember; commonly, initials or letters are used that correspond to each type of disposition. 2, record 3, English, - catch%20disposition
Record 3, French
Record 3, Domaine(s)
- Statistique
- Pêche commerciale
- Gestion environnementale
Record 3, Main entry term, French
- disposition des prises
1, record 3, French, disposition%20des%20prises
correct, feminine noun
Record 3, Abbreviations, French
Record 3, Synonyms, French
- disposition des captures 2, record 3, French, disposition%20des%20captures
correct, feminine noun
Record 3, Textual support, French
Record 3, Spanish
Record 3, Textual support, Spanish
Record 4 - internal organization data 2022-05-27
Record 4, English
Record 4, Subject field(s)
- Hydrology and Hydrography
- Oceanography
Record 4, Main entry term, English
- river plume
1, record 4, English, river%20plume
Record 4, Abbreviations, English
Record 4, Synonyms, English
Record 4, Textual support, English
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A freshened water mass that is formed in the sea as a result of mixing of river discharge and saline saltwater. 2, record 4, English, - river%20plume
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Rivers are one of the major sources of sediment delivered to the shelf, and thus the fate of river plumes is an important control on the distribution of ocean margin sediments. The initial dispersal of the river plume and the subsequent sediment deposition are controlled by waves, tides, and three basic effluent properties that include the inertia and buoyancy of the plume, and its frictional interaction with the seafloor. 3, record 4, English, - river%20plume
Record 4, French
Record 4, Domaine(s)
- Hydrologie et hydrographie
- Océanographie
Record 4, Main entry term, French
- panache fluvial
1, record 4, French, panache%20fluvial
correct, masculine noun
Record 4, Abbreviations, French
Record 4, Synonyms, French
Record 4, Textual support, French
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Masse d'eau [rafraîchie] qui se forme dans la mer à la suite du mélange de l'écoulement [de rivière] et de l'eau de mer saline. 2, record 4, French, - panache%20fluvial
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Un panache fluvial chargé de sédiments flottants peut induire un courant de turbidité secondaire sur le plancher océanique par le processus de sédimentation convective. 3, record 4, French, - panache%20fluvial
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 OBS
panaches fluviaux : pluriel. 3, record 4, French, - panache%20fluvial
Record 4, Key term(s)
- panaches fluviaux
Record 4, Spanish
Record 4, Textual support, Spanish
Record 5 - internal organization data 2022-01-07
Record 5, English
Record 5, Subject field(s)
- Collaboration with the FAO
- Aquaculture
- Commercial Fishing
Record 5, Main entry term, English
- mark-recapture method
1, record 5, English, mark%2Drecapture%20method
Record 5, Abbreviations, English
Record 5, Synonyms, English
- mark-recapture technique 1, record 5, English, mark%2Drecapture%20technique
Record 5, Textual support, English
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Several important assumptions must be met before using mark-recapture methods to estimate population abundance and mortality. These assumptions include :(1) the tagged fish are representative of the population from which mortality information is sought,(2) there is no emigration of tagged fish,(3) the number of tagged fish that are released is known exactly,(4) there are no tag losses and no misread tags,(5) survival rates are not affected by tagging, and(6) that the fate of each individual tagged fish is independent of other tagged individuals, among other assumptions... 1, record 5, English, - mark%2Drecapture%20method
Record 5, French
Record 5, Domaine(s)
- Collaboration avec la FAO
- Aquaculture
- Pêche commerciale
Record 5, Main entry term, French
- méthode de marquage et de recapture
1, record 5, French, m%C3%A9thode%20de%20marquage%20et%20de%20recapture
correct, feminine noun
Record 5, Abbreviations, French
Record 5, Synonyms, French
- technique de marquage et de recapture 2, record 5, French, technique%20de%20marquage%20et%20de%20recapture
correct, feminine noun
Record 5, Textual support, French
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Plusieurs hypothèses importantes doivent être satisfaites avant d'utiliser les méthodes de marquage et de recapture pour estimer l'abondance et le taux de mortalité d'une population, notamment : (1) les poissons étiquetés sont représentatifs de la population pour laquelle de l'information sur la mortalité est recherchée, (2) aucune émigration des poissons étiquetés ne se produit, (3) le nombre exact de poissons étiquetés remis à l'eau est connu précisément, (4) aucune étiquette n'est perdue ou incorrectement lue, (5) l'étiquetage n'a pas d'effet sur les taux de survie et (6) le sort de chaque poisson étiqueté est indépendant des autres individus étiquetés [...] 1, record 5, French, - m%C3%A9thode%20de%20marquage%20et%20de%20recapture
Record 5, Spanish
Record 5, Textual support, Spanish
Record 6 - internal organization data 2021-01-28
Record 6, English
Record 6, Subject field(s)
- Ecology (General)
- Oceanography
Record 6, Main entry term, English
- marine radioecology
1, record 6, English, marine%20radioecology
Record 6, Abbreviations, English
Record 6, Synonyms, English
Record 6, Textual support, English
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 DEF
... a research discipline investigating and quantifying the biogeochemical and ecological processes that control the fate and transfer of radionuclides in the marine environment. 1, record 6, English, - marine%20radioecology
Record 6, Key term(s)
- marine radio-ecology
Record 6, French
Record 6, Domaine(s)
- Écologie (Généralités)
- Océanographie
Record 6, Main entry term, French
- radioécologie marine
1, record 6, French, radio%C3%A9cologie%20marine
correct, feminine noun
Record 6, Abbreviations, French
Record 6, Synonyms, French
Record 6, Textual support, French
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 CONT
La radioécologie marine étudie l'évolution des niveaux de radioactivité en pleine mer et dans les zones littorales. Elle permet d'effectuer des expertises sur les conséquences des rejets en mer des installations nucléaires. 1, record 6, French, - radio%C3%A9cologie%20marine
Record 6, Key term(s)
- radio-écologie marine
Record 6, Spanish
Record 6, Textual support, Spanish
Record 7 - internal organization data 2020-12-16
Record 7, English
Record 7, Subject field(s)
- Modelling (Mathematics)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
- Air Pollution
Record 7, Main entry term, English
- Gaussian plume model
1, record 7, English, Gaussian%20plume%20model
Record 7, Abbreviations, English
- GPM 2, record 7, English, GPM
Record 7, Synonyms, English
Record 7, Textual support, English
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Assuming that a pollutant is being emitted into the environment, how far and fast does it travel, and what is its fate over time? The Gaussian plume model is a(relatively) simple mathematical model that is typically applied to point source emitters, such as coal-burning electricity-producing plants. … One of the key assumptions of this model is that over short periods of time(such as a few hours), steady state conditions exist with regard to air pollutant emissions and meteorological changes. 3, record 7, English, - Gaussian%20plume%20model
Record 7, French
Record 7, Domaine(s)
- Modélisation (Mathématique)
- Études et analyses environnementales
- Pollution de l'air
Record 7, Main entry term, French
- modèle de panache gaussien
1, record 7, French, mod%C3%A8le%20de%20panache%20gaussien
correct, masculine noun
Record 7, Abbreviations, French
Record 7, Synonyms, French
- modèle gaussien des panaches 2, record 7, French, mod%C3%A8le%20gaussien%20des%20panaches
correct, masculine noun
Record 7, Textual support, French
Record 7, Spanish
Record 7, Textual support, Spanish
Record 8 - internal organization data 2018-04-17
Record 8, English
Record 8, Subject field(s)
- Cognitive Psychology
- Clinical Psychology
- Mental health and hygiene
Record 8, Main entry term, English
- locus of control
1, record 8, English, locus%20of%20control
Record 8, Abbreviations, English
- LOC 2, record 8, English, LOC
Record 8, Synonyms, English
Record 8, Textual support, English
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A personality trait referring to the extent to which people believe what happens to them is within their control ... 3, record 8, English, - locus%20of%20control
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 OBS
A person who feels in control of his or her life has an internal locus of control, whereas a person who believes that life events are due mainly to fate or to luck has an external locus of control. 4, record 8, English, - locus%20of%20control
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 PHR
external locus of control, internal locus of control 4, record 8, English, - locus%20of%20control
Record 8, French
Record 8, Domaine(s)
- Psychologie cognitive
- Psychologie clinique
- Hygiène et santé mentales
Record 8, Main entry term, French
- lieu de contrôle
1, record 8, French, lieu%20de%20contr%C3%B4le
correct, masculine noun
Record 8, Abbreviations, French
Record 8, Synonyms, French
- locus de contrôle 2, record 8, French, locus%20de%20contr%C3%B4le
masculine noun
Record 8, Textual support, French
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Trait de personnalité qui reflète la croyance selon laquelle les conséquences de nos actions sont contingentes de ce que nous faisons [...] ou de facteurs environnementaux [...] 3, record 8, French, - lieu%20de%20contr%C3%B4le
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Une personne dont le lieu de contrôle est interne croit qu'elle a une bonne maîtrise sur sa vie et qu'elle peut intervenir et en changer le cours. Par contre, une personne dont le lieu de contrôle est externe a plutôt tendance à attribuer aux évènements extérieurs un pouvoir sur ce qui lui arrive. 4, record 8, French, - lieu%20de%20contr%C3%B4le
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 PHR
lieu de contrôle externe, lieu de contrôle interne 4, record 8, French, - lieu%20de%20contr%C3%B4le
Record 8, Spanish
Record 8, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Psicología cognitiva
- Psicología clínica
- Higiene y salud mental
Record 8, Main entry term, Spanish
- locus de control
1, record 8, Spanish, locus%20de%20control
correct, masculine noun
Record 8, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 8, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 8, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Grado en que un sujeto percibe el origen de eventos y de su propio comportamiento de manera interna o externa a él. 1, record 8, Spanish, - locus%20de%20control
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 PHR
locus de control externo, locus de control interno 1, record 8, Spanish, - locus%20de%20control
Record 9 - external organization data 2017-09-25
Record 9, English
Record 9, Subject field(s)
- Compartment - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)
Record 9, Main entry term, English
- Firearms, Alcohol, Tobacco Enforcement Team 1, record 9, English, Firearms%2C%20Alcohol%2C%20Tobacco%20Enforcement%20Team
Record 9, Abbreviations, English
Record 9, Synonyms, English
- FATE Team 1, record 9, English, FATE%20Team
Record 9, Textual support, English
Record number: 9, Textual support number: 1 OBS
"O" Division (Ontario). 1, record 9, English, - Firearms%2C%20Alcohol%2C%20Tobacco%20Enforcement%20Team
Record 9, Key term(s)
Record 9, French
Record 9, Domaine(s)
- Tiroir - Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC)
Record 9, Main entry term, French
- Équipe d'application des lois sur les armes à feu, l'alcool et le tabac
1, record 9, French, %C3%89quipe%20d%27application%20des%20lois%20sur%20les%20armes%20%C3%A0%20feu%2C%20l%27alcool%20et%20le%20tabac
feminine noun
Record 9, Abbreviations, French
Record 9, Synonyms, French
Record 9, Textual support, French
Record number: 9, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Division O (Ontario). 1, record 9, French, - %C3%89quipe%20d%27application%20des%20lois%20sur%20les%20armes%20%C3%A0%20feu%2C%20l%27alcool%20et%20le%20tabac
Record 9, Spanish
Record 9, Textual support, Spanish
Record 10 - internal organization data 2017-07-10
Record 10, English
Record 10, Subject field(s)
- Cytology
Record 10, Main entry term, English
- asymmetric cell division
1, record 10, English, asymmetric%20cell%20division
Record 10, Abbreviations, English
- ACD 2, record 10, English, ACD
Record 10, Synonyms, English
- asymmetric division 3, record 10, English, asymmetric%20division
Record 10, Textual support, English
Record number: 10, Textual support number: 1 CONT
An asymmetric cell division produces two daughter cells with different cellular fates. This is in contrast to symmetric cell divisions which give rise to daughter cells of equivalent fates. Notably, stem cells divide asymmetrically to give rise to two distinct daughter cells : one copy of the original stem cell as well as a second daughter programmed to differentiate into a non-stem cell fate. 4, record 10, English, - asymmetric%20cell%20division
Record 10, French
Record 10, Domaine(s)
- Cytologie
Record 10, Main entry term, French
- division cellulaire asymétrique
1, record 10, French, division%20cellulaire%20asym%C3%A9trique
correct, feminine noun
Record 10, Abbreviations, French
- DCA 2, record 10, French, DCA
correct, feminine noun
Record 10, Synonyms, French
Record 10, Textual support, French
Record number: 10, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Formation, à l'issue de la mitose, de deux cellules filles de devenir différent. 1, record 10, French, - division%20cellulaire%20asym%C3%A9trique
Record number: 10, Textual support number: 1 OBS
La division cellulaire d'une cellule souche est un exemple de division cellulaire asymétrique. 1, record 10, French, - division%20cellulaire%20asym%C3%A9trique
Record number: 10, Textual support number: 2 OBS
division cellulaire asymétrique; DCA : terme, abréviation et définition publiés au Journal officiel de la République française le 14 juin 2017. 3, record 10, French, - division%20cellulaire%20asym%C3%A9trique
Record 10, Spanish
Record 10, Textual support, Spanish
Record 11 - internal organization data 2017-04-12
Record 11, English
Record 11, Subject field(s)
- Molecular Biology
Record 11, Main entry term, English
- antiapoptotic
1, record 11, English, antiapoptotic
Record 11, Abbreviations, English
Record 11, Synonyms, English
Record 11, Textual support, English
Record number: 11, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Subtle shifts in the ratio between pro-and antiapoptotic molecules after activation of corticosteroid receptors decide neuronal fate. Glucocorticoid receptor(GR) activation induces apoptosis of granule cells in the hippocampus. In contrast, neuroprotection is seen after mineralocorticoid receptor(MR) activation. To date there is no in vivo evidence for direct interactions between corticosteroids and any of the key regulatory molecules of programmed cell death. 1, record 11, English, - antiapoptotic
Record 11, French
Record 11, Domaine(s)
- Biologie moléculaire
Record 11, Main entry term, French
- antiapoptotique
1, record 11, French, antiapoptotique
correct, adjective
Record 11, Abbreviations, French
Record 11, Synonyms, French
Record 11, Textual support, French
Record number: 11, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Les stratégies antiapoptotiques sont, bien entendu, au cœur de l'activité des grosses entreprises pharmaceutiques, car la rentabilité d'une nouvelle molécule de ce type, potentiellement applicable à toutes les maladies neurodégénératives et traumatiques (accident vasculaire, lésion spinale...), ne fait guère de doute. 1, record 11, French, - antiapoptotique
Record 11, Spanish
Record 11, Textual support, Spanish
Record 12 - internal organization data 2017-03-30
Record 12, English
Record 12, Subject field(s)
- Social Psychology
- Sociology of Human Relations
Record 12, Main entry term, English
- powerlessness
1, record 12, English, powerlessness
Record 12, Abbreviations, English
Record 12, Synonyms, English
Record 12, Textual support, English
Record number: 12, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The psychological state of an individual when he feels deprived of any protection, control, influence, or involvement in the social events that are determining his fate. 2, record 12, English, - powerlessness
Record number: 12, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The main cause of family violence may be our social structure which divides society into the haves and have nots ... Powerlessness as a cause of family violence may be further aggravated by other factors. 3, record 12, English, - powerlessness
Record number: 12, Textual support number: 2 CONT
At any age, getting help and support is essential. In addition to feelings of shame and powerlessness [incest] survivors may also suffer from very low self-esteem. 4, record 12, English, - powerlessness
Record 12, French
Record 12, Domaine(s)
- Psychologie sociale
- Sociologie des relations humaines
Record 12, Main entry term, French
- impuissance
1, record 12, French, impuissance
correct, feminine noun
Record 12, Abbreviations, French
Record 12, Synonyms, French
- privation de pouvoir 2, record 12, French, privation%20de%20pouvoir
correct, see observation, feminine noun
- sentiment d'impuissance 3, record 12, French, sentiment%20d%27impuissance
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 12, Textual support, French
Record number: 12, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Sentiment qu'a un individu de ne pouvoir influer sur les situations sociales dans lesquelles il est engagé et de ne pouvoir récupérer le produit de ses œuvres. 4, record 12, French, - impuissance
Record number: 12, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Le terme «privation de pouvoir» convient lorsque l'impuissance résulte de facteurs externes; le terme «sentiment d'impuissance» reflète, au contraire, un état intérieur. 5, record 12, French, - impuissance
Record 12, Spanish
Record 12, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Psicología social
- Sociología de las relaciones humanas
Record 12, Main entry term, Spanish
- impotencia
1, record 12, Spanish, impotencia
correct, feminine noun
Record 12, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 12, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 12, Textual support, Spanish
Record 13 - internal organization data 2016-12-10
Record 13, English
Record 13, Subject field(s)
- Personality Development
Record 13, Main entry term, English
- internal locus of control
1, record 13, English, internal%20locus%20of%20control
Record 13, Abbreviations, English
Record 13, Synonyms, English
Record 13, Textual support, English
Record number: 13, Textual support number: 1 CONT
... those who feel in control of their destiny have an internal locus of control, whereas those who believe that life events are due mainly to fate or to luck have an external locus of control. 2, record 13, English, - internal%20locus%20of%20control
Record 13, French
Record 13, Domaine(s)
- Développement de la personnalité
Record 13, Main entry term, French
- lieu de contrôle interne
1, record 13, French, lieu%20de%20contr%C3%B4le%20interne
correct, masculine noun
Record 13, Abbreviations, French
Record 13, Synonyms, French
- locus de contrôle interne 2, record 13, French, locus%20de%20contr%C3%B4le%20interne
correct, masculine noun
Record 13, Textual support, French
Record number: 13, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Les individus ayant un lieu de contrôle interne estiment qu'ils peuvent exercer une influence sur les renforcements qu'ils obtiennent en manifestant les comportements appropriés, alors que les individus ayant un lieu de contrôle externe considèrent que les renforcements qu'ils reçoivent dépendent de facteurs en dehors de leur contrôle. 3, record 13, French, - lieu%20de%20contr%C3%B4le%20interne
Record 13, Key term(s)
- lieu interne de contrôle
- locus interne de contrôle
Record 13, Spanish
Record 13, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Desarrollo de la personalidad
Record 13, Main entry term, Spanish
- locus de control interno
1, record 13, Spanish, locus%20de%20control%20interno
correct, masculine noun
Record 13, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 13, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 13, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 13, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Percepción de que los eventos ocurren principalmente como efecto de las propias acciones. 1, record 13, Spanish, - locus%20de%20control%20interno
Record 14 - internal organization data 2016-08-12
Record 14, English
Record 14, Subject field(s)
- Personality Development
Record 14, Main entry term, English
- external locus of control
1, record 14, English, external%20locus%20of%20control
Record 14, Abbreviations, English
Record 14, Synonyms, English
Record 14, Textual support, English
Record number: 14, Textual support number: 1 CONT
... those who feel in control of their destiny have an internal locus of control, whereas those who believe that life events are due mainly to fate or to luck have an external locus of control. 2, record 14, English, - external%20locus%20of%20control
Record 14, French
Record 14, Domaine(s)
- Développement de la personnalité
Record 14, Main entry term, French
- lieu de contrôle externe
1, record 14, French, lieu%20de%20contr%C3%B4le%20externe
correct, masculine noun
Record 14, Abbreviations, French
Record 14, Synonyms, French
- locus de contrôle externe 2, record 14, French, locus%20de%20contr%C3%B4le%20externe
correct, masculine noun
Record 14, Textual support, French
Record number: 14, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Les individus ayant un lieu de contrôle interne estiment qu’ils peuvent exercer une influence sur les renforcements qu’ils obtiennent en manifestant les comportements appropriés, alors que les individus ayant un lieu de contrôle externe considèrent que les renforcements qu’ils reçoivent dépendent de facteurs en dehors de leur contrôle. 3, record 14, French, - lieu%20de%20contr%C3%B4le%20externe
Record 14, Spanish
Record 14, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Desarrollo de la personalidad
Record 14, Main entry term, Spanish
- locus de control externo
1, record 14, Spanish, locus%20de%20control%20externo
correct, masculine noun
Record 14, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 14, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 14, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 14, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Percepción de que los eventos ocurren como resultado del azar, el destino, la suerte o el poder y decisiones de otros. 1, record 14, Spanish, - locus%20de%20control%20externo
Record 15 - internal organization data 2016-02-26
Record 15, English
Record 15, Subject field(s)
- Technical Textiles
- Medical Instruments and Devices
Record 15, Main entry term, English
- woven graft
1, record 15, English, woven%20graft
Record 15, Abbreviations, English
Record 15, Synonyms, English
- woven textile graft 1, record 15, English, woven%20textile%20graft
Record 15, Textual support, English
Record number: 15, Textual support number: 1 CONT
... the use and the long-term fate of woven textile grafts appear to be limited by several shortcomings. The woven grafts are stiffer than knitted ones, and handling is more difficult for the surgeon. 1, record 15, English, - woven%20graft
Record 15, French
Record 15, Domaine(s)
- Textiles techniques
- Instruments et appareillages médicaux
Record 15, Main entry term, French
- greffe tissée
1, record 15, French, greffe%20tiss%C3%A9e
correct, feminine noun
Record 15, Abbreviations, French
Record 15, Synonyms, French
- greffe textile tissée 1, record 15, French, greffe%20textile%20tiss%C3%A9e
correct, feminine noun
Record 15, Textual support, French
Record number: 15, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[...] les greffes tissées [sont] plus rigides que les greffes tricotées, elles sont donc moins agréables à manipuler [...] La rigidité est responsable de tensions et la greffe a parfois tendance à s'effilocher au niveau de l'anastomose. Cependant, elles sont beaucoup plus étanches et sont utilisées pour les interventions sur l'aorte thoracique et les résections d'anévrisme [...] 1, record 15, French, - greffe%20tiss%C3%A9e
Record 15, Spanish
Record 15, Textual support, Spanish
Record 16 - internal organization data 2015-09-15
Record 16, English
Record 16, Subject field(s)
- Analytical Chemistry
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
Record 16, Main entry term, English
- octanol-water partition coefficient
1, record 16, English, octanol%2Dwater%20partition%20coefficient
Record 16, Abbreviations, English
- Pow 2, record 16, English, Pow
correct, see observation
- Kow 3, record 16, English, Kow
correct, see observation
Record 16, Synonyms, English
- 1-octanol/water partition coefficient 4, record 16, English, 1%2Doctanol%2Fwater%20partition%20coefficient
- Pow 5, record 16, English, Pow
correct, see observation
- Kow 6, record 16, English, Kow
correct, see observation
- Pow 5, record 16, English, Pow
- 1-octanol-water partition coefficient 7, record 16, English, 1%2Doctanol%2Dwater%20partition%20coefficient
- Pow 8, record 16, English, Pow
correct, see observation
- Kow 7, record 16, English, Kow
correct, see observation
- Pow 8, record 16, English, Pow
- octanol-water partitioning coefficient 9, record 16, English, octanol%2Dwater%20partitioning%20coefficient
- Kow 9, record 16, English, Kow
correct, see observation
- Kow 9, record 16, English, Kow
Record 16, Textual support, English
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The ratio of the concentration of a material in the octanol phase to the concentration in the aqueous phase of a two-phase octanol-water system. 10, record 16, English, - octanol%2Dwater%20partition%20coefficient
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The octanol-water partition coefficient is the ratio of the concentration of a chemical in octanol and in water at equilibrium and at a specified temperature. Octanol is an organic solvent that is used as a surrogate for natural organic matter. This parameter is used in many environmental studies to help determine the fate of chemicals in the environment. An example would be using the coefficient to predict the extent a contaminant will bioaccumulate in fish. The octanol-water partition coefficient has been correlated to water solubility; therefore, the water solubility of a substance can be used to estimate its octanol-water partition coefficient. 11, record 16, English, - octanol%2Dwater%20partition%20coefficient
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The use of either the solidus (slash) or the en dash between components of a mixture is correct. 8, record 16, English, - octanol%2Dwater%20partition%20coefficient
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Pow: Pow. Kow: Kow. 8, record 16, English, - octanol%2Dwater%20partition%20coefficient
Record 16, French
Record 16, Domaine(s)
- Chimie analytique
- Études et analyses environnementales
Record 16, Main entry term, French
- coefficient de partage octanol-eau
1, record 16, French, coefficient%20de%20partage%20octanol%2Deau
correct, masculine noun
Record 16, Abbreviations, French
- Poe 2, record 16, French, Poe
correct, see observation, masculine noun
- Koe 3, record 16, French, Koe
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 16, Synonyms, French
- coefficient de partage 1-octanol/eau 4, record 16, French, coefficient%20de%20partage%201%2Doctanol%2Feau
correct, masculine noun
- Poe 4, record 16, French, Poe
correct, see observation, masculine noun
- Koe 5, record 16, French, Koe
correct, see observation, masculine noun
- Poe 4, record 16, French, Poe
- coefficient de partage 1-octanol-eau 6, record 16, French, coefficient%20de%20partage%201%2Doctanol%2Deau
correct, masculine noun
- Poe 7, record 16, French, Poe
correct, see observation, masculine noun
- Koe 7, record 16, French, Koe
correct, see observation, masculine noun
- Poe 7, record 16, French, Poe
- coefficient de partition octanol-eau 8, record 16, French, coefficient%20de%20partition%20octanol%2Deau
masculine noun, obsolete
Record 16, Textual support, French
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Rapport de la teneur en une substance de l'octanol à la teneur en cette substance de l'eau, dans un système octanol-eau. 9, record 16, French, - coefficient%20de%20partage%20octanol%2Deau
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Par défaut, quand aucun chiffre n’est mentionné avec octanol, il s’agit de 1-octanol. 7, record 16, French, - coefficient%20de%20partage%20octanol%2Deau
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 2 OBS
On peut utiliser l'oblique ou le tiret demi-cadratin, entre les constituants d’un mélange. 7, record 16, French, - coefficient%20de%20partage%20octanol%2Deau
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 3 OBS
Poe : Poe. Koe : Koe. 7, record 16, French, - coefficient%20de%20partage%20octanol%2Deau
Record 16, Spanish
Record 16, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Química analítica
- Estudios y análisis del medio ambiente
Record 16, Main entry term, Spanish
- coeficiente de partición octanol/agua
1, record 16, Spanish, coeficiente%20de%20partici%C3%B3n%20octanol%2Fagua
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 16, Abbreviations, Spanish
- Kow 1, record 16, Spanish, Kow
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 16, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 16, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Relación entre la concentración de un compuesto en una fase de octanol y una fase acuosa, en un sistema octanol/agua. 1, record 16, Spanish, - coeficiente%20de%20partici%C3%B3n%20octanol%2Fagua
Record number: 16, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Kow 2, record 16, Spanish, - coeficiente%20de%20partici%C3%B3n%20octanol%2Fagua
Record 17 - internal organization data 2014-11-19
Record 17, English
Record 17, Subject field(s)
- Clinical Psychology
- Mental Disorders
Record 17, Main entry term, English
- delusion of influence 1, record 17, English, delusion%20of%20influence
Record 17, Abbreviations, English
Record 17, Synonyms, English
Record 17, Textual support, English
Record number: 17, Textual support number: 1 DEF
[A situation] in which the patient believes himself benefitted, sanctified or exalted, at the same time that he regards his fate already sealed in martyrdom. 1, record 17, English, - delusion%20of%20influence
Record 17, French
Record 17, Domaine(s)
- Psychologie clinique
- Troubles mentaux
Record 17, Main entry term, French
- délire d'influence
1, record 17, French, d%C3%A9lire%20d%27influence
masculine noun
Record 17, Abbreviations, French
Record 17, Synonyms, French
Record 17, Textual support, French
Record number: 17, Textual support number: 1 DEF
[État dans lequel] le malade se croit la proie d'une force étrangère qui régirait ses pensées et ses actes. 1, record 17, French, - d%C3%A9lire%20d%27influence
Record 17, Spanish
Record 17, Textual support, Spanish
Record 18 - internal organization data 2014-04-30
Record 18, English
Record 18, Subject field(s)
- Atomic Physics
Record 18, Main entry term, English
- surface nanostructuration
1, record 18, English, surface%20nanostructuration
Record 18, Abbreviations, English
Record 18, Synonyms, English
Record 18, Textual support, English
Record number: 18, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Modern techniques of surface nanostructuration and biofunctionalization are employed to guide the assembly down to the nanometer scale. For the characterization of such model systems, novel biophysical in situ analytical techniques are developed. The created structures are employed as specialized platforms for biosensors and for the control of cellular fate. 2, record 18, English, - surface%20nanostructuration
Record 18, Key term(s)
- surface nano-structuration
Record 18, French
Record 18, Domaine(s)
- Physique atomique
Record 18, Main entry term, French
- nanostructuration en surface
1, record 18, French, nanostructuration%20en%20surface
correct, feminine noun
Record 18, Abbreviations, French
Record 18, Synonyms, French
Record 18, Textual support, French
Record number: 18, Textual support number: 1 CONT
La nanostructuration en surface semble beaucoup plus prometteuse, notamment dans une logique de développement court terme. Elle peut être obtenue soit par modification de la surface directement par voie physique (grâce à des techniques dites «grenaillage»), soit par dépôt d'un revêtement nanostructuré en surface. Le grenaillage traditionnel consiste à projeter à grande vitesse des billes (en acier, en céramique) sur la pièce à traiter. Elle permet de modifier la structure en surface, sans créer de nanostructures. Dans le cas des métaux, ce traitement parvient à optimiser de façon significative certaines propriétés comme la résistance à la corrosion qui peut augmenter de 30 %. De plus, des propriétés mécaniques telles que la dureté ou la résistance des matériaux peuvent être augmentées de façon significative : après traitement par grenaillage à ultrasons, un acier voit sa dureté passer de 300 à 600 degrés Vickers! Plusieurs sociétés ont récemment été créées sur ce créneau du «grenaillage», développant des technologies à base de laser, d'eau pressurisée ou encore d'ultrasons. 2, record 18, French, - nanostructuration%20en%20surface
Record 18, Key term(s)
- nano-structuration en surface
Record 18, Spanish
Record 18, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Física atómica
Record 18, Main entry term, Spanish
- nanoestructuración de superficies
1, record 18, Spanish, nanoestructuraci%C3%B3n%20de%20superficies
correct, feminine noun
Record 18, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 18, Synonyms, Spanish
- nanoestructuración superficial 1, record 18, Spanish, nanoestructuraci%C3%B3n%20superficial
correct, feminine noun
Record 18, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 18, Textual support number: 1 CONT
La reciente aparición en el mercado de nanotubos de carbono amplía considerablemente la posibilidad de la nanoestructuración de superficies [...] 1, record 18, Spanish, - nanoestructuraci%C3%B3n%20de%20superficies
Record number: 18, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Se recurre al uso de nanoestructuras superficiales para conseguir superficies resistentes al rallado, hidrófugas, limpias o estériles. El injerto selectivo de moléculas orgánicas a través de la nanoestructuración superficial permitirá avanzar en la fabricación de biosensores y de dispositivos electrónicos moleculares. 1, record 18, Spanish, - nanoestructuraci%C3%B3n%20de%20superficies
Record 19 - internal organization data 2014-01-29
Record 19, English
Record 19, Subject field(s)
- Law of Evidence
Record 19, Main entry term, English
- plead guilty
1, record 19, English, plead%20guilty
Record 19, Abbreviations, English
Record 19, Synonyms, English
Record 19, Textual support, English
Record number: 19, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Deciding to plead guilty is a difficult decision. Pleading guilty means that you are giving up your right to a trial – you are excusing the Crown from having to prove your guilt beyond a reasonable doubt through the presentation of admissible evidence. It means that you are putting yourself at the mercy of the court to decide your fate. 2, record 19, English, - plead%20guilty
Record 19, French
Record 19, Domaine(s)
- Droit de la preuve
Record 19, Main entry term, French
- plaider coupable
1, record 19, French, plaider%20coupable
correct, standardized
Record 19, Abbreviations, French
Record 19, Synonyms, French
Record 19, Textual support, French
Record number: 19, Textual support number: 1 OBS
plaider coupable : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO). 2, record 19, French, - plaider%20coupable
Record 19, Spanish
Record 19, Textual support, Spanish
Record 20 - internal organization data 2013-06-27
Record 20, English
Record 20, Subject field(s)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
- Pollution (General)
- Toxicology
- Soil Pollution
Record 20, Main entry term, English
- environmental fate analysis
1, record 20, English, environmental%20fate%20analysis
correct, standardized
Record 20, Abbreviations, English
Record 20, Synonyms, English
Record 20, Textual support, English
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The analysis of the fate of a contaminant once it is released into the environment.... 1, record 20, English, - environmental%20fate%20analysis
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The environmental fate analysis includes a pathway analysis and other environmental fate considerations such as transport processes due to physical and chemical properties, degradation, dilution or accumulation in biota. 1, record 20, English, - environmental%20fate%20analysis
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 2 OBS
environmental fate analysis : term and definition relating to the assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk, hazard and exposure. 1, record 20, English, - environmental%20fate%20analysis
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 3 OBS
environmental fate analysis : term and definition standardized by the International Organization for Standardization(ISO). 2, record 20, English, - environmental%20fate%20analysis
Record 20, Key term(s)
- environmental fate analyses
Record 20, French
Record 20, Domaine(s)
- Études et analyses environnementales
- Pollution (Généralités)
- Toxicologie
- Pollution du sol
Record 20, Main entry term, French
- analyse de l'évolution dans l'environnement
1, record 20, French, analyse%20de%20l%27%C3%A9volution%20dans%20l%27environnement
correct, feminine noun, standardized
Record 20, Abbreviations, French
Record 20, Synonyms, French
Record 20, Textual support, French
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Analyse de l'évolution d'un contaminant, une fois libéré dans l'environnement. [...] 1, record 20, French, - analyse%20de%20l%27%C3%A9volution%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 1 OBS
L'analyse de l'évolution dans l'environnement comprend une analyse du cheminement et d'autres éléments de l'évolution dans l'environnement tels que les processus de transport dus aux propriétés physiques et chimiques, à la dégradation, à la dilution ou à l'accumulation dans les biotopes. 1, record 20, French, - analyse%20de%20l%27%C3%A9volution%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 2 OBS
analyse de l'évolution dans l'environnement : terme et définition relatifs à l'évaluation du sol et des sites eu égard au risque, à la dangerosité et à l'exposition. 1, record 20, French, - analyse%20de%20l%27%C3%A9volution%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record number: 20, Textual support number: 3 OBS
analyse de l'évolution dans l'environnement : terme et définition normalisés par l'Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO). 2, record 20, French, - analyse%20de%20l%27%C3%A9volution%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record 20, Spanish
Record 20, Textual support, Spanish
Record 21 - internal organization data 2013-06-27
Record 21, English
Record 21, Subject field(s)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
- Environmental Management
- Soil Pollution
- Soil Science
Record 21, Main entry term, English
- quantitative risk assessment
1, record 21, English, quantitative%20risk%20assessment
correct, standardized
Record 21, Abbreviations, English
Record 21, Synonyms, English
Record 21, Textual support, English
Record number: 21, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A risk assessment performed with the data from site investigations using databases and numerical models for contaminant release assessment, environmental fate analysis, exposure assessment, environmental impact analysis and an uncertainty analysis. 1, record 21, English, - quantitative%20risk%20assessment
Record number: 21, Textual support number: 1 OBS
quantitative risk assessment: term and definition relating to the assessment of soil and sites with respect to risk, hazard and exposure. 1, record 21, English, - quantitative%20risk%20assessment
Record number: 21, Textual support number: 2 OBS
quantitative risk assessment: term and definition standardized by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). 2, record 21, English, - quantitative%20risk%20assessment
Record 21, French
Record 21, Domaine(s)
- Études et analyses environnementales
- Gestion environnementale
- Pollution du sol
- Science du sol
Record 21, Main entry term, French
- évaluation quantitative du risque
1, record 21, French, %C3%A9valuation%20quantitative%20du%20risque
correct, feminine noun, standardized
Record 21, Abbreviations, French
Record 21, Synonyms, French
Record 21, Textual support, French
Record number: 21, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Évaluation du risque effectuée au moyen des données provenant des études d'un site, en utilisant des bases de données et des modèles numériques applicables à l'évaluation de la libération de contaminants, à l'analyse de l'évolution dans l'environnement, à l'évaluation du degré d'exposition, à l'analyse de l'impact sur l'environnement et à une analyse d'incertitude. 1, record 21, French, - %C3%A9valuation%20quantitative%20du%20risque
Record number: 21, Textual support number: 1 OBS
évaluation quantitative du risque : terme et définition relatifs à l'évaluation du sol et des sites eu égard au risque, à la dangerosité et à l'exposition. 1, record 21, French, - %C3%A9valuation%20quantitative%20du%20risque
Record number: 21, Textual support number: 2 OBS
évaluation quantitative du risque : terme et définition normalisés par l'Organisation internationale de normalisation (ISO). 2, record 21, French, - %C3%A9valuation%20quantitative%20du%20risque
Record 21, Spanish
Record 21, Textual support, Spanish
Record 22 - internal organization data 2012-09-26
Record 22, English
Record 22, Subject field(s)
- Production (Economics)
- Agriculture - General
Record 22, Main entry term, English
- agricultural raw material
1, record 22, English, agricultural%20raw%20material
correct, standardized
Record 22, Abbreviations, English
Record 22, Synonyms, English
Record 22, Textual support, English
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 1 CONT
In the Bachelor of Science(Food Science), students... develop a greater understanding of the fate of agricultural raw materials, and how such materials are processed and formulated into food products before being presented to the consumer. 2, record 22, English, - agricultural%20raw%20material
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Agricultural raw materials include plants and farm animals. 3, record 22, English, - agricultural%20raw%20material
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 1 OBS
agricultural raw material: term often used in the plural form. 4, record 22, English, - agricultural%20raw%20material
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 2 OBS
agricultural raw material: term and definition standardized by the Canadian Capability-Based Planning Terminology Committee and the Translation Bureau. 4, record 22, English, - agricultural%20raw%20material
Record 22, Key term(s)
- agricultural raw materials
Record 22, French
Record 22, Domaine(s)
- Production (Économie)
- Agriculture - Généralités
Record 22, Main entry term, French
- matière première agricole
1, record 22, French, mati%C3%A8re%20premi%C3%A8re%20agricole
correct, feminine noun, standardized
Record 22, Abbreviations, French
Record 22, Synonyms, French
- matière première d'origine agricole 2, record 22, French, mati%C3%A8re%20premi%C3%A8re%20d%27origine%20agricole
correct, feminine noun
Record 22, Textual support, French
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Il existe certes plus de 30 matières premières agricoles qui vont du maïs et du blé jusqu’au jus d’orange en passant par le caoutchouc et le bois. Dans ce dossier, nous nous concentrerons principalement sur le maïs et le blé qui sont les principaux constituants de l’alimentation humaine et animale et, à ce titre, les matières premières agricoles dont laproduction est la plus importante à l’échelle mondiale. 3, record 22, French, - mati%C3%A8re%20premi%C3%A8re%20agricole
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Les matières premières agricoles comprennent les végétaux et les animaux de la ferme. 4, record 22, French, - mati%C3%A8re%20premi%C3%A8re%20agricole
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 1 OBS
matière première agricole; matière première d'origine agricole : termes habituellement utilisés au pluriel. 5, record 22, French, - mati%C3%A8re%20premi%C3%A8re%20agricole
Record number: 22, Textual support number: 2 OBS
matière première agricole : terme et définition normalisés par le Comité de terminologie de la planification axée sur les capacités au Canada et le Bureau de la traduction. 5, record 22, French, - mati%C3%A8re%20premi%C3%A8re%20agricole
Record 22, Key term(s)
- matières premières agricoles
- matières premières d'origine agricole
Record 22, Spanish
Record 22, Textual support, Spanish
Record 23 - internal organization data 2012-05-22
Record 23, English
Record 23, Subject field(s)
- Biochemistry
Record 23, Main entry term, English
- double minute chromosome
1, record 23, English, double%20minute%20chromosome
Record 23, Abbreviations, English
- Dm 2, record 23, English, Dm
Record 23, Synonyms, English
Record 23, Textual support, English
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Recent experiments have shown that gene amplification can be mediated by submicroscopic, autonomously replicating, circular extrachromosomal molecules. We refer to those molecules as episomes... The experiments... explore the way episomes are formed and their fate in the cell over time. The data reveal that in our system the episomes are initially 250 kilobases, but gradually enlarge until they become double minute chromosomes. In addition, we show that episomes or double minute chromosomes can integrate into chromosomes. 3, record 23, English, - double%20minute%20chromosome
Record 23, French
Record 23, Domaine(s)
- Biochimie
Record 23, Main entry term, French
- chromosome minuscule double
1, record 23, French, chromosome%20minuscule%20double
correct, masculine noun, standardized
Record 23, Abbreviations, French
Record 23, Synonyms, French
- chromosome minute 2, record 23, French, chromosome%20minute
correct, masculine noun
- chromosome double-minutes 2, record 23, French, chromosome%20double%2Dminutes
avoid, masculine noun
Record 23, Textual support, French
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Fragment d'ADN chromosomique dépourvu de centromère, présent dans les lignées cellulaires instables. [Définition normalisée par l’AFNOR et reproduite avec son autorisation.] 1, record 23, French, - chromosome%20minuscule%20double
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 CONT
L'amplification d'ADN peut parfois être visualisée en cytogénétique, sous deux formes différentes. La première, extrachromosomique, correspond aux chromosomes minutes. Structures circulaires super-enroulées, souvent appelées doubles-minutes (Dm) du fait de leur aspect dupliqué, ces éléments se répliquent de manière autonome et, ne possédant pas de centromère, sont distribués inégalement lors de la mitose : en absence de pression sélective, ils sont rapidement perdus dans la population cellulaire. 2, record 23, French, - chromosome%20minuscule%20double
Record number: 23, Textual support number: 1 OBS
chromosome minuscule double : terme normalisé par l'AFNOR. 3, record 23, French, - chromosome%20minuscule%20double
Record 23, Spanish
Record 23, Textual support, Spanish
Record 24 - internal organization data 2012-04-26
Record 24, English
Record 24, Subject field(s)
- Analytical Chemistry
Record 24, Main entry term, English
- oil/water distribution ratio
1, record 24, English, oil%2Fwater%20distribution%20ratio
Record 24, Abbreviations, English
Record 24, Synonyms, English
- oil/water distribution coefficient 2, record 24, English, oil%2Fwater%20distribution%20coefficient
- coefficient of oil/water distribution 3, record 24, English, coefficient%20of%20oil%2Fwater%20distribution
- oil/water partition coefficient 4, record 24, English, oil%2Fwater%20partition%20coefficient
see observation
- partition coefficient 5, record 24, English, partition%20coefficient
see observation
Record 24, Textual support, English
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The ratio of the solubility of a chemical in an oil to its solubility in water. 7, record 24, English, - oil%2Fwater%20distribution%20ratio
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Lipid soluble substances can enter a cell by dissolving in the lipid portion of the membrane and diffusing through it. The greater the lipid solubility, the more readily a molecule will pass through the membrane, i.e., the greater will be the flux for a given concentration difference. The oil-water partition coefficient (solubility in oil/solubility in water) gives a useful measure of lipid solubility. 4, record 24, English, - oil%2Fwater%20distribution%20ratio
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The coefficient of oil/water distribution [is] also called the partition coefficient(abbreviated as P)... The P value is typically presented as a logarithm of P(log P). It indicates how easily a chemical can be absorbed into or stored in fatty tissues in the body. The P value is also used to help determine the fate of the chemical in the environment through its tendency to partition into the water, soil and living organisms. 8, record 24, English, - oil%2Fwater%20distribution%20ratio
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 2 OBS
partition coefficient: this term is not recommended by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry and should not be used as a synonym for "distribution coefficient" or "distribution ratio." 1, record 24, English, - oil%2Fwater%20distribution%20ratio
Record 24, French
Record 24, Domaine(s)
- Chimie analytique
Record 24, Main entry term, French
- rapport de distribution huile-eau
1, record 24, French, rapport%20de%20distribution%20huile%2Deau
correct, see observation, masculine noun
Record 24, Abbreviations, French
Record 24, Synonyms, French
- coefficient de distribution huile-eau 2, record 24, French, coefficient%20de%20distribution%20huile%2Deau
correct, masculine noun
- coefficient de répartition huile/eau 3, record 24, French, coefficient%20de%20r%C3%A9partition%20huile%2Feau
masculine noun
- coefficient de partition huile/eau 4, record 24, French, coefficient%20de%20partition%20huile%2Feau
see observation, masculine noun
- coefficient de partage 5, record 24, French, coefficient%20de%20partage
see observation, masculine noun
- coefficient de partition 7, record 24, French, coefficient%20de%20partition
Record 24, Textual support, French
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Rapport entre la solubilité d'une substance dans l'huile et sa solubilité dans l'eau. 8, record 24, French, - rapport%20de%20distribution%20huile%2Deau
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Le coefficient est donné sous forme de logarithme de P (log P). 6, record 24, French, - rapport%20de%20distribution%20huile%2Deau
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Le coefficient de partage peut aider à comprendre dans quelle mesure une substance est absorbée par le corps ou s'y accumule. Ce coefficient aide aussi à comprendre les effets de la substance chimique sur le milieu. 6, record 24, French, - rapport%20de%20distribution%20huile%2Deau
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 3 OBS
coefficient de partage : Cette expression n'est pas recommandée [par l'union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée] et elle ne doit pas être utilisée comme synonyme de [...] coefficient de distribution. 9, record 24, French, - rapport%20de%20distribution%20huile%2Deau
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 4 OBS
On devrait appliquer le terme partage, mais pas nécessairement toujours, à la distribution d'une seule espèce chimique bien définie entre deux phases. 9, record 24, French, - rapport%20de%20distribution%20huile%2Deau
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 5 OBS
L'usage de l'oblique au lieu du trait d'union est à éviter. L'oblique oppose deux éléments alors que le trait d'union les lie. 10, record 24, French, - rapport%20de%20distribution%20huile%2Deau
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 6 OBS
rapport de distribution : terme recommandé par l'Union internationale de chimie pure et appliquée. 1, record 24, French, - rapport%20de%20distribution%20huile%2Deau
Record 24, Spanish
Record 24, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Química analítica
Record 24, Main entry term, Spanish
- coeficiente de partición aceite/agua
1, record 24, Spanish, coeficiente%20de%20partici%C3%B3n%20aceite%2Fagua
correct, masculine noun
Record 24, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 24, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 24, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Empíricamente la liposolubilidad de una sustancia puede determinarse midiendo su coeficiente de partición aceite/agua (ß), el cual muestra cómo se reparte una sustancia cuando esta se pone en contacto con una mezcla aceite/agua. 1, record 24, Spanish, - coeficiente%20de%20partici%C3%B3n%20aceite%2Fagua
Record number: 24, Textual support number: 1 OBS
[Hay] dos tipos de emulsiones agua-aceite [...] conocidas como aceite-en-agua (o/w) y agua-en-aceite (w/o). Las emulsiones o/w se refieren a aceite disperso en agua y las emulsiones w/o se refieren a agua dispersa en el aceite. 2, record 24, Spanish, - coeficiente%20de%20partici%C3%B3n%20aceite%2Fagua
Record 25 - internal organization data 2012-03-07
Record 25, English
Record 25, Subject field(s)
- Pollutants
Record 25, Main entry term, English
- global pollutant
1, record 25, English, global%20pollutant
Record 25, Abbreviations, English
Record 25, Synonyms, English
- planetary pollutant 2, record 25, English, planetary%20pollutant
correct, less frequent
Record 25, Textual support, English
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 OBS
[The term] "global pollutants" [refer to those] pollutants which cause damage that is evident worldwide (e.g. climate change). The greenhouse gases, which include carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, tropospheric ozone and CFCs, are one type of global pollutants. 3, record 25, English, - global%20pollutant
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Nitrogen can ... become a global pollutant when released into the atmosphere, eventually settling back into distant water ways ... 4, record 25, English, - global%20pollutant
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 PHR
Global pollutant fate, global pollutant modelling. 5, record 25, English, - global%20pollutant
Record 25, French
Record 25, Domaine(s)
- Agents de pollution
Record 25, Main entry term, French
- polluant mondial
1, record 25, French, polluant%20mondial
correct, masculine noun
Record 25, Abbreviations, French
Record 25, Synonyms, French
- polluant planétaire 2, record 25, French, polluant%20plan%C3%A9taire
correct, masculine noun
- polluant global 3, record 25, French, polluant%20global
avoid, anglicism, masculine noun
Record 25, Textual support, French
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Nous traiterons de deux catégories de polluants mondiaux, soit les émissions de GES [gaz à effet de serre] et les polluants appauvrissant la couche d'ozone stratosphérique. [...] la préoccupation à l'égard de ces types de polluants concerne les changements dans les concentrations atmosphériques mondiales (c.-à-d. sur la charge totale, par opposition aux effets à l'échelle locale de la concentration dans l'air ambiant) [...] 4, record 25, French, - polluant%20mondial
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Coopérative des sciences écologiques : Répertoire 1996 des sites du RESE (Réseau d'évaluation et de surveillance écologiques) [...]. Activités de recherche et surveillance en cours : Polluants mondiaux et locaux, changements climatiques, faune, ressources culturelles et zone tidale marine. 5, record 25, French, - polluant%20mondial
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 3 CONT
Les dioxines, polluants planétaires. [...] Une fois rejetées dans l'environnement, les dioxines peuvent parcourir de vastes distances le long des courants atmosphériques et océaniques, ce qui en fait des polluants d'envergure planétaire. 6, record 25, French, - polluant%20mondial
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 OBS
mondial : Relatif à la Terre entière, qui intéresse toute la terre. [P. ex. :] Population, production mondiale. Crise mondiale. Conflit mondial. Domination à l'échelle mondiale. Événement d'importance mondiale. 7, record 25, French, - polluant%20mondial
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 2 OBS
planétaire : Le sens premier de cet adjectif est «relatif aux planètes» (p. ex. : système planétaire; orbite, mouvement planétaire; physique planétaire; système planétaire). Avec le temps, dans le style journalistique et la langue courante, il a pris le sens plus restrictif de «relatif à toute la planète Terre, mondial». (p. ex. : expansion planétaire de l'impérialisme). C'est donc un équivalent acceptable du terme anglais «global». 8, record 25, French, - polluant%20mondial
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 3 OBS
global : Cet adjectif signifie, en français, «qui s'applique à un ensemble pris en bloc» (p. ex. : revenu global), «entier, total» (p. ex. : somme globale), «considéré dans son ensemble» (p. ex. : une politique globale), ou «complet, intégral» (p. ex. : refus global). Dans le sens de «relatif à la Terre entière» c'est un anglicisme. 8, record 25, French, - polluant%20mondial
Record number: 25, Textual support number: 1 PHR
Devenir, modélisation des polluants mondiaux. 8, record 25, French, - polluant%20mondial
Record 25, Spanish
Record 25, Textual support, Spanish
Record 26 - internal organization data 2011-09-01
Record 26, English
Record 26, Subject field(s)
- Genetics
Record 26, Main entry term, English
- small non-coding RNA
1, record 26, English, small%20non%2Dcoding%20RNA
Record 26, Abbreviations, English
- sncRNA 2, record 26, English, sncRNA
Record 26, Synonyms, English
Record 26, Textual support, English
Record number: 26, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Small non-coding RNAs are typically only ~18-40 nucleotides in length, however their effect on cellular processes is profound... Small RNA has been shown to play critical roles in developmental timing, cell fate, tumor progression, neurogenesis. Animals, plants, and fungi contain several distinct classes of small RNA, including : microRNA(miRNA), short interfering RNA(siRNA), piwi-interacting RNA(piRNA)... 3, record 26, English, - small%20non%2Dcoding%20RNA
Record 26, Key term(s)
- small non coding RNA
Record 26, French
Record 26, Domaine(s)
- Génétique
Record 26, Main entry term, French
- petit ARN non codant
1, record 26, French, petit%20ARN%20non%20codant
correct, masculine noun
Record 26, Abbreviations, French
Record 26, Synonyms, French
Record 26, Textual support, French
Record number: 26, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Mais tout un nouveau monde de petits ARN non codants (ARNnc) a été découvert depuis la fin des années 90 [...] Il comprend notamment deux nouvelles classes de petits ARNs : les microARN (ARNmi) et les petits ARN interférents (ARNsi: small interfering RNA) qui remplissent de nombreuses fonctions, en particulier celle de l'inhibition post-transcriptionnelle des gènes. 1, record 26, French, - petit%20ARN%20non%20codant
Record 26, Spanish
Record 26, Textual support, Spanish
Record 27 - internal organization data 2011-02-18
Record 27, English
Record 27, Subject field(s)
- Chemistry
Record 27, Main entry term, English
- transformation
1, record 27, English, transformation
Record 27, Abbreviations, English
Record 27, Synonyms, English
Record 27, Textual support, English
Record number: 27, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Transformation in the environment :... the fate of the various PCBs in commercial mixtures depends on their physical and chemical properties. Some fractionation occurs during the volalitization.... The PCBs are chemically very stable, and are not likely to be degraded at a significant rate by hydrolytic... reactions under environmental conditions. They are, however, fairly easily degraded by photolysis under laboratory conditions. 1, record 27, English, - transformation
Record 27, French
Record 27, Domaine(s)
- Chimie
Record 27, Main entry term, French
- transformation
1, record 27, French, transformation
correct, feminine noun
Record 27, Abbreviations, French
Record 27, Synonyms, French
Record 27, Textual support, French
Record number: 27, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Altération subie par un système chimique. 1, record 27, French, - transformation
Record 27, Spanish
Record 27, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Química
Record 27, Main entry term, Spanish
- transformación química
1, record 27, Spanish, transformaci%C3%B3n%20qu%C3%ADmica
correct, feminine noun
Record 27, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 27, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 27, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 27, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Proceso en el que cambia la naturaleza de las sustancias, además de formarse otras nuevas. 1, record 27, Spanish, - transformaci%C3%B3n%20qu%C3%ADmica
Record 28 - internal organization data 2010-08-04
Record 28, English
Record 28, Subject field(s)
- Sewing Notions
- Clothing (General)
Record 28, Main entry term, English
- zipper
1, record 28, English, zipper
Record 28, Abbreviations, English
Record 28, Synonyms, English
- zipper fastener 2, record 28, English, zipper%20fastener
- zip-fastener 2, record 28, English, zip%2Dfastener
- zip fastener 2, record 28, English, zip%20fastener
- slide fastener 3, record 28, English, slide%20fastener
correct, less frequent, obsolete
- separable fastener 4, record 28, English, separable%20fastener
less frequent, obsolete
Record 28, Textual support, English
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A device used to fasten and unfasten two adjoining edges of material, as on the packet of a dress, the fly of a pair of trousers, etc.: it consists of two rows of interlocking tabs which are joined or separated by sliding a part up or down. 5, record 28, English, - zipper
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The zip fastener was invented in Chicano in 1893 by Whitcomb Judson and in it early stage was more a hook-and-eye shoe fastener. Zip-fasteners did not come into general until the 1930s, when the zipper beat the button fly in the 1937, following the discovery that zippers made it easier for children to dress themselves. During that period they had campaigns praised zippers for promoting self-reliance in young. The first commercial production of zip-fasteners was when Whitcomb Judson started together with businessman Colonel Lewis Walker, the Universal Fastener Company to manufacture the new device. 2, record 28, English, - zipper
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The zippers date back to the 1890s when this new invention was called a slide fastener. The name zipper wasn’t coined until the 1920s when this closure became more widely used in everyday sportswear. 6, record 28, English, - zipper
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Such was the fate of trade-marks such as "Zipper, ""Escalator, ""Cellophane, "and "Dry Ice. "Who remembers that the correct terms are "slide fastener" and "moving staircase"? This is why some companies are very vigilant about policing their marks, and preventing improper use of their trade-marks in any kind of communication. 7, record 28, English, - zipper
Record 28, French
Record 28, Domaine(s)
- Articles et accessoires de couture
- Vêtements (Généralités)
Record 28, Main entry term, French
- fermeture à glissière
1, record 28, French, fermeture%20%C3%A0%20glissi%C3%A8re
correct, feminine noun
Record 28, Abbreviations, French
Record 28, Synonyms, French
- fermeture éclair 1, record 28, French, fermeture%20%C3%A9clair
correct, feminine noun
- glissière 2, record 28, French, glissi%C3%A8re
feminine noun
- zip 3, record 28, French, zip
avoid, anglicism, masculine noun
- zipper 3, record 28, French, zipper
avoid, anglicism, masculine noun
Record 28, Textual support, French
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Fermeture [...] constituée de deux chaînes souples, à dents, qui engrènent au moyen d'un curseur. 4, record 28, French, - fermeture%20%C3%A0%20glissi%C3%A8re
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 1 OBS
fermeture éclair : [À l'origine, fermeture Éclair,] marque déposée d'une fermeture à glissière. 5, record 28, French, - fermeture%20%C3%A0%20glissi%C3%A8re
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 2 OBS
pluriel : Des fermetures éclair, des fermetures à glissière. 6, record 28, French, - fermeture%20%C3%A0%20glissi%C3%A8re
Record number: 28, Textual support number: 1 PHR
Blouson à fermeture éclair. 6, record 28, French, - fermeture%20%C3%A0%20glissi%C3%A8re
Record 28, Spanish
Record 28, Textual support, Spanish
Record 29 - internal organization data 2010-06-29
Record 29, English
Record 29, Subject field(s)
- Molecular Biology
- Cytology
Record 29, Main entry term, English
- ciliary neurotrophic factor
1, record 29, English, ciliary%20neurotrophic%20factor
Record 29, Abbreviations, English
- CNTF 2, record 29, English, CNTF
Record 29, Synonyms, English
Record 29, Textual support, English
Record number: 29, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Ciliary neurotrophic factor(CNTF) is a protein that influences the survival and growth of peripheral and CNS neurons, and the fate of certain glial precursor cells, and regulates the expression of cholinergic receptors and neuropeptides in neurons. 3, record 29, English, - ciliary%20neurotrophic%20factor
Record 29, French
Record 29, Domaine(s)
- Biologie moléculaire
- Cytologie
Record 29, Main entry term, French
- facteur neurotrophique ciliaire
1, record 29, French, facteur%20neurotrophique%20ciliaire
correct, masculine noun
Record 29, Abbreviations, French
- CNTF 2, record 29, French, CNTF
correct, masculine noun
Record 29, Synonyms, French
Record 29, Textual support, French
Record number: 29, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Protéine de 199 acides aminés, essentielle à la survie et au développement des neurones chez les vertébrés, caractérisée initialement par sa capacité à faciliter la croissance des neurones provenant de certains ganglions chez l'embryon de poulet. 3, record 29, French, - facteur%20neurotrophique%20ciliaire
Record 29, Spanish
Record 29, Textual support, Spanish
Record 30 - internal organization data 2010-04-16
Record 30, English
Record 30, Subject field(s)
- War and Peace (International Law)
Record 30, Main entry term, English
- unconditional surrender
1, record 30, English, unconditional%20surrender
Record 30, Abbreviations, English
Record 30, Synonyms, English
- unconditional capitulation 2, record 30, English, unconditional%20capitulation
Record 30, Textual support, English
Record number: 30, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A method of terminating hostilities whereby no limits are set upon the victor's freedom of action with regard to the fate of the defeated enemy. 1, record 30, English, - unconditional%20surrender
Record number: 30, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Unconditional surrender does not have the nature of an agreement and, therefore, must be distinguished from capitulation and armistice, both of which are agreements between representatives of belligerents. Legally, unconditional surrender does not terminate the war unless so desired by the victor. 1, record 30, English, - unconditional%20surrender
Record 30, French
Record 30, Domaine(s)
- Guerre et paix (Droit international)
Record 30, Main entry term, French
- reddition sans condition
1, record 30, French, reddition%20sans%20condition
correct, feminine noun
Record 30, Abbreviations, French
Record 30, Synonyms, French
- capitulation sans condition 2, record 30, French, capitulation%20sans%20condition
correct, feminine noun
- reddition inconditionnelle 2, record 30, French, reddition%20inconditionnelle
correct, feminine noun
Record 30, Textual support, French
Record number: 30, Textual support number: 1 CONT
reddition. Action de se rendre. Acte par lequel un chef militaire, une troupe cernée ou une place assiégée met bas les armes, conformément à une capitulation signée ou non avec l'ennemi : En 1945, les Alliés ont exigé de l'Allemagne une reddition sans condition. 1, record 30, French, - reddition%20sans%20condition
Record number: 30, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Le terme «capitulation sans condition» a été employé pour la première fois après la conférence de Casablanca [...]. Telle qu'elle a été exposée par le Premier Ministre britannique à la Chambre des communes le 22 février 1944, la théorie de la capitulation sans condition (unconditional surrender) signifiait que les Puissances victorieuses auraient les mains entièrement libres à la fin des hostilités et ne seraient liées par aucun engagement d'ordre juridique envers l'Allemagne et ses alliés, les seules obligations dont elles seraient tenues en l'espèce étant des obligations d'ordre moral envers la civilisation. Cette théorie devait exercer une influence déterminante sur l'aménagement des deux opérations dans lesquelles s'analyse la fin de la guerre. Appliquée à la cessation des hostilités, la théorie de la reddition inconditionnelle a entraîné l'adhésion du belligérant vaincu donnée par un simple acte unilatéral - à l'ensemble des conditions à lui imposées par les Nations-Unies. 2, record 30, French, - reddition%20sans%20condition
Record 30, Spanish
Record 30, Textual support, Spanish
Record 31 - internal organization data 2009-09-11
Record 31, English
Record 31, Subject field(s)
- International Bodies and Committees
- Rights and Freedoms
Record 31, Main entry term, English
- Working Group on Enforced or Involuntary Disappearances
1, record 31, English, Working%20Group%20on%20Enforced%20or%20Involuntary%20Disappearances
Record 31, Abbreviations, English
- WGEID 1, record 31, English, WGEID
Record 31, Synonyms, English
Record 31, Textual support, English
Record number: 31, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The Working Group on Enforced and Involuntary Disappearances(WGEID) was established in 1980 by Commission on Human Rights resolution 20(XXXVI). The WGEID's mandate is to assist families in determining the fate and whereabouts of their relatives who, having disappeared, are placed outside the protection of the law. The WGEID endeavours to establish a channel of communication between the families and the Governments concerned, to ensure that individual cases which families have brought to the Group's attention are investigated with the objective of clarifying the whereabouts of disappeared persons. Clarification occurs when the fate or whereabouts of the disappeared person is clearly established, irrespective of whether the person is alive or dead. 1, record 31, English, - Working%20Group%20on%20Enforced%20or%20Involuntary%20Disappearances
Record 31, French
Record 31, Domaine(s)
- Organismes et comités internationaux
- Droits et libertés
Record 31, Main entry term, French
- Groupe de travail sur les disparitions forcées ou involontaires
1, record 31, French, Groupe%20de%20travail%20sur%20les%20disparitions%20forc%C3%A9es%20ou%20involontaires
correct, masculine noun
Record 31, Abbreviations, French
Record 31, Synonyms, French
Record 31, Textual support, French
Record 31, Spanish
Record 31, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Organismos y comités internacionales
- Derechos y Libertades
Record 31, Main entry term, Spanish
- Grupo de Trabajo sobre Desapariciones Forzadas o Involuntarias
1, record 31, Spanish, Grupo%20de%20Trabajo%20sobre%20Desapariciones%20Forzadas%20o%20Involuntarias
masculine noun, international
Record 31, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 31, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 31, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 31, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Extraído de "Human Rights: Names of International Bodies and Instruments and Other Titles = Droits de l'homme : noms d'organes et instruments internationaux et autres titres = Derechos Humanos: Nombres de Organos e Instrumentos Internacionales y Otros Títulos" con la autorización de la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra. 1, record 31, Spanish, - Grupo%20de%20Trabajo%20sobre%20Desapariciones%20Forzadas%20o%20Involuntarias
Record 32 - internal organization data 2009-08-17
Record 32, English
Record 32, Subject field(s)
- Effects of Pollution
Record 32, Main entry term, English
- environmental fate
1, record 32, English, environmental%20fate
Record 32, Abbreviations, English
Record 32, Synonyms, English
Record 32, Textual support, English
Record number: 32, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Environmental fate provides an indication of what happens to a pesticide once it enters the environment, as well as likely exposure levels for non-target organisms. 2, record 32, English, - environmental%20fate
Record number: 32, Textual support number: 1 OBS
environmental fate : term used by Environment Canada. 3, record 32, English, - environmental%20fate
Record 32, French
Record 32, Domaine(s)
- Effets de la pollution
Record 32, Main entry term, French
- évolution dans l'environnement
1, record 32, French, %C3%A9volution%20dans%20l%27environnement
correct, feminine noun
Record 32, Abbreviations, French
Record 32, Synonyms, French
- devenir dans l'environnement 2, record 32, French, devenir%20dans%20l%27environnement
correct, masculine noun
Record 32, Textual support, French
Record number: 32, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Le devenir dans l'environnement donne un aperçu de ce qu'il advient du produit une fois qu'il a été introduit dans l'environnement et des niveaux d'exposition probables des organismes non visés. 3, record 32, French, - %C3%A9volution%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record number: 32, Textual support number: 1 OBS
devenir dans l'environnement : terme en usage à Environnement Canada. 4, record 32, French, - %C3%A9volution%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record 32, Spanish
Record 32, Textual support, Spanish
Record 33 - internal organization data 2007-11-05
Record 33, English
Record 33, Subject field(s)
- Historical Park and Site Names
Record 33, Main entry term, English
- Battlefield Park
1, record 33, English, Battlefield%20Park
correct, Canada
Record 33, Abbreviations, English
Record 33, Synonyms, English
- National Battlefields Park 2, record 33, English, National%20Battlefields%20Park
correct, see observation, Canada
- National Battlefields National Historic Park 2, record 33, English, National%20Battlefields%20National%20Historic%20Park
former designation, correct, see observation, Canada
- National Battlefields of Québec National Historic Park 1, record 33, English, National%20Battlefields%20of%20Qu%C3%A9bec%20National%20Historic%20Park
see observation, Canada
Record 33, Textual support, English
Record number: 33, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The data, taken from a written source, should not include "Québec," nor should it be a "National Historic Park." No such park still exists in Canada, all having become a "National Historic Site of Canada." The park, located on the Plains of Abraham in the town of Québec, is rather named: National Battlefields Park. 2, record 33, English, - Battlefield%20Park
Record number: 33, Textual support number: 2 OBS
The site of many clashes for supremacy between the French and British Empires, the park is the scene of the 1759 Conquest, which changed the fate of North America. 3, record 33, English, - Battlefield%20Park
Record 33, Key term(s)
- Plains of Abraham National Battlefields Park
Record 33, French
Record 33, Domaine(s)
- Noms de parcs, lieux et canaux historiques
Record 33, Main entry term, French
- parc des champs-de-bataille
1, record 33, French, parc%20des%20champs%2Dde%2Dbataille
correct, masculine noun
Record 33, Abbreviations, French
Record 33, Synonyms, French
- parc des Champs-de-Bataille-Nationaux 2, record 33, French, parc%20des%20Champs%2Dde%2DBataille%2DNationaux
correct, see observation, masculine noun, Canada
- parc historique national des Champs-de-Bataille-Nationaux 2, record 33, French, parc%20historique%20national%20des%20Champs%2Dde%2DBataille%2DNationaux
former designation, correct, see observation, masculine noun, Canada
- Les champs de bataille nationaux de Québec parc historique national 3, record 33, French, Les%20champs%20de%20bataille%20nationaux%20de%20Qu%C3%A9bec%20parc%20historique%20national
see observation, Canada
Record 33, Textual support, French
Record number: 33, Textual support number: 1 OBS
La donnée extraite de la source écrite est le fruit d'une inversion. Le nom correct de ce parc aurait dû être rétabli et se lire, conformément aux règles d'écriture : parc historique national des Champs-de-Bataille-Nationaux, à Québec. Cependant, il n'existe plus de «parcs historiques nationaux», tous étant devenus «lieu historique national du Canada», administré ou non par Parcs Canada. Ce parc se nomme plutôt le «parc des Champs-de-Batailles-Nationaux»; il est situé à Québec, sur les plaines d'Abraham. 2, record 33, French, - parc%20des%20champs%2Dde%2Dbataille
Record number: 33, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Lieu d'affrontement des Empires français et anglais en quête d'hégémonie, le parc fût le théâtre de luttes dont l'issue, la Conquête de 1759, a changé le sort de l'Amérique. 1, record 33, French, - parc%20des%20champs%2Dde%2Dbataille
Record 33, Spanish
Record 33, Textual support, Spanish
Record 34 - internal organization data 2007-02-19
Record 34, English
Record 34, Subject field(s)
- Sports (General)
- Physical Education, Coaching and Sport Psychology
Record 34, Main entry term, English
- sport
1, record 34, English, sport
correct, adjective
Record 34, Abbreviations, English
Record 34, Synonyms, English
- sports 2, record 34, English, sports
correct, adjective
Record 34, Textual support, English
Record number: 34, Textual support number: 1 CONT
... an efficient and effective sports team is a collection of two or more athletes who have a common identity, set of goals, objectives and fate. 2, record 34, English, - sport
Record number: 34, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Published qualitative articles suggest a conservative effort by sport psychology researchers to include the qualitative approach ... 3, record 34, English, - sport
Record number: 34, Textual support number: 1 OBS
As an attributive adjective, the term "sport" is broader than "sports" and often includes exercise and recreational activities. 4, record 34, English, - sport
Record 34, French
Record 34, Domaine(s)
- Sports (Généralités)
- Éducation physique, entraînement des athlètes et psychologie du sport
Record 34, Main entry term, French
- du sport
1, record 34, French, du%20sport
correct, adjective
Record 34, Abbreviations, French
Record 34, Synonyms, French
- sportif 2, record 34, French, sportif
correct, adjective
Record 34, Textual support, French
Record number: 34, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Ainsi, une séance d'information avec les entraîneurs et le psychologue sportif a tout d'abord été fixée [...] 3, record 34, French, - du%20sport
Record 34, Spanish
Record 34, Textual support, Spanish
Record 35 - internal organization data 2007-01-19
Record 35, English
Record 35, Subject field(s)
- Mining Wastes
- Pollutants
- Water Pollution
Record 35, Main entry term, English
- mining sediment
1, record 35, English, mining%20sediment
Record 35, Abbreviations, English
Record 35, Synonyms, English
Record 35, Textual support, English
Record number: 35, Textual support number: 1 CONT
However, recent research has identified massive storage of mining sediments in rivers draining the Sierra piedmont. These sediments are mobilized during floods and deposited in the bypasses in large volumes. Such deposition has major implications for flood control, the fate of mercury used extensively in gold mining, agricultural production, and lowland floodplain habitats. 1, record 35, English, - mining%20sediment
Record 35, French
Record 35, Domaine(s)
- Déchets miniers
- Agents de pollution
- Pollution de l'eau
Record 35, Main entry term, French
- sédiment minier
1, record 35, French, s%C3%A9diment%20minier
correct, masculine noun
Record 35, Abbreviations, French
Record 35, Synonyms, French
Record 35, Textual support, French
Record number: 35, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Des résidus miniers déposés dans les rivières Ok Tedi et Fly ont entraîné une accumulation du lit de la rivière en aval de la mine, ce qui augmente la fréquence des inondations et nuit au couvert végétal sensible. Outre cet impact physique, les sédiments miniers contiennent du cuivre et des minéraux sulfurés qui peuvent donner lieu à de l'exhaure de roches acides. 1, record 35, French, - s%C3%A9diment%20minier
Record 35, Spanish
Record 35, Textual support, Spanish
Record 36 - internal organization data 2006-11-16
Record 36, English
Record 36, Subject field(s)
- Rights and Freedoms
Record 36, Main entry term, English
- disappeared 1, record 36, English, disappeared
Record 36, Abbreviations, English
Record 36, Synonyms, English
- disappeared person 2, record 36, English, disappeared%20person
Record 36, Textual support, English
Record number: 36, Textual support number: 1 DEF
... person who has been taken into custody by agents of the state, yet whose whereabouts and fate are concealed, and whose custody is denied. 1, record 36, English, - disappeared
Record number: 36, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The organization welcomed President Carlos Menem’s pledge in 1992 to track down any information on the "disappeared" and asked the authorities to take all necessary measure to disclose the information on the "disappeared" allegedly available in police and military archives. 1, record 36, English, - disappeared
Record 36, French
Record 36, Domaine(s)
- Droits et libertés
Record 36, Main entry term, French
- disparu
1, record 36, French, disparu
masculine noun
Record 36, Abbreviations, French
Record 36, Synonyms, French
- personne disparue 2, record 36, French, personne%20disparue
feminine noun
Record 36, Textual support, French
Record number: 36, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Ces chaussures abandonnées symbolisaient l'absence des «disparus» et des personnes tuées dans ce pays. 3, record 36, French, - disparu
Record 36, Spanish
Record 36, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Derechos y Libertades
Record 36, Main entry term, Spanish
- desaparecido
1, record 36, Spanish, desaparecido
masculine noun
Record 36, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 36, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 36, Textual support, Spanish
Record 37 - internal organization data 2006-02-16
Record 37, English
Record 37, Subject field(s)
- Government Positions
- Occupation Names (General)
- Effects of Pollution
Record 37, Main entry term, English
- Assessment Specialist, Fate and Effects
1, record 37, English, Assessment%20Specialist%2C%20Fate%20and%20Effects
Record 37, Abbreviations, English
Record 37, Synonyms, English
Record 37, Textual support, English
Record number: 37, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Environmental Interpretation, Environmental Protection Program Directorate, Environment Canada. 1, record 37, English, - Assessment%20Specialist%2C%20Fate%20and%20Effects
Record 37, French
Record 37, Domaine(s)
- Postes gouvernementaux
- Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
- Effets de la pollution
Record 37, Main entry term, French
- spécialiste des évaluations, Destin et effets des produits chimiques
1, record 37, French, sp%C3%A9cialiste%20des%20%C3%A9valuations%2C%20Destin%20et%20effets%20des%20produits%20chimiques
correct, masculine and feminine noun
Record 37, Abbreviations, French
Record 37, Synonyms, French
Record 37, Textual support, French
Record number: 37, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Division de l'interprétation des données environnementales, Direction générale des programmes visant la protection de l'environnement, Environnement Canada. 1, record 37, French, - sp%C3%A9cialiste%20des%20%C3%A9valuations%2C%20Destin%20et%20effets%20des%20produits%20chimiques
Record 37, Spanish
Record 37, Textual support, Spanish
Record 38 - internal organization data 2006-02-08
Record 38, English
Record 38, Subject field(s)
- Titles of Periodicals
- Microbiology and Parasitology
Record 38, Main entry term, English
- Guidance for setting pesticide maximum residue limits based on field trial data
1, record 38, English, Guidance%20for%20setting%20pesticide%20maximum%20residue%20limits%20based%20on%20field%20trial%20data
correct, Canada
Record 38, Abbreviations, English
Record 38, Synonyms, English
Record 38, Textual support, English
Record number: 38, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Published jointely by United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs, Environmental Fate and Effects Division and Health Canada Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Environmental Assessment Division, 2005. 1, record 38, English, - Guidance%20for%20setting%20pesticide%20maximum%20residue%20limits%20based%20on%20field%20trial%20data
Record 38, French
Record 38, Domaine(s)
- Titres de périodiques
- Microbiologie et parasitologie
Record 38, Main entry term, French
- Orientations concernant l'établissement de limites maximales de résidus de pesticides (LMR) à la lumière de données d'essais sur le terrain
1, record 38, French, Orientations%20concernant%20l%27%C3%A9tablissement%20de%20limites%20maximales%20de%20r%C3%A9sidus%20de%20pesticides%20%28LMR%29%20%C3%A0%20la%20lumi%C3%A8re%20de%20donn%C3%A9es%20d%27essais%20sur%20le%20terrain
correct, Canada
Record 38, Abbreviations, French
Record 38, Synonyms, French
Record 38, Textual support, French
Record number: 38, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Publié conjointement par United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Pesticide Programs Environmental Fate and Effects Division et Santé Canada Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire, Division de l'évaluation environnementale, 2005. 1, record 38, French, - Orientations%20concernant%20l%27%C3%A9tablissement%20de%20limites%20maximales%20de%20r%C3%A9sidus%20de%20pesticides%20%28LMR%29%20%C3%A0%20la%20lumi%C3%A8re%20de%20donn%C3%A9es%20d%27essais%20sur%20le%20terrain
Record 38, Spanish
Record 38, Textual support, Spanish
Record 39 - internal organization data 2006-02-01
Record 39, English
Record 39, Subject field(s)
- Mental Disorders
Record 39, Main entry term, English
- delusion of being controlled
1, record 39, English, delusion%20of%20being%20controlled
Record 39, Abbreviations, English
Record 39, Synonyms, English
Record 39, Textual support, English
Record number: 39, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A delusion in which feelings, impulses, thoughts, or actions are experienced as being not one’s own, as being imposed by some external force. 1, record 39, English, - delusion%20of%20being%20controlled
Record number: 39, Textual support number: 1 OBS
This does not include the mere conviction that one is acting as an agent of God, has had a curse placed on him or her, is the victim of fate, or is not sufficiently assertive. The symptom should be judged present only when the subject experiences his or her will, thoughts, or feelings as operating under some external force. Examples : A man claimed that his words were not his own, but those of his father; a student believed that his actions were under the control of a yogi; a housewife believed that sexual feelings were being put into her body from without. 1, record 39, English, - delusion%20of%20being%20controlled
Record 39, French
Record 39, Domaine(s)
- Troubles mentaux
Record 39, Main entry term, French
- idée délirante d'influence
1, record 39, French, id%C3%A9e%20d%C3%A9lirante%20d%27influence
correct, feminine noun
Record 39, Abbreviations, French
Record 39, Synonyms, French
Record 39, Textual support, French
Record number: 39, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Délire dans lequel les sensations, les impulsions, les pensées ou les actions sont ressenties comme n'étant pas propres au sujet, mais imposées par une force extérieure. 1, record 39, French, - id%C3%A9e%20d%C3%A9lirante%20d%27influence
Record number: 39, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Cela n'inclut pas la simple conviction d'être un agent de Dieu, l'objet d'un sort, la victime du destin, ou encore le fait de ne pouvoir s'affirmer suffisamment. On ne doit conclure à la présence de ce symptôme que lorsque le sujet ressent sa volonté, ses pensées ou ses sensations comme étant sous le contrôle d'une force extérieure. Exemples : un homme prétend que ses paroles ne sont pas les siennes mais celles de son père; un étudiant croit que ses actions sont sous le contrôle d'un yogi; une ménagère pense que des sensations sexuelles sont introduites dans son corps «de l'extérieur». 1, record 39, French, - id%C3%A9e%20d%C3%A9lirante%20d%27influence
Record 39, Spanish
Record 39, Textual support, Spanish
Record 40 - internal organization data 2004-11-02
Record 40, English
Record 40, Subject field(s)
- Titles of Federal Government Programs (Canadian)
Record 40, Main entry term, English
- Metals in the Environment
1, record 40, English, Metals%20in%20the%20Environment
correct, Canada
Record 40, Abbreviations, English
- MITE 2, record 40, English, MITE
correct, Canada
Record 40, Synonyms, English
Record 40, Textual support, English
Record number: 40, Textual support number: 1 OBS
MITE is a five-year program of research into the natural sources of metals in the environment, their rates of release from geological materials, their fate once released and ways of differentiating metals released by human activity from those of natural origin. Geological Survey of Canada. 1, record 40, English, - Metals%20in%20the%20Environment
Record 40, French
Record 40, Domaine(s)
- Titres de programmes fédéraux (Gouvernement canadien)
Record 40, Main entry term, French
- Métaux dans l'environnement
1, record 40, French, M%C3%A9taux%20dans%20l%27environnement
correct, masculine noun, Canada
Record 40, Abbreviations, French
- MEDE 2, record 40, French, MEDE
correct, Canada
Record 40, Synonyms, French
Record 40, Textual support, French
Record number: 40, Textual support number: 1 OBS
MEDE est un programme quinquennal de recherches sur les sources naturelles de métaux dans l'environnement, leur vitesse de dissémination à partir de matériaux géologiques, leur devenir et les moyens de distinguer les métaux d'origine anthropique de ceux d'origine naturelle. Commission géologique du Canada. 1, record 40, French, - M%C3%A9taux%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record 40, Spanish
Record 40, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Títulos de programas federales (Gobierno canadiense)
Record 40, Main entry term, Spanish
- Metales en el Medio Ambiente
1, record 40, Spanish, Metales%20en%20el%20Medio%20Ambiente
masculine noun, plural
Record 40, Abbreviations, Spanish
- MEDA 1, record 40, Spanish, MEDA
masculine noun
Record 40, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 40, Textual support, Spanish
Record 41 - internal organization data 2004-05-21
Record 41, English
Record 41, Subject field(s)
- Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics (Physics)
Record 41, Main entry term, English
- equilibrium state
1, record 41, English, equilibrium%20state
Record 41, Abbreviations, English
Record 41, Synonyms, English
Record 41, Textual support, English
Record number: 41, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The state of macroscopic systems can be identified by a small number of parameters(volume, number of particles,...) entering thermodynamic functions(energy, entropy,...).... This extremum property can be understood as the result of a competition between the organization induced by mechanical interactions(the energy term) and the disorder originating from the degeneracy between macroscopic states with the same energy(the entropy term). The structure of the equilibrium state is then controlled by the temperature and can be characterized by uniform macroscopic parameters, whereas the ultimate fate of fluctuations around this state amounts to an exponential relaxation well described by the linear theory of irreversible processes. 2, record 41, English, - equilibrium%20state
Record 41, French
Record 41, Domaine(s)
- Mécanique des fluides et hydraulique (Physique)
Record 41, Main entry term, French
- état d'équilibre
1, record 41, French, %C3%A9tat%20d%27%C3%A9quilibre
correct, masculine noun
Record 41, Abbreviations, French
Record 41, Synonyms, French
Record 41, Textual support, French
Record number: 41, Textual support number: 1 CONT
L'état des systèmes macroscopiques peut être identifié à l'aide d'un petit nombre de paramètres (volume, nombre de particules), [...] entrant dans des fonctions thermodynamiques (énergie, entropie), [...] Cette propriété d'extremum peut être comprise comme le résultat d'une compétition entre l'organisation induite par les interactions mécaniques (le terme d'énergie) et le désordre découlant de la dégénérescence entre états macroscopiques de même énergie (le terme d'entropie). La structure de l'état d'équilibre est alors contrôlée par la température et peut être caractérisée par des paramètres macroscopiques uniformes, le destin ultime des fluctuations autour de cet état se résumant à une relaxation exponentielle bien décrite par la théorie linéaire des processus irréversibles. 2, record 41, French, - %C3%A9tat%20d%27%C3%A9quilibre
Record 41, Spanish
Record 41, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Mecánica de fluidos e hidráulica (Física)
Record 41, Main entry term, Spanish
- estado de equilibrio
1, record 41, Spanish, estado%20de%20equilibrio
correct, masculine noun
Record 41, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 41, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 41, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 41, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Situación de un sistema aislado de tal forma que ninguna variable macroscópica del mismo experimenta cambio en el transcurso del tiempo. 2, record 41, Spanish, - estado%20de%20equilibrio
Record 42 - internal organization data 2004-02-16
Record 42, English
Record 42, Subject field(s)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
Record 42, Main entry term, English
- environmental fate test
1, record 42, English, environmental%20fate%20test
Record 42, Abbreviations, English
Record 42, Synonyms, English
Record 42, Textual support, English
Record number: 42, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Environmental Fate. The intent of environmental fate information is to provide an understanding of the factors that influence the short and long-term presence of the microorganism in the environment.... Controlled environmental fate studies. Fate data is most crucial when the effects data demonstrate either a wide host range or significant adverse effects(e. g., adverse effects on plants and animals, or other non-target organisms of environmental and/or economic importance). Environmental fate data may come from well designed microcosm experiments, mesocosm experiments, or it may come from other long-term, controlled studies in which the fate of the microorganism is tested or monitored. Environmental fate test data may include but should not be limited to :-persistence, multiplication and dispersion of the microorganism under different conditions and in different environments(land, marine, freshwater, etc.), and;-the ability of the genetic material introduced into a genetically modified microorganism to be transferred to other organisms or to persist in the environment. 1, record 42, English, - environmental%20fate%20test
Record 42, French
Record 42, Domaine(s)
- Études et analyses environnementales
Record 42, Main entry term, French
- essai sur le devenir environnemental
1, record 42, French, essai%20sur%20le%20devenir%20environnemental
correct, masculine noun
Record 42, Abbreviations, French
Record 42, Synonyms, French
- essai sur le devenir dans l'environnement 2, record 42, French, essai%20sur%20le%20devenir%20dans%20l%27environnement
correct, masculine noun
Record 42, Textual support, French
Record number: 42, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Devenir dans l'environnement. Ce type de renseignements aide à comprendre quels facteurs agissent sur la présence à court ou à long terme du microorganisme dans l'environnement. [...] Études contrôlées sur le devenir dans l'environnement. Les données sur le devenir sont particulièrement utiles lorsque les données sur les effets montrent qu'il existe une vaste gamme d'hôtes ou des effets néfastes importants (p. ex., effets néfastes sur des végétaux ou des animaux, ou autres organismes non ciblés d'intérêt environnemental ou économique). Les données sur le devenir environnemental peuvent être tirées d'expériences bien conçues réalisées sur des microcosmes, ou des mésocosmes, ou d'autres essais contrôlés à long terme permettant d'étudier le devenir du microorganisme ou de le surveiller. Les essais sur le devenir environnemental peuvent comprendre, entre autres : - des données sur la persistance, la prolifération et la dissémination du microorganisme dans différentes conditions et dans différents milieux (terre, eau salée, eau douce); - la capacité du matériel génétique introduit dans un microorganisme modifié génétiquement de se transmettre à d'autres organismes ou de persister dans l'environnement. 1, record 42, French, - essai%20sur%20le%20devenir%20environnemental
Record 42, Spanish
Record 42, Textual support, Spanish
Record 43 - internal organization data 2003-05-29
Record 43, English
Record 43, Subject field(s)
- Bioengineering
Record 43, Main entry term, English
- fluor conjugated lectin
1, record 43, English, fluor%20conjugated%20lectin
Record 43, Abbreviations, English
Record 43, Synonyms, English
Record 43, Textual support, English
Record number: 43, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Effect of Microorganisms on the Fate of Toxics in River Biofilms.... Using confocal laser scanning microscopy(CLSM) techniques including fluorescent nucleic acid staining, fluor conjugated lectins and autofluorescence imaging, researchers compared the biofilms produced by both systems. Results showed similarity in terms of biofilm development pattern, thickness, bacterial biomass, and exopolymer production. 1, record 43, English, - fluor%20conjugated%20lectin
Record number: 43, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Term usually used in the plural. 2, record 43, English, - fluor%20conjugated%20lectin
Record 43, Key term(s)
- fluor conjugated lectins
Record 43, French
Record 43, Domaine(s)
- Technique biologique
Record 43, Main entry term, French
- lectine conjuguée au fluor
1, record 43, French, lectine%20conjugu%C3%A9e%20au%20fluor
correct, feminine noun
Record 43, Abbreviations, French
Record 43, Synonyms, French
Record 43, Textual support, French
Record number: 43, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Effet des micro-organismes sur le devenir des toxiques dans les biofilms des cours d'eau. [...] À l'aide des techniques de la microscopie confocale à balayage laser (MCBL), notamment la fluorescence de l'acide nucléique, l'emploi de lectines conjuguées au fluor et l'imagerie par autofluorescence, les chercheurs ont comparé les biofilms produits par les deux systèmes. Les résultats ont montré des similarités sur le plan du mode de développement du biofilm, de son épaisseur, de la biomasse bactérienne et de la production d'exopolymères. 1, record 43, French, - lectine%20conjugu%C3%A9e%20au%20fluor
Record number: 43, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Terme habituellement utilisé au pluriel. 2, record 43, French, - lectine%20conjugu%C3%A9e%20au%20fluor
Record 43, Key term(s)
- lectines conjuguées au fluor
Record 43, Spanish
Record 43, Textual support, Spanish
Record 44 - internal organization data 2003-04-30
Record 44, English
Record 44, Subject field(s)
- Military Strategy
Record 44, Main entry term, English
- military apparatus
1, record 44, English, military%20apparatus
Record 44, Abbreviations, English
Record 44, Synonyms, English
Record 44, Textual support, English
Record number: 44, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The precise fate of the Soviet military apparatus remains uncertain, but with conventional force reductions and decentralized control, these forces can no longer be said to pose a cohesive and immediate threat to the rest of Europe. 1, record 44, English, - military%20apparatus
Record 44, French
Record 44, Domaine(s)
- Stratégie militaire
Record 44, Main entry term, French
- appareil militaire
1, record 44, French, appareil%20militaire
correct, masculine noun
Record 44, Abbreviations, French
Record 44, Synonyms, French
Record 44, Textual support, French
Record number: 44, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Il est difficile de savoir exactement ce qu'il adviendra de l'appareil militaire soviétique; cependant, compte tenu de la réduction des forces conventionnelles et de la décentralisation du contrôle de celles-ci, il n'y a plus lieu de prétendre qu'elles constituent une menace globale et immédiate pour le reste de l'Europe. 2, record 44, French, - appareil%20militaire
Record 44, Spanish
Record 44, Textual support, Spanish
Record 45 - internal organization data 2003-04-23
Record 45, English
Record 45, Subject field(s)
- Foreign Trade
Record 45, Main entry term, English
- advice of fate
1, record 45, English, advice%20of%20fate
Record 45, Abbreviations, English
Record 45, Synonyms, English
Record 45, French
Record 45, Domaine(s)
- Commerce extérieur
Record 45, Main entry term, French
- avis de sort
1, record 45, French, avis%20de%20sort
correct, masculine noun
Record 45, Abbreviations, French
Record 45, Synonyms, French
Record 45, Textual support, French
Record 45, Spanish
Record 45, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Comercio exterior
Record 45, Main entry term, Spanish
- aviso de suerte
1, record 45, Spanish, aviso%20de%20suerte
correct, masculine noun
Record 45, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 45, Synonyms, Spanish
- notificación de destino 2, record 45, Spanish, notificaci%C3%B3n%20de%20destino
proposal, feminine noun
Record 45, Textual support, Spanish
Record 46 - internal organization data 2003-02-12
Record 46, English
Record 46, Subject field(s)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
- Simulation (Cybernetic Systems)
- Customs and Excise
Record 46, Main entry term, English
- computer simulation modelling
1, record 46, English, computer%20simulation%20modelling
Record 46, Abbreviations, English
Record 46, Synonyms, English
Record 46, Textual support, English
Record number: 46, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Quantitative modelling, especially computer simulation modelling, appears to be used on a somewhat regular basis in certain specific aspects of environmental impact assessments.... For example, computerized slick trajectory models are commonly employed for predicting the movement of accidental oil spills in the marine environment. Another common application is for the prediction of air quality and of the fate of aerially discharged emissions. 2, record 46, English, - computer%20simulation%20modelling
Record 46, French
Record 46, Domaine(s)
- Études et analyses environnementales
- Simulation (Systèmes cybernétiques)
- Douanes et accise
Record 46, Main entry term, French
- modélisation par simulation informatique
1, record 46, French, mod%C3%A9lisation%20par%20simulation%20informatique
feminine noun
Record 46, Abbreviations, French
Record 46, Synonyms, French
- modélisation simulée par ordinateur 1, record 46, French, mod%C3%A9lisation%20simul%C3%A9e%20par%20ordinateur
masculine noun
- modèle de simulation informatique 2, record 46, French, mod%C3%A8le%20de%20simulation%20informatique
masculine noun
Record 46, Textual support, French
Record 46, Spanish
Record 46, Textual support, Spanish
Record 47 - internal organization data 2002-01-07
Record 47, English
Record 47, Subject field(s)
- Titles of Monographs
- Crop Protection
Record 47, Main entry term, English
- Harmonization of Environmental Chemistry and Fate Data Requirements under NAFTA
1, record 47, English, Harmonization%20of%20Environmental%20Chemistry%20and%20Fate%20Data%20Requirements%20under%20NAFTA
correct, Canada
Record 47, Abbreviations, English
Record 47, Synonyms, English
Record 47, Textual support, English
Record number: 47, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Regulatory Proposals of Pest Management Regulatory Agency, Health Canada, Ottawa, 2001, 7 pages. 2, record 47, English, - Harmonization%20of%20Environmental%20Chemistry%20and%20Fate%20Data%20Requirements%20under%20NAFTA
Record number: 47, Textual support number: 2 OBS
NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement 2, record 47, English, - Harmonization%20of%20Environmental%20Chemistry%20and%20Fate%20Data%20Requirements%20under%20NAFTA
Record 47, French
Record 47, Domaine(s)
- Titres de monographies
- Protection des végétaux
Record 47, Main entry term, French
- Harmonisation des exigences en matière de données sur les caractéristiques chimiques et le devenir des pesticides dans l'environnement en vertu de l'ALÉNA
1, record 47, French, Harmonisation%20des%20exigences%20en%20mati%C3%A8re%20de%20donn%C3%A9es%20sur%20les%20caract%C3%A9ristiques%20chimiques%20et%20le%20devenir%20des%20pesticides%20dans%20l%27environnement%20en%20vertu%20de%20l%27AL%C3%89NA
correct, Canada
Record 47, Abbreviations, French
Record 47, Synonyms, French
Record 47, Textual support, French
Record number: 47, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Projets de directives de l'Agence de réglementation de la lutte antiparasitaire, Santé Canada, Ottawa, 2001, 7 pages. 2, record 47, French, - Harmonisation%20des%20exigences%20en%20mati%C3%A8re%20de%20donn%C3%A9es%20sur%20les%20caract%C3%A9ristiques%20chimiques%20et%20le%20devenir%20des%20pesticides%20dans%20l%27environnement%20en%20vertu%20de%20l%27AL%C3%89NA
Record number: 47, Textual support number: 2 OBS
ALÉNA : Accord de libre-échange nord-américain. 2, record 47, French, - Harmonisation%20des%20exigences%20en%20mati%C3%A8re%20de%20donn%C3%A9es%20sur%20les%20caract%C3%A9ristiques%20chimiques%20et%20le%20devenir%20des%20pesticides%20dans%20l%27environnement%20en%20vertu%20de%20l%27AL%C3%89NA
Record 47, Spanish
Record 47, Textual support, Spanish
Record 48 - internal organization data 2001-11-23
Record 48, English
Record 48, Subject field(s)
- Mental Disorders
Record 48, Main entry term, English
Record 48, Abbreviations, English
Record 48, Synonyms, English
Record 48, French
Record 48, Domaine(s)
- Troubles mentaux
Record 48, Main entry term, French
- destinée
1, record 48, French, destin%C3%A9e
feminine noun
Record 48, Abbreviations, French
Record 48, Synonyms, French
Record 48, Textual support, French
Record 48, Spanish
Record 48, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Trastornos mentales
Record 48, Main entry term, Spanish
- destino
1, record 48, Spanish, destino
masculine noun
Record 48, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 48, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 48, Textual support, Spanish
Record 49 - internal organization data 2001-09-05
Record 49, English
Record 49, Subject field(s)
- Military Strategy
- Military Administration
Record 49, Main entry term, English
- force reduction
1, record 49, English, force%20reduction
Record 49, Abbreviations, English
Record 49, Synonyms, English
Record 49, Textual support, English
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The precise fate of the Soviet military apparatus remains uncertain, but with conventional force reductions and decentralized control, these forces can no longer be said to pose a cohesive and immediate threat to the rest of Europe. 1, record 49, English, - force%20reduction
Record 49, French
Record 49, Domaine(s)
- Stratégie militaire
- Administration militaire
Record 49, Main entry term, French
- réduction des forces
1, record 49, French, r%C3%A9duction%20des%20forces
correct, feminine noun
Record 49, Abbreviations, French
Record 49, Synonyms, French
Record 49, Textual support, French
Record number: 49, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Il est difficile de savoir exactement ce qu'il adviendra de l'appareil militaire soviétique; cependant, compte tenu de la réduction des forces conventionnelles et de la décentralisation du contrôle de celles-ci, il n'y a plus lieu de prétendre qu'elles constituent une menace globale et immédiate pour le reste de l'Europe. 2, record 49, French, - r%C3%A9duction%20des%20forces
Record 49, Spanish
Record 49, Textual support, Spanish
Record 50 - internal organization data 2001-09-04
Record 50, English
Record 50, Subject field(s)
- Titles of International Laws and Regulations
- Rights and Freedoms
- Non-Canadian Laws and Legal Documents
Record 50, Main entry term, English
- full stop law
1, record 50, English, full%20stop%20law
Record 50, Abbreviations, English
Record 50, Synonyms, English
Record 50, Textual support, English
Record number: 50, Textual support number: 1 OBS
As in the past, a number of non-governmental organizations have continued to address themselves to the Working Group with regard to their ongoing quest to have the fate of the persons who disappeared in Argentine brought to light. In this connection, it was reported that legal redress for victims of human rights violations committed during the military dictatorship(1976-1983) had been exhausted with the amnesty laws, Ley de Punto Final(Full Stop Law)(Act 23, 492) of 1986 and Ley Obedencia Debida(Law of Due Obedience)(Act 23, 521) of 1987... 1, record 50, English, - full%20stop%20law
Record 50, French
Record 50, Domaine(s)
- Titres de lois et de règlements internationaux
- Droits et libertés
- Lois et documents juridiques non canadiens
Record 50, Main entry term, French
- loi du point final
1, record 50, French, loi%20du%20point%20final
correct, feminine noun
Record 50, Abbreviations, French
Record 50, Synonyms, French
Record 50, Textual support, French
Record number: 50, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Plusieurs ONG ont signalé au [Groupe de travail] GT que les recours juridiques en faveur des victimes de violations des droits de l'homme commises pendant la dictature militaire (1976-1983) avaient été épuisés à la suite des lois d'amnistie - la « loi du point final » (Ley de Punto Final, n° 23,492) de 1986 et la « loi d'obéissance due » (Ley de Obediencia Debida, n° 23,521) de 1987 - et des grâces présidentielles accordées en 1989 et 1990. 1, record 50, French, - loi%20du%20point%20final
Record 50, Spanish
Record 50, Textual support, Spanish
Record 51 - internal organization data 2001-06-19
Record 51, English
Record 51, Subject field(s)
- River and Sea Navigation
- Pollutants
- Water Pollution
Record 51, Main entry term, English
- fate of oil 1, record 51, English, fate%20of%20oil
Record 51, Abbreviations, English
Record 51, Synonyms, English
Record 51, French
Record 51, Domaine(s)
- Navigation fluviale et maritime
- Agents de pollution
- Pollution de l'eau
Record 51, Main entry term, French
- comportement des hydrocarbures
1, record 51, French, comportement%20des%20hydrocarbures
proposal, masculine noun
Record 51, Abbreviations, French
Record 51, Synonyms, French
Record 51, Textual support, French
Record 51, Spanish
Record 51, Textual support, Spanish
Record 52 - internal organization data 2001-06-19
Record 52, English
Record 52, Subject field(s)
- River and Sea Navigation
- Pollutants
- Water Pollution
Record 52, Main entry term, English
- fate of slick 1, record 52, English, fate%20of%20slick
Record 52, Abbreviations, English
Record 52, Synonyms, English
Record 52, Textual support, English
Record 52, French
Record 52, Domaine(s)
- Navigation fluviale et maritime
- Agents de pollution
- Pollution de l'eau
Record 52, Main entry term, French
- comportement de la nappe
1, record 52, French, comportement%20de%20la%20nappe
proposal, masculine noun
Record 52, Abbreviations, French
Record 52, Synonyms, French
Record 52, Textual support, French
Record number: 52, Textual support number: 1 OBS
d'hydrocarbures. 1, record 52, French, - comportement%20de%20la%20nappe
Record 52, Spanish
Record 52, Textual support, Spanish
Record 53 - internal organization data 2000-10-24
Record 53, English
Record 53, Subject field(s)
- Weapon Systems
- Peace-Keeping Operations
- Arms Control
Record 53, Main entry term, English
- dual key system
1, record 53, English, dual%20key%20system
Record 53, Abbreviations, English
Record 53, Synonyms, English
Record 53, Textual support, English
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Pershing II deployment is also quite independent of moves to modernize or replace older dual-capable aircraft in the NATO inventory. But other issues will determine its ultimate fate. They include topics such as arms-control initiatives, national opposition in some countries to basing nuclear missiles there, a fear that the US may ignore European anxieties and "go it alone" with the Soviets in a zealous pursuit of apparent arms limitations, and the US "dual key" system for controlling its nuclear weapons. 2, record 53, English, - dual%20key%20system
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Term extracted from the "Disarmament and Peace Keeping" glossary with the permission of the United Nations Office at Geneva. 3, record 53, English, - dual%20key%20system
Record 53, French
Record 53, Domaine(s)
- Systèmes d'armes
- Opérations de maintien de la paix
- Contrôle des armements
Record 53, Main entry term, French
- système double clé
1, record 53, French, syst%C3%A8me%20double%20cl%C3%A9
correct, masculine noun
Record 53, Abbreviations, French
Record 53, Synonyms, French
- système de la décision conjointe 2, record 53, French, syst%C3%A8me%20de%20la%20d%C3%A9cision%20conjointe
correct, masculine noun
Record 53, Textual support, French
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 CONT
La mise en place des unités de Pershing II n'interfère par ailleurs pratiquement pas avec les problèmes de modernisation ou de remplacement des avions de l'OTAN à mission double (classique ou nucléaire). Mais le destin final du Pershing II est subordonné au tour que prendront les choses dans d'autres domaines : initiatives nouvelles en matière de limitation des armements; opposition nationale, dans certains pays, au déploiement sur leur sol de missiles nucléaires; crainte de voir les États-Unis passer outre aux anxiétés européennes et traiter directement avec l'Union soviétique, obstinément fidèles à leur vain idéal de limitation; enfin, système de la "double clé", qui permet aux Américains de garder le contrôle de leurs armes nucléaires. 3, record 53, French, - syst%C3%A8me%20double%20cl%C3%A9
Record number: 53, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Termes tirés du lexique «Désarmement et Maintien de la Paix» avec l'autorisation de l'Office des Nations Unies à Genève. 4, record 53, French, - syst%C3%A8me%20double%20cl%C3%A9
Record 53, Spanish
Record 53, Textual support, Spanish
Record 54 - internal organization data 2000-08-14
Record 54, English
Record 54, Subject field(s)
- Occupation Names (General)
- Tolerances and Modular Co-ordination (Construction)
Record 54, Main entry term, English
- static engineer 1, record 54, English, static%20engineer
Record 54, Abbreviations, English
Record 54, Synonyms, English
Record 54, Textual support, English
Record number: 54, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The Gallery still felt highly concerned about the archives’ fate, and offered two corridors in the building in Buda Castle.... If a static engineer had examined the place he would have considered it dangerous and had it closed down by then, we were talking about several tons of weight in cupboards loaded with the library and archives collection. 1, record 54, English, - static%20engineer
Record 54, French
Record 54, Domaine(s)
- Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
- Calcul, tolérances et modulation (Construction)
Record 54, Main entry term, French
- ingénieur spécialiste de la statique
1, record 54, French, ing%C3%A9nieur%20sp%C3%A9cialiste%20de%20la%20statique
proposal, masculine noun
Record 54, Abbreviations, French
Record 54, Synonyms, French
- ingénieure spécialiste de la statique 2, record 54, French, ing%C3%A9nieure%20sp%C3%A9cialiste%20de%20la%20statique
feminine noun
- spécialiste de la statique (ingénieur civil) 1, record 54, French, sp%C3%A9cialiste%20de%20la%20statique%20%28ing%C3%A9nieur%20civil%29
proposal, masculine noun
- spécialiste de la statique (ingénieure civile) 2, record 54, French, sp%C3%A9cialiste%20de%20la%20statique%20%28ing%C3%A9nieure%20civile%29
feminine noun
Record 54, Textual support, French
Record number: 54, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Spécialiste de la statique, comme ingénieur civil et partenaire de l'architecte pour le conseil de techniques de construction et le calcul statique. 1, record 54, French, - ing%C3%A9nieur%20sp%C3%A9cialiste%20de%20la%20statique
Record number: 54, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Statique, comme "calcul d'équilibre" dans la construction. Toutes les constructions porteuses, du toit jusqu'aux fondations ou à la semelle de fondation, doivent résister aux charges mouvantes qu'elles portent, en incluant un facteur de sécurité approprié. Le calcul statique préalable de constructions (fondations, semelle, dalles, murs, montants etc.) par le spécialiste de la statique (ingénieur civil) doit garantir à l'immeuble de résister à toutes les charges pendant toute la durée de vie escomptée. 3, record 54, French, - ing%C3%A9nieur%20sp%C3%A9cialiste%20de%20la%20statique
Record 54, Spanish
Record 54, Textual support, Spanish
Record 55 - internal organization data 2000-08-14
Record 55, English
Record 55, Subject field(s)
- Dredging
Record 55, Main entry term, English
- volumetric balance
1, record 55, English, volumetric%20balance
Record 55, Abbreviations, English
Record 55, Synonyms, English
Record 55, Textual support, English
Record number: 55, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Truitt... states that any monitoring program designed to account for dredged material fate during disposal should include measurements of mass and not rely solely on volumetric balances. 1, record 55, English, - volumetric%20balance
Record 55, French
Record 55, Domaine(s)
- Dragage
Record 55, Main entry term, French
- bilan en terme de volume
1, record 55, French, bilan%20en%20terme%20de%20volume
masculine noun
Record 55, Abbreviations, French
Record 55, Synonyms, French
Record 55, Textual support, French
Record number: 55, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[Truitt] indique [...] que tout programme de suivi qui vise à déterminer le sort des matériaux rejetés devrait, dans la mesure du possible, prévoir des bilans de masse et ne pas s'appuyer seulement sur des bilans en termes de volumes. 1, record 55, French, - bilan%20en%20terme%20de%20volume
Record 55, Spanish
Record 55, Textual support, Spanish
Record 56 - internal organization data 2000-05-24
Record 56, English
Record 56, Subject field(s)
- Effects of Pollution
- Water Pollution
Record 56, Main entry term, English
- adsorption behaviour
1, record 56, English, adsorption%20behaviour
Record 56, Abbreviations, English
Record 56, Synonyms, English
Record 56, Textual support, English
Record number: 56, Textual support number: 1 CONT
... the fate of contaminants in a water-sediment system depends a great deal on adsorption behaviour, which may in turn affect contaminant bioavailability and, eventually, toxicity. 1, record 56, English, - adsorption%20behaviour
Record 56, Key term(s)
- adsorption behavior
Record 56, French
Record 56, Domaine(s)
- Effets de la pollution
- Pollution de l'eau
Record 56, Main entry term, French
- comportement d'adsorption
1, record 56, French, comportement%20d%27adsorption
correct, masculine noun
Record 56, Abbreviations, French
Record 56, Synonyms, French
Record 56, Textual support, French
Record number: 56, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[...] le sort des contaminants dans un système eau-sédiment est très fortement dépendant du comportement d'adsorption qui, à son tour, peut affecter la biodisponibilité et, éventuellement, la toxicité. 1, record 56, French, - comportement%20d%27adsorption
Record 56, Spanish
Record 56, Textual support, Spanish
Record 57 - internal organization data 1999-06-16
Record 57, English
Record 57, Subject field(s)
- Genetics
Record 57, Main entry term, English
- glial cells missing gene
1, record 57, English, glial%20cells%20missing%20gene
Record 57, Abbreviations, English
Record 57, Synonyms, English
- glial cell deficient gene 2, record 57, English, glial%20cell%20deficient%20gene
- glide 2, record 57, English, glide
- glide 2, record 57, English, glide
Record 57, Textual support, English
Record number: 57, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Glial cells constitute the second component of the nervous system and are important during neuronal development. The gene described in this paper, glial cell deficient(glide) also known as glial cells missing, is necessary for glial cell fate commitment in Drosophila. Mutations at the glide locus prevent glial cell determination in the embryonic central and peripheral nervous systems. Moreover, the absence of glial cells is the consequence of a cell fate switch from glia to neurons. This suggests the existence of a multipotent precursor cells in the nervous system. glide mutants also display defects in axonal navigation, which confirms and extends previous results indicating a role for glial cells in these processes(Vincent, 1996). 2, record 57, English, - glial%20cells%20missing%20gene
Record 57, French
Record 57, Domaine(s)
- Génétique
Record 57, Main entry term, French
- gène carencé en cellules gliales
1, record 57, French, g%C3%A8ne%20carenc%C3%A9%20en%20cellules%20gliales
proposal, masculine noun
Record 57, Abbreviations, French
Record 57, Synonyms, French
Record 57, Textual support, French
Record number: 57, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Selon le Dr Marc Hekker, chercheur à l'Hôpital Civic d'Ottawa, les scientifiques francophones ne traduisent pas les noms des gènes car ils les considèrent comme faisant partie de la catégorie des noms propres. On dirait donc : gène (glial cells missing) ou gène (glial cells deficient). En général, le nom du gène est le même que celui de la mutation qui a provoqué le nouveau phénotype. Le Dr Hecker nous a quand même proposé une traduction. 1, record 57, French, - g%C3%A8ne%20carenc%C3%A9%20en%20cellules%20gliales
Record 57, Spanish
Record 57, Textual support, Spanish
Record 58 - internal organization data 1998-11-03
Record 58, English
Record 58, Subject field(s)
- Banking
Record 58, Main entry term, English
- fate inquiry
1, record 58, English, fate%20inquiry
Record 58, Abbreviations, English
Record 58, Synonyms, English
- fate 2, record 58, English, fate
Record 58, Textual support, English
Record number: 58, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The decision whether a cheque or other negotiable instrument when on presentation will be either accepted or paid. [Klein, Gerald. Dictionary of Banking. Pitman Publishing, 1995]. 3, record 58, English, - fate%20inquiry
Record 58, French
Record 58, Domaine(s)
- Banque
Record 58, Main entry term, French
- avis de sort
1, record 58, French, avis%20de%20sort
correct, masculine noun
Record 58, Abbreviations, French
Record 58, Synonyms, French
Record 58, Textual support, French
Record number: 58, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Prise de renseignements au sujet d'un effet en recouvrement, en demandant à la banque ou à la succursale chargée du recouvrement d'émettre un «avis de sort» portant sur cet effet, c'est-à-dire d'informer l'expéditeur si l'effet a été accepté, payé ou retourné, ou s'il est encore détenu aux fins d'acceptation ou de paiement. 1, record 58, French, - avis%20de%20sort
Record 58, Spanish
Record 58, Textual support, Spanish
Record 59 - internal organization data 1997-06-25
Record 59, English
Record 59, Subject field(s)
- Police
Record 59, Main entry term, English
- joining fee 1, record 59, English, joining%20fee
Record 59, Abbreviations, English
Record 59, Synonyms, English
Record 59, Textual support, English
Record number: 59, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The novice, before admission, is told of the history of Triads, is warned of the fate of traitors, takes oaths of allegiance, swears loyalty to his brothers, pays a symbolic lucky money joining fee. 1, record 59, English, - joining%20fee
Record 59, French
Record 59, Domaine(s)
- Police
Record 59, Main entry term, French
- cotisation
1, record 59, French, cotisation
correct, feminine noun
Record 59, Abbreviations, French
Record 59, Synonyms, French
Record 59, Textual support, French
Record number: 59, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Avant d'être admis, le novice écoute raconter l'histoire des Triades, apprend le sort réservé aux traîtres, prête serment d'obéissance, jure fidélité à ses frères, verse une cotisation symbolique. 1, record 59, French, - cotisation
Record 59, Spanish
Record 59, Textual support, Spanish
Record 60 - internal organization data 1996-12-16
Record 60, English
Record 60, Subject field(s)
- Titles of Monographs
Record 60, Main entry term, English
- PAHs in the environment :fate, ecotoxicity and regulations
1, record 60, English, PAHs%20in%20the%20environment%20%3Afate%2C%20ecotoxicity%20and%20regulations
correct, Canada
Record 60, Abbreviations, English
Record 60, Synonyms, English
Record 60, Textual support, English
Record number: 60, Textual support number: 1 OBS
By André Germain, Francine Perron and Raymond Van Coillie, Montreal : Environment Canada, Quebec Region, Prevention and Pollution Abatement Division, 1993. Information found in GEAC. 1, record 60, English, - PAHs%20in%20the%20environment%20%3Afate%2C%20ecotoxicity%20and%20regulations
Record 60, French
Record 60, Domaine(s)
- Titres de monographies
Record 60, Main entry term, French
- Cheminements, écotoxicités et réglementation pour les HAP dans l'environnement
1, record 60, French, Cheminements%2C%20%C3%A9cotoxicit%C3%A9s%20et%20r%C3%A9glementation%20pour%20les%20HAP%20dans%20l%27environnement
correct, Canada
Record 60, Abbreviations, French
Record 60, Synonyms, French
Record 60, Textual support, French
Record number: 60, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Par André Germain, Francine Perron et Raymond Van Coillie, Montréal. Environnement Canada, Région du Québec, Division de l'assainissement industriel, 1993. Information trouvée dans GEAC. 1, record 60, French, - Cheminements%2C%20%C3%A9cotoxicit%C3%A9s%20et%20r%C3%A9glementation%20pour%20les%20HAP%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record 60, Spanish
Record 60, Textual support, Spanish
Record 61 - internal organization data 1996-04-25
Record 61, English
Record 61, Subject field(s)
- Pollution (General)
Record 61, Main entry term, English
- spill fate 1, record 61, English, spill%20fate
Record 61, Abbreviations, English
Record 61, Synonyms, English
Record 61, French
Record 61, Domaine(s)
- Pollution (Généralités)
Record 61, Main entry term, French
- évolution du déversement
1, record 61, French, %C3%A9volution%20du%20d%C3%A9versement
feminine noun
Record 61, Abbreviations, French
Record 61, Synonyms, French
Record 61, Textual support, French
Record 61, Spanish
Record 61, Textual support, Spanish
Record 62 - internal organization data 1994-11-09
Record 62, English
Record 62, Subject field(s)
- Ecology (General)
- Neology and Linguistic Borrowing
Record 62, Main entry term, English
- ecodoomster
1, record 62, English, ecodoomster
Record 62, Abbreviations, English
Record 62, Synonyms, English
- prophet of ecodoom 1, record 62, English, prophet%20of%20ecodoom
Record 62, Textual support, English
Record number: 62, Textual support number: 1 DEF
One who predicts or warns of ecodoom. 1, record 62, English, - ecodoomster
Record number: 62, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The prophets of ecodoom, whom predicts early disaster unless men achieve a radical revision of their collective goals and behaviour. 1, record 62, English, - ecodoomster
Record number: 62, Textual support number: 2 CONT
words are scarcely likely to carry much convection with the ecodoomsters committed to a cataclysmic view of the world's fate. 1, record 62, English, - ecodoomster
Record 62, French
Record 62, Domaine(s)
- Écologie (Généralités)
- Néologie et emprunts
Record 62, Main entry term, French
- alarmiste écologique
1, record 62, French, alarmiste%20%C3%A9cologique
proposal, masculine and feminine noun
Record 62, Abbreviations, French
Record 62, Synonyms, French
Record 62, Textual support, French
Record number: 62, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Par analogie avec alarmisme écologique 1, record 62, French, - alarmiste%20%C3%A9cologique
Record 62, Spanish
Record 62, Textual support, Spanish
Record 63 - internal organization data 1994-11-03
Record 63, English
Record 63, Subject field(s)
- Phraseology
Record 63, Main entry term, English
- stand on one’s own 1, record 63, English, stand%20on%20one%26rsquo%3Bs%20own
Record 63, Abbreviations, English
Record 63, Synonyms, English
Record 63, Textual support, English
Record number: 63, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The purchase and holding of the land for development in this set of circumstances must stand on its own and be judged accordingly. 1, record 63, English, - stand%20on%20one%26rsquo%3Bs%20own
Record number: 63, Textual support number: 2 OBS
stand or fall : often used fig. of a person or thing, to indicate that his or its fate is contingent on the fate of another person or thing, or must be governed by some event or rule. Const. with(a person or thing), together, also by(a rule, an uncertain event). 2, record 63, English, - stand%20on%20one%26rsquo%3Bs%20own
Record 63, French
Record 63, Domaine(s)
- Phraséologie
Record 63, Main entry term, French
- être considéré par soi-même
1, record 63, French, %C3%AAtre%20consid%C3%A9r%C3%A9%20par%20soi%2Dm%C3%AAme
Record 63, Abbreviations, French
Record 63, Synonyms, French
Record 63, Textual support, French
Record 63, Spanish
Record 63, Textual support, Spanish
Record 64 - internal organization data 1994-10-28
Record 64, English
Record 64, Subject field(s)
- Titles of Documents and Works
Record 64, Main entry term, English
- Environmental chemistry and fate : guidelines for registration of pesticides in Canada
1, record 64, English, Environmental%20chemistry%20and%20fate%20%3A%20guidelines%20for%20registration%20of%20pesticides%20in%20Canada
Record 64, Abbreviations, English
Record 64, Synonyms, English
- Environmental chemistry and fate 1, record 64, English, Environmental%20chemistry%20and%20fate
- Guidelines for registration of pesticides in Canada 1, record 64, English, Guidelines%20for%20registration%20of%20pesticides%20in%20Canada
Record 64, Textual support, English
Record number: 64, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Cover title: Guidelines for registration of pesticides in Canada. Ottawa, Agriculture Canada, 1987. 56, 66 p. Text in english and french with french text on inverted pages. Information found in AGRICAT Database of Agriculture Canada’s ministerial library 1, record 64, English, - Environmental%20chemistry%20and%20fate%20%3A%20guidelines%20for%20registration%20of%20pesticides%20in%20Canada
Record 64, French
Record 64, Domaine(s)
- Titres de documents et d'œuvres
Record 64, Main entry term, French
- Guide d'homologation des pesticides au Canada : chimie et devenir dans l'environnement
1, record 64, French, Guide%20d%27homologation%20des%20pesticides%20au%20Canada%20%3A%20chimie%20et%20devenir%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record 64, Abbreviations, French
Record 64, Synonyms, French
- Guide d'homologation des pesticides au Canada 1, record 64, French, Guide%20d%27homologation%20des%20pesticides%20au%20Canada
- Chimie et devenir dans l'environnement 1, record 64, French, Chimie%20et%20devenir%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record 64, Textual support, French
Record number: 64, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Renseignements retrouvés dans AGRICAT 1, record 64, French, - Guide%20d%27homologation%20des%20pesticides%20au%20Canada%20%3A%20chimie%20et%20devenir%20dans%20l%27environnement
Record 64, Spanish
Record 64, Textual support, Spanish
Record 65 - internal organization data 1994-09-30
Record 65, English
Record 65, Subject field(s)
- Agricultural Chemicals
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
Record 65, Main entry term, English
- fate
1, record 65, English, fate
Record 65, Abbreviations, English
Record 65, Synonyms, English
Record 65, Textual support, English
Record number: 65, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Of a fertilizer or a pesticide in the soil. 2, record 65, English, - fate
Record 65, French
Record 65, Domaine(s)
- Agents chimiques (Agriculture)
- Études et analyses environnementales
Record 65, Main entry term, French
- devenir
1, record 65, French, devenir
correct, masculine noun
Record 65, Abbreviations, French
Record 65, Synonyms, French
- sort 2, record 65, French, sort
correct, masculine noun
Record 65, Textual support, French
Record number: 65, Textual support number: 1 OBS
d'un engrais ou d'un pesticide dans le sol. 2, record 65, French, - devenir
Record number: 65, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Devenir des rejets épandus. [...] l'efficacité de l'épandage des eaux résiduaires, en tant que procédé d'épuration, est du même ordre que celle de l'irrigation en général. 3, record 65, French, - devenir
Record number: 65, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Il est bon pour éclairer l'ensemble des phénomènes [...] se produisant au cours des traitements biologiques d'avoir bien présent à l'esprit les différentes phases de devenir d'une colonie isolée mise en contact d'éléments nutritifs en milieu oxygéné. 4, record 65, French, - devenir
Record 65, Spanish
Record 65, Textual support, Spanish
Record 66 - internal organization data 1994-05-25
Record 66, English
Record 66, Subject field(s)
- Military Strategy
- Military (General)
Record 66, Main entry term, English
- cohesive threat
1, record 66, English, cohesive%20threat
Record 66, Abbreviations, English
Record 66, Synonyms, English
Record 66, Textual support, English
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The precise fate of the Soviet military apparatus remains uncertain, but with conventional force reductions and decentralized control, these forces can no longer be said to pose a cohesive and immediate threat to the rest of Europe. 1, record 66, English, - cohesive%20threat
Record 66, French
Record 66, Domaine(s)
- Stratégie militaire
- Militaire (Généralités)
Record 66, Main entry term, French
- menace globale
1, record 66, French, menace%20globale
correct, feminine noun
Record 66, Abbreviations, French
Record 66, Synonyms, French
Record 66, Textual support, French
Record number: 66, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Il est difficile de savoir exactement ce qu'il adviendra de l'appareil militaire soviétique; cependant, compte tenu de la réduction des forces conventionnelles et de la décentralisation du contrôle de celles-ci, il n'y a plus lieu de prétendre qu'elles constituent une menace globale et immédiate pour le reste de l'Europe. 1, record 66, French, - menace%20globale
Record 66, Spanish
Record 66, Textual support, Spanish
Record 67 - internal organization data 1992-11-27
Record 67, English
Record 67, Subject field(s)
- Titles of Laws and Regulations
Record 67, Main entry term, English
- US-Canada Sub-agreement FATE(Forest Assessment Technical Exchange)
1, record 67, English, US%2DCanada%20Sub%2Dagreement%20FATE%28Forest%20Assessment%20Technical%20Exchange%29
Record 67, Abbreviations, English
Record 67, Synonyms, English
Record 67, Textual support, English
Record 67, French
Record 67, Domaine(s)
- Titres de lois et de règlements
Record 67, Main entry term, French
- Entente auxiliaire E.-U.-Canada sur l'échange d'information technique concernant les inventaires forestiers
1, record 67, French, Entente%20auxiliaire%20E%2E%2DU%2E%2DCanada%20sur%20l%27%C3%A9change%20d%27information%20technique%20concernant%20les%20inventaires%20forestiers
Record 67, Abbreviations, French
Record 67, Synonyms, French
Record 67, Textual support, French
Record number: 67, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Record 67, Spanish
Record 67, Textual support, Spanish
Record 68 - internal organization data 1992-02-04
Record 68, English
Record 68, Subject field(s)
- Urban Sociology
Record 68, Main entry term, English
- urban decay 1, record 68, English, urban%20decay
Record 68, Abbreviations, English
Record 68, Synonyms, English
Record 68, Textual support, English
Record number: 68, Textual support number: 1 CONT
In 1969, a new official plan designated to prevent the central area of the city from meeting the fate already suffered by other downtown areas : a vicious circle of urban decay promoting the flight of people and investments to the suburbs. 1, record 68, English, - urban%20decay
Record 68, French
Record 68, Domaine(s)
- Sociologie urbaine
Record 68, Main entry term, French
- déclin urbain
1, record 68, French, d%C3%A9clin%20urbain
proposal, masculine noun
Record 68, Abbreviations, French
Record 68, Synonyms, French
Record 68, Textual support, French
Record 68, Spanish
Record 68, Textual support, Spanish
Record 69 - internal organization data 1991-07-17
Record 69, English
Record 69, Subject field(s)
- Cytology
Record 69, Main entry term, English
- mesoderm inducing factor
1, record 69, English, mesoderm%20inducing%20factor
Record 69, Abbreviations, English
- MIF 2, record 69, English, MIF
Record 69, Synonyms, English
Record 69, Textual support, English
Record number: 69, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Recently, several mesoderm-inducing factors(MIFs) have been discovered. These cause isolated Xenopus animal caps to form mesodermal cell types such as muscle, instead of their normal fate of epidermis. The MIFs fall into two classes. One comprises members of the fibroblast growth factor(FGF) family, and the other members of the transforming growth factor type beta(TGF-beta) family. Of the latter group, the most potent is XTC-MIF, a protein produced by Xenopus XTC cells. Here we show that XTC-MIF is the homologue of mammalian activin A. 3, record 69, English, - mesoderm%20inducing%20factor
Record number: 69, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Tiré du périodique londonien: Nature, 1990, 345 (6277), pp. 729-731. 3, record 69, English, - mesoderm%20inducing%20factor
Record 69, French
Record 69, Domaine(s)
- Cytologie
Record 69, Main entry term, French
- inducteur mésodermique
1, record 69, French, inducteur%20m%C3%A9sodermique
correct, masculine noun
Record 69, Abbreviations, French
Record 69, Synonyms, French
Record 69, Textual support, French
Record number: 69, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Les activines, des inducteurs du mésoderme axial chez le xénope et le poulet. Nous avons rapporté, dans une brève récente, que l'inducteur mésodermique XTC-MIF (mesoderm inducing factor dérivé de la lignée de xénope XTC), appartenant à la famille TGF B, était l'équivalent de l'activine chez Xenopus. 1, record 69, French, - inducteur%20m%C3%A9sodermique
Record 69, Spanish
Record 69, Textual support, Spanish
Record 70 - internal organization data 1988-11-30
Record 70, English
Record 70, Subject field(s)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
- Statistics
Record 70, Main entry term, English
- transport model
1, record 70, English, transport%20model
Record 70, Abbreviations, English
Record 70, Synonyms, English
Record 70, Textual support, English
Record number: 70, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Work Group 2 has reviewed the modeling, monitoring and research aspects of the atmospheric behavior of acid-forming pollutants, particularly sulfur, between their source regions and deposition areas. The role, capabilities and applications of selected transport models from both Canada and the U.S. have been described. 2, record 70, English, - transport%20model
Record number: 70, Textual support number: 2 CONT
It was necessary to determine the potential distribution of radioactive material through transport and fate models to establish isopleths based on deposition rates. 3, record 70, English, - transport%20model
Record 70, French
Record 70, Domaine(s)
- Études et analyses environnementales
- Statistique
Record 70, Main entry term, French
- modèle du transport des polluants
1, record 70, French, mod%C3%A8le%20du%20transport%20des%20polluants
correct, masculine noun
Record 70, Abbreviations, French
Record 70, Synonyms, French
- modèle de transport 2, record 70, French, mod%C3%A8le%20de%20transport
correct, masculine noun
Record 70, Textual support, French
Record number: 70, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Il en résulte, par conséquent, une extrême variabilité dans le dépôt d'acidité pour chaque événement précis de précipitation, pour l'ensemble, il en résulte un profil spatial moyen. Un modèle de ce profil peut être obtenu facilement à partir de modèles d'émission, de transport, de réaction et de dépôt. 2, record 70, French, - mod%C3%A8le%20du%20transport%20des%20polluants
Record 70, Spanish
Record 70, Textual support, Spanish
Record 71 - internal organization data 1988-10-01
Record 71, English
Record 71, Subject field(s)
- Meetings
Record 71, Main entry term, English
- International Symposium on the Fate and Effects of Toxic Chemicals in Large Rivers and their Estuaries 1, record 71, English, International%20Symposium%20on%20the%20Fate%20and%20Effects%20of%20Toxic%20Chemicals%20in%20Large%20Rivers%20and%20their%20Estuaries
Record 71, Abbreviations, English
Record 71, Synonyms, English
Record 71, French
Record 71, Domaine(s)
- Réunions
Record 71, Main entry term, French
- Symposium international sur le devenir et les effets des produits chimiques toxiques dans les fleuves et leurs estuaires 1, record 71, French, Symposium%20international%20sur%20le%20devenir%20et%20les%20effets%20des%20produits%20chimiques%20toxiques%20dans%20les%20fleuves%20et%20leurs%20estuaires
Record 71, Abbreviations, French
Record 71, Synonyms, French
- Symposium international sur les fleuves et leurs estuaires 2, record 71, French, Symposium%20international%20sur%20les%20fleuves%20et%20leurs%20estuaires
Record 71, Textual support, French
Record 71, Spanish
Record 71, Textual support, Spanish
Record 72 - internal organization data 1988-01-20
Record 72, English
Record 72, Subject field(s)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
Record 72, Main entry term, English
- physical fate model
1, record 72, English, physical%20fate%20model
Record 72, Abbreviations, English
Record 72, Synonyms, English
Record 72, Textual support, English
Record number: 72, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Physical transport and fate models are, in general, much more reliable as predictive tools than models incorporating biological phenomena. 1, record 72, English, - physical%20fate%20model
Record 72, French
Record 72, Domaine(s)
- Études et analyses environnementales
Record 72, Main entry term, French
- modèle d'évolution physique
1, record 72, French, mod%C3%A8le%20d%27%C3%A9volution%20physique
masculine noun
Record 72, Abbreviations, French
Record 72, Synonyms, French
Record 72, Textual support, French
Record 72, Spanish
Record 72, Textual support, Spanish
Record 73 - internal organization data 1988-01-20
Record 73, English
Record 73, Subject field(s)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
Record 73, Main entry term, English
- slick trajectory model
1, record 73, English, slick%20trajectory%20model
Record 73, Abbreviations, English
Record 73, Synonyms, English
Record 73, Textual support, English
Record number: 73, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Quantitative modelling, especially computer simulation modelling, appears to be used on a somewhat regular basis in certain specific aspects of environmental impact assessments.... For example, computerized slick trajectory models are commonly employed for predicting the movement of accidental oil spills in the marine environment. Another common application is for the prediction of air quality and of the fate of aerially discharged emissions. 1, record 73, English, - slick%20trajectory%20model
Record 73, French
Record 73, Domaine(s)
- Études et analyses environnementales
Record 73, Main entry term, French
- modèle de déplacement de nappes de pétrole
1, record 73, French, mod%C3%A8le%20de%20d%C3%A9placement%20de%20nappes%20de%20p%C3%A9trole
masculine noun
Record 73, Abbreviations, French
Record 73, Synonyms, French
Record 73, Textual support, French
Record 73, Spanish
Record 73, Textual support, Spanish
Record 74 - internal organization data 1988-01-20
Record 74, English
Record 74, Subject field(s)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
Record 74, Main entry term, English
- physical transport model
1, record 74, English, physical%20transport%20model
Record 74, Abbreviations, English
Record 74, Synonyms, English
Record 74, Textual support, English
Record number: 74, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Physical transport and fate models are, in general, much more reliable as predictive tools than models incorporating biological phenomena. 1, record 74, English, - physical%20transport%20model
Record 74, French
Record 74, Domaine(s)
- Études et analyses environnementales
Record 74, Main entry term, French
- modèle de transport physique 1, record 74, French, mod%C3%A8le%20de%20transport%20physique
Record 74, Abbreviations, French
Record 74, Synonyms, French
Record 74, Textual support, French
Record 74, Spanish
Record 74, Textual support, Spanish
Record 75 - internal organization data 1988-01-07
Record 75, English
Record 75, Subject field(s)
- Environmental Studies and Analyses
- Air Pollution
Record 75, Main entry term, English
- aerially discharged emission
1, record 75, English, aerially%20discharged%20emission
Record 75, Abbreviations, English
Record 75, Synonyms, English
Record 75, Textual support, English
Record number: 75, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Quantitative modelling, especially computer simulation modelling, appears to be used on a somewhat regular basis in certain specific aspects of environment impact assessments. For example, computerized slick trajectory models are commonly employed for predicting the movement of accidental oil spills in the marine environment. Another common application is for the prediction of air quality and of the fate of aerially discharged emissions. 1, record 75, English, - aerially%20discharged%20emission
Record 75, French
Record 75, Domaine(s)
- Études et analyses environnementales
- Pollution de l'air
Record 75, Main entry term, French
- MTL icules émises dans l'atmosphère
1, record 75, French, MTL%20icules%20%C3%A9mises%20dans%20l%27atmosph%C3%A8re
feminine noun
Record 75, Abbreviations, French
Record 75, Synonyms, French
Record 75, Textual support, French
Record 75, Spanish
Record 75, Textual support, Spanish
Record 76 - internal organization data 1986-02-01
Record 76, English
Record 76, Subject field(s)
- Meetings
Record 76, Main entry term, English
- Fate of the Earth Conference 1, record 76, English, Fate%20of%20the%20Earth%20Conference
Record 76, Abbreviations, English
Record 76, Synonyms, English
Record 76, Textual support, English
Record 76, French
Record 76, Domaine(s)
- Réunions
Record 76, Main entry term, French
- Conférence sur le destin de la terre 1, record 76, French, Conf%C3%A9rence%20sur%20le%20destin%20de%20la%20terre
Record 76, Abbreviations, French
Record 76, Synonyms, French
Record 76, Textual support, French
Record number: 76, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Renseignement obtenu de l'organisation qui parraine cette conférence. 1, record 76, French, - Conf%C3%A9rence%20sur%20le%20destin%20de%20la%20terre
Record 76, Spanish
Record 76, Textual support, Spanish
Record 77 - internal organization data 1985-11-18
Record 77, English
Record 77, Subject field(s)
- Chemical Elements and Compounds
- Soil Science
Record 77, Main entry term, English
- exchangeable cation
1, record 77, English, exchangeable%20cation
Record 77, Abbreviations, English
Record 77, Synonyms, English
Record 77, Textual support, English
Record number: 77, Textual support number: 1 CONT
If such a leaching process is a simple exchange of H+ ions for cations, then the fate and effect of increasing H+ ion concentration in plant tissue is a question that deserves some consideration. Further, if increasing rainfall acidity is providing excess H+ ions for foliar cation exchange, exchangeable foliage cations may be depleted. 1, record 77, English, - exchangeable%20cation
Record 77, French
Record 77, Domaine(s)
- Éléments et composés chimiques
- Science du sol
Record 77, Main entry term, French
- cation échangeable
1, record 77, French, cation%20%C3%A9changeable
correct, masculine noun
Record 77, Abbreviations, French
Record 77, Synonyms, French
Record 77, Textual support, French
Record number: 77, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Lorsque l'apport des ions H+ est équilibré par le taux de formation de nouveaux cations échangeables Mn+, il en résulte un état de tampon. Le taux de formation de ces derniers serait un processus généralement lent; il provient de la diffusion solide et de la formation de nouvelles surfaces des minéraux due à la dégradation physico-biologique, etc. L'acidification de l'eau se manifeste donc lorsque l'afflux des ions H+ excède l'apport des ions échangeables. 1, record 77, French, - cation%20%C3%A9changeable
Record 77, Spanish
Record 77, Textual support, Spanish
Record 78 - internal organization data 1985-11-18
Record 78, English
Record 78, Subject field(s)
- Air Pollution
- Chemistry
- Soil Science
Record 78, Main entry term, English
- exchangeable
1, record 78, English, exchangeable
Record 78, Abbreviations, English
Record 78, Synonyms, English
Record 78, Textual support, English
Record number: 78, Textual support number: 1 DEF
describes ions capable of replacement in the absorbing complex (U.K.); describes ions subject to replacement in the absorption complex (U.S.) 2, record 78, English, - exchangeable
Record number: 78, Textual support number: 1 CONT
If such a leaching process is a simple exchange of H+ ions for cations, then the fate and effect of increasing H+ ion concentration in plant tissue is a question that deserves some consideration. Further, if increasing rainfall acidity is providing excess H+ ions for foliar cation exchange, exchangeable foliage cations may be depleted. 1, record 78, English, - exchangeable
Record 78, French
Record 78, Domaine(s)
- Pollution de l'air
- Chimie
- Science du sol
Record 78, Main entry term, French
- échangeable
1, record 78, French, %C3%A9changeable
Record 78, Abbreviations, French
Record 78, Synonyms, French
Record 78, Textual support, French
Record number: 78, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Lorsque l'apport des ions H+ est équilibré par le taux de formation de nouveaux cations échangeables Mn+, il en résulte un état de tampon. Le taux de formation de ces derniers serait un processus généralement lent; il provient de la diffusion solide et de la formation de nouvelles surfaces des minéraux due à la dégradation physico-biologique, etc. L'acidification de l'eau se manifeste donc lorsque l'afflux des ions H+ excède l'apport des ions échangeables. 1, record 78, French, - %C3%A9changeable
Record 78, Spanish
Record 78, Textual support, Spanish
Record 79 - internal organization data 1981-02-25
Record 79, English
Record 79, Subject field(s)
- Social Psychology
Record 79, Main entry term, English
- fate control 1, record 79, English, fate%20control
Record 79, Abbreviations, English
Record 79, Synonyms, English
Record 79, Textual support, English
Record number: 79, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The ability to affect another person’s outcomes no matter what that other person does. 1, record 79, English, - fate%20control
Record 79, French
Record 79, Domaine(s)
- Psychologie sociale
Record 79, Main entry term, French
- contrôle de la destinée 1, record 79, French, contr%C3%B4le%20de%20la%20destin%C3%A9e
Record 79, Abbreviations, French
Record 79, Synonyms, French
Record 79, Textual support, French
Record 79, Spanish
Record 79, Textual support, Spanish
Record 80 - internal organization data 1976-06-19
Record 80, English
Record 80, Subject field(s)
- Translation (General)
Record 80, Main entry term, English
- bow to fate
1, record 80, English, bow%20to%20fate
Record 80, Abbreviations, English
Record 80, Synonyms, English
Record 80, French
Record 80, Domaine(s)
- Traduction (Généralités)
Record 80, Main entry term, French
- ployer sous le destin 1, record 80, French, ployer%20sous%20le%20destin
Record 80, Abbreviations, French
Record 80, Synonyms, French
Record 80, Textual support, French
Record 80, Spanish
Record 80, Textual support, Spanish
Record 81 - internal organization data 1975-03-11
Record 81, English
Record 81, Subject field(s)
- Neuroses
- Clinical Psychology
Record 81, Main entry term, English
- fate neurosis 1, record 81, English, fate%20neurosis
Record 81, Abbreviations, English
Record 81, Synonyms, English
Record 81, Textual support, English
Record number: 81, Textual support number: 1 DEF
failure in one’s career as a result of unconscious need for punishment; a type of moral masochism. 1, record 81, English, - fate%20neurosis
Record 81, French
Record 81, Domaine(s)
- Névroses
- Psychologie clinique
Record 81, Main entry term, French
- névrose de destinée
1, record 81, French, n%C3%A9vrose%20de%20destin%C3%A9e
feminine noun
Record 81, Abbreviations, French
Record 81, Synonyms, French
Record 81, Textual support, French
Record number: 81, Textual support number: 1 DEF
forme d'existence caractérisée par le retour [ d'enchaînement identiques d'événements ] heureux [ auxquels le sujet paraît ] soumis 1, record 81, French, - n%C3%A9vrose%20de%20destin%C3%A9e
Record 81, Spanish
Record 81, Textual support, Spanish
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