The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2011-07-25


Subject field(s)
  • Nuclear Waste Materials
  • Waste Management

An engineered concrete structure located above natural grade that is closed by placement of a concrete cover and that is provided with vertical access (through an open top) for placement of the radioactive waste.


Figure 8 outlines the above-ground vault option. Its main elements include: . wastes disposed of above grade; . an engineered concrete cover over the wastes; . structural stability provided by the walls and cross-walls of the facility; and . voids between containerized wastes filled with nonstructural material (bulk wastes are placed in the vault, uncompacted, by an enclosed-conveyor materials handling system through holes in the roof). One major reason for building an above-ground vault is that it allows for constant surveillance. ... Since any such facility would be exposed to the elements, natural decay would be a problem and constant maintenance would be required.


Aboveground vault disposal consists of placing the waste in engineered concrete structures located above natural grade. A vault is completely closed by placement of a concrete roof over each backfilled cell. The facility lacks any earthen cover system and relies principally on the structure to isolate the waste from the biosphere.


... the aboveground vault is a large steel-reinforced concrete structure with vertical access (through an open top) for placement of the waste. Within each structure there are numerous disposal units. Each disposal unit is sealed when filled to capacity. Individual units are sized to accommodate waste deliveries for about 1 to 2 weeks.


... it would be undesirable to place the AGV directly on shield bedrock where radionuclides could be washed into fissures and cracks which would be difficult to monitor or control.


See also "vault".

Key term(s)
  • above-ground waste disposal vault
  • aboveground waste disposal vault
  • above-ground storage vault
  • aboveground storage vault


  • Déchets nucléaires
  • Gestion des déchets

Voir aussi «enceinte de stockage», «stockage en surface» et «stockage en tumulus».


alvéole : Il est à noter que la forme au masculin est vieillie.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Desechos nucleares
  • Gestión de los desechos
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