The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
ACCRUE [8 records]
Record 1 - internal organization data 2015-04-12
Record 1, English
Record 1, Subject field(s)
- Law of Estates (common law)
Record 1, Main entry term, English
- accrue
1, record 1, English, accrue
Record 1, Abbreviations, English
Record 1, Synonyms, English
Record 1, Textual support, English
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
The unique aspect of joint tenancy is that as the joint tenancy owners die, their shares accrue to the surviving owner(s) so that, eventually, the entire share is held by one person. 2, record 1, English, - accrue
Record 1, French
Record 1, Domaine(s)
- Droit successoral (common law)
Record 1, Main entry term, French
- accroître
1, record 1, French, accro%C3%AEtre
Record 1, Abbreviations, French
Record 1, Synonyms, French
Record 1, Textual support, French
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Il s'agit du terme juridique spécifique lié à la notion d'«accruer» en tant que construit avec la préposition «to» (par opposition au verbe «accrue» employé sans complément d'objet). Quand la préposition introduit un nom de personne, l'équivalent demandera la préposition «à» («accroître à quelqu'un»); dans le cas de complément de chose, il demandera un complément direct («accroître la part de quelqu'un»). 2, record 1, French, - accro%C3%AEtre
Record 1, Spanish
Record 1, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Derecho hereditario (common law)
Record 1, Main entry term, Spanish
- acrecer
1, record 1, Spanish, acrecer
Record 1, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 1, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 1, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Percibir un partícipe el aumento que le corresponde cuando otro partícipe pierde su cuota o renuncia a ella. 1, record 1, Spanish, - acrecer
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 OBS
acrecencia: bienes adquiridos por tal derecho. 1, record 1, Spanish, - acrecer
Record 2 - internal organization data 2004-06-03
Record 2, English
Record 2, Subject field(s)
- Life Insurance
- Special-Language Phraseology
- Laws and Legal Documents
Record 2, Main entry term, English
- accrue
1, record 2, English, accrue
Record 2, Abbreviations, English
Record 2, Synonyms, English
Record 2, Textual support, English
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 DEF
To come into existence as an enforceable claim. 1, record 2, English, - accrue
Record 2, French
Record 2, Domaine(s)
- Assurance sur la vie
- Phraséologie des langues de spécialité
- Lois et documents juridiques
Record 2, Main entry term, French
- s'acquérir
1, record 2, French, s%27acqu%C3%A9rir
Record 2, Abbreviations, French
Record 2, Synonyms, French
Record 2, Textual support, French
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Qui s'obtient par le jeu d'une garantie. 1, record 2, French, - s%27acqu%C3%A9rir
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Les arrérages de la rente s'acquièrent jour par jour. 1, record 2, French, - s%27acqu%C3%A9rir
Record 2, Spanish
Record 2, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Seguro de vida
- Fraseología de los lenguajes especializados
- Leyes y documentos jurídicos
Record 2, Main entry term, Spanish
- surgir
1, record 2, Spanish, surgir
Record 2, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 2, Synonyms, Spanish
- nacer 1, record 2, Spanish, nacer
Record 2, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 2, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Aplicado a un derecho, prerrogativa o privilegio en el curso de ser exigible o devengable. 1, record 2, Spanish, - surgir
Record 3 - internal organization data 2004-04-16
Record 3, English
Record 3, Subject field(s)
- Accounting
Record 3, Main entry term, English
- accrue
1, record 3, English, accrue
correct, verb, generic
Record 3, Abbreviations, English
Record 3, Synonyms, English
Record 3, Textual support, English
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 DEF
To record a claim by or against another party that has increased with the passage of time or the receipt or rendering of service (e.g., interest, taxes, royalties, wages) but is not yet enforceable at the time of recording. 1, record 3, English, - accrue
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 OBS
This term expresses the concept denoted in French by the terms "enregistrer des produits à recevoir" and "inscrire des charges à payer". 2, record 3, English, - accrue
Record 3, French
Record 3, Domaine(s)
- Comptabilité
Record 3, Main entry term, French
- enregistrer des produits à recevoir
1, record 3, French, enregistrer%20des%20produits%20%C3%A0%20recevoir
correct, specific
Record 3, Abbreviations, French
Record 3, Synonyms, French
Record 3, Textual support, French
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Enregistrer dans les comptes un élément (des intérêts, des redevances, etc.) qui s'accumule avec le temps ou qui découle d'un service [...] rendu. Cet élément n'est toutefois généralement pas exigible ou recouvrable légalement au moment où il est comptabilisé. 1, record 3, French, - enregistrer%20des%20produits%20%C3%A0%20recevoir
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 OBS
L'expression «constater par régularisation» peut aussi traduire «to accrue» et peut signifier soit «enregistrer des produits à recevoir» soit «inscrire des charges à payer». 2, record 3, French, - enregistrer%20des%20produits%20%C3%A0%20recevoir
Record 3, Key term(s)
- constater par régularisation
Record 3, Spanish
Record 3, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Contabilidad
Record 3, Main entry term, Spanish
- acumular
1, record 3, Spanish, acumular
Record 3, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 3, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 3, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Acumulado, por cobrar. 1, record 3, Spanish, - acumular
Record 4 - internal organization data 2004-04-16
Record 4, English
Record 4, Subject field(s)
- Special-Language Phraseology
- Laws and Legal Documents
- Foreign Trade
Record 4, Main entry term, English
- accrue
1, record 4, English, accrue
Record 4, Abbreviations, English
Record 4, Synonyms, English
Record 4, Textual support, English
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Claims. 1, record 4, English, - accrue
Record 4, French
Record 4, Domaine(s)
- Phraséologie des langues de spécialité
- Lois et documents juridiques
- Commerce extérieur
Record 4, Main entry term, French
- pouvoir être exercé
1, record 4, French, pouvoir%20%C3%AAtre%20exerc%C3%A9
Record 4, Abbreviations, French
Record 4, Synonyms, French
- naître 1, record 4, French, na%C3%AEtre
Record 4, Textual support, French
Record 4, Spanish
Record 4, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Fraseología de los lenguajes especializados
- Leyes y documentos jurídicos
- Comercio exterior
Record 4, Main entry term, Spanish
- surgir
1, record 4, Spanish, surgir
Record 4, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 4, Synonyms, Spanish
- nacer 1, record 4, Spanish, nacer
Record 4, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Que se encuentra en el curso de ser exigible. 1, record 4, Spanish, - surgir
Record 5 - internal organization data 2004-04-16
Record 5, English
Record 5, Subject field(s)
- Accounting
Record 5, Main entry term, English
- accrue
1, record 5, English, accrue
correct, verb, generic
Record 5, Abbreviations, English
Record 5, Synonyms, English
Record 5, Textual support, English
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 DEF
To record a claim by or against another party that has increased with the passage of time or the receipt or rendering of service (e.g., interest, taxes, royalties, wages) but is not yet enforceable at the time of recording. 2, record 5, English, - accrue
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 OBS
This term expresses the concept denoted in French by the terms "inscrire des charges à payer" and "enregistrer des produits à recevoir". 3, record 5, English, - accrue
Record 5, French
Record 5, Domaine(s)
- Comptabilité
Record 5, Main entry term, French
- inscrire des charges à payer
1, record 5, French, inscrire%20des%20charges%20%C3%A0%20payer
correct, specific
Record 5, Abbreviations, French
Record 5, Synonyms, French
Record 5, Textual support, French
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Enregistrer dans les comptes un élément (des intérêts, des redevances, des salaires, etc.) qui s'accumule avec le temps ou qui découle d'un service reçu [...] Cet élément n'est toutefois généralement pas exigible ou recouvrable légalement au moment où il est comptabilisé. 1, record 5, French, - inscrire%20des%20charges%20%C3%A0%20payer
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 OBS
L'expression «constater par régularisation» peut aussi traduire «to accrue» et peut signifier soit «enregistrer des produits à recevoir» soit «inscrire des charges à payer». 2, record 5, French, - inscrire%20des%20charges%20%C3%A0%20payer
Record 5, Key term(s)
- constater par régularisation
Record 5, Spanish
Record 5, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Contabilidad
Record 5, Main entry term, Spanish
- acumular
1, record 5, Spanish, acumular
Record 5, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 5, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 5, Textual support, Spanish
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Acumulado, por pagar. 2, record 5, Spanish, - acumular
Record 6 - internal organization data 2004-04-14
Record 6, English
Record 6, Subject field(s)
- Phraseology
- Accounting
Record 6, Main entry term, English
- accrue to someone
1, record 6, English, accrue%20to%20someone
correct, verb
Record 6, Abbreviations, English
Record 6, Synonyms, English
- accrue to 2, record 6, English, accrue%20to
correct, verb
Record 6, Textual support, English
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 DEF
To come into existence; to become vested. Example: Rights to property accrue to a person's heirs upon his death; a right to a dividend accrues to a stockholder from the date of declaration. 3, record 6, English, - accrue%20to%20someone
Record 6, French
Record 6, Domaine(s)
- Phraséologie
- Comptabilité
Record 6, Main entry term, French
- être dévolu à quelqu'un
1, record 6, French, %C3%AAtre%20d%C3%A9volu%20%C3%A0%20quelqu%27un
Record 6, Abbreviations, French
Record 6, Synonyms, French
- devenir exigible pour quelqu'un 1, record 6, French, devenir%20exigible%20pour%20quelqu%27un
- revenir à quelqu'un 1, record 6, French, revenir%20%C3%A0%20quelqu%27un
Record 6, Textual support, French
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Échoir par droit à une personne, notamment dans le cas d'un droit ou d'un avantage (par exemple le droit de recouvrer une créance ou celui de recevoir une pension). 1, record 6, French, - %C3%AAtre%20d%C3%A9volu%20%C3%A0%20quelqu%27un
Record 6, Spanish
Record 6, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Fraseología
- Contabilidad
Record 6, Main entry term, Spanish
- conferirle a
1, record 6, Spanish, conferirle%20a
Record 6, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 6, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 6, Textual support, Spanish
Record 7 - internal organization data 2000-12-07
Record 7, English
Record 7, Subject field(s)
- Translation
- Language Problems
Record 7, Main entry term, English
- accrue
1, record 7, English, accrue
Record 7, Abbreviations, English
Record 7, Synonyms, English
Record 7, Textual support, English
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 CONT
It would be superfluous to underline the advantages accruing from a system of ... 1, record 7, English, - accrue
Record 7, French
Record 7, Domaine(s)
- Traduction
- Problèmes de langue
Record 7, Main entry term, French
- entraîner 1, record 7, French, entra%C3%AEner
Record 7, Abbreviations, French
Record 7, Synonyms, French
Record 7, Textual support, French
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Il est inutile d'insister sur les avantages que cette généralisation du contrôle entraîne dans un pays [...] (TESE, p. 53) 1, record 7, French, - entra%C3%AEner
Record 7, Spanish
Record 7, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Traducción
- Problemas de idioma
Record 7, Main entry term, Spanish
- acarrear 1, record 7, Spanish, acarrear
Record 7, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 7, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 7, Textual support, Spanish
Record 8 - internal organization data 2000-02-03
Record 8, English
Record 8, Subject field(s)
- Finance
Record 8, Main entry term, English
- accrue
1, record 8, English, accrue
Record 8, Abbreviations, English
Record 8, Synonyms, English
Record 8, Textual support, English
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
To grow; to increase; to accumulate. 2, record 8, English, - accrue
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 OBS
In the case of interest. 3, record 8, English, - accrue
Record 8, French
Record 8, Domaine(s)
- Finances
Record 8, Main entry term, French
- courir
1, record 8, French, courir
Record 8, Abbreviations, French
Record 8, Synonyms, French
- s'accroître 2, record 8, French, s%27accro%C3%AEtre
- s'accumuler 2, record 8, French, s%27accumuler
Record 8, Textual support, French
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
S'ajouter à titre d'augmentation, par exemple les intérêts afférents à un prêt. 2, record 8, French, - courir
Record 8, Spanish
Record 8, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Finanzas
Record 8, Main entry term, Spanish
- acumular
1, record 8, Spanish, acumular
Record 8, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 8, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 8, Textual support, Spanish
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