The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2009-01-22


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

A surgical device for holding and compressing vessels or a structure in order to prevent hemorrhage or the escape of contents during the progress of an operation. Also designed to bring together several isolated objects or anatomic structures by pressing, fastening, or binding them firmly.


There are many varieties of clamps, often bearing the name of their inventor : Allis clamp; Cope's clamp; Crafoord clamp; Crile's clamp; De Bakey bulldog clamp; Doyen's clamp; Fogarty clamp; Gant's clamp; Gaskell' s clamp; Glover bulldog clamp; Goldblatt's clamp; Gussenbauer's clamp; Joseph's clamp; Kelly clamp; Kocher clamp; Michel' s clamp; Mikulicz clamp; Ochsner clamp; Payr pylorus clamp; Pott's clamp; Rankin clamp; Satinsky-Debakey Vascular Clamp fo Vena Cava; etc.


anastomosis, bone, bulldog, cannula, cardiovascular, cartilage, dental, examination/operating table, pedicle, penile, postmortem, rectal, skull, surgical, test tube, towel, tubing, umbilical cord, urological, vascular clamp.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux

Instrument chirurgical en forme de pince, muni d'un cran d'arrêt, à deux branches métalliques droites ou courbes, dont les mors, rigides ou souples, sont armés d'une denture atraumatique et antidérapante. Cet instrument sert à comprimer les parois d'un conduit ou d'une cavité, soit pour empêcher une hémorragie, soit pour maintenir provisoirement en bonne position opératoire un organe.


Il existe plusieurs variétés de clamps, portant fréquemment le nom de leur inventeur : clamp de Cope; clamp de Crile; clamp de Doyen; clamp de Gant; clamp de Goldblatt; clamp de Gussenbauer; clamp de Michel; clamp de Mikulicz-Radecki; clamp de Payr; clamp de Rankin; clamp presse-tube de Weiss; clamp à bronches de Price-Thomas; etc.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Instrumental quirúrgico

Pinzas de forcipresión utilizadas en cirugía digestiva para coprostasis o aplastamiento del estómago o intestino, en cirugía vascular para la hemostasia de vasos importantes y en cirugía pulmonar para compresión de los órganos tubulares del hilio.

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Record 2 2008-07-29


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

Delicate surgical thumb forceps with longitudinal ribs, designed for delicate, nontraumatic vascular surgery.


Proper Name: DeBakey Tissue Forceps. ... Features; Jaws - 1x2 interlocking microscope teeth - rounded tip; Cutter shank - deep horizontal serrations. Uses: Instrument for grasping delicate tissues, organs and vessels. Widely used in cardiovascular surgery, however, also used in other surgical procedures.


Pioneered by and named after Dr. Michael Ellis DeBakey, the DeBakey pattern is used in a wide variety of surgical instruments including but not limited to clamps and forceps. DeBakey tissue forceps are very commonly used in a variety of procedures. They have atraumatic jaws with the standard DeBakey pattern filed in the tips. Used for grasping blood vessels and fine tissue especially in cardio procedures.


There are many surgical instruments bearing the name of Michael Ellis DeBakey, a world renowned cardiovascular surgeon, medical inventor, medical statesperson, and teacher : DeBakey atraumatic forceps; DeBakey dissecting forceps; DeBakey grasping forceps; DeBakey ligature forceps; DeBakey atraumatic hemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Mosquito haemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Rankin haemostatic forceps; DeBakey tissue forceps; DeBakey vascular forceps; De Bakey peripheral vascular clamp; DeBakey multipurpose vascular clamp; DeBakey anastomosis clamp; DeBakey aortic aneurysm clamp; DeBakey aortic clamp; DeBakey bulldog clamp; DeBakey-Satinsky bulldog clamp; DeBakey needle holder; DeBakey vascular scissors; DeBakey vascular dilators; etc.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux

La pince à dissection de Debakey permet une prise viscérale atraumatique grâce à la texture des cannelures de ses mors.


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Record 3 2008-07-29


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

Proper Name: DeBakey Needle Holder. ... Features: T ips narrower than Mayo-Hegar or Hegar Baumgartner; Jaws - diamond serrated (3600 teeth 1/2 inch). Uses: General, thoracic, cardiovascular and vascular surgery. Shorter length pattern applicable to eye, plastic and neurosurgery; for use with needles with suture size 5-0 and 6-0.


There are many surgical instruments bearing the name of Michael Ellis DeBakey, a world renowned cardiovascular surgeon, medical inventor, medical statesperson, and teacher : DeBakey atraumatic forceps; DeBakey dissecting forceps; DeBakey grasping forceps; DeBakey ligature forceps; DeBakey atraumatic hemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Mosquito haemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Rankin haemostatic forceps; DeBakey tissue forceps; DeBakey vascular forceps; De Bakey peripheral vascular clamp; DeBakey multipurpose vascular clamp; DeBakey anastomosis clamp; DeBakey aortic aneurysm clamp; DeBakey aortic clamp; DeBakey bulldog clamp; DeBakey-Satinsky bulldog clamp; DeBakey needle holder; DeBakey vascular scissors; DeBakey vascular dilators; etc.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux


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Record 4 2008-07-28


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

Surgical instrument designed for temporary occlusion of large blood vessels.


There are many surgical instruments bearing the name of Michael Ellis DeBakey, a world renowned cardiovascular surgeon, medical inventor, medical statesperson, and teacher : DeBakey atraumatic forceps; DeBakey dissecting forceps; DeBakey grasping forceps; DeBakey ligature forceps; DeBakey atraumatic hemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Mosquito haemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Rankin haemostatic forceps; DeBakey tissue forceps; DeBakey vascular forceps; De Bakey peripheral vascular clamp; DeBakey multipurpose vascular clamp; DeBakey anastomosis clamp; DeBakey aortic aneurysm clamp; DeBakey aortic clamp; DeBakey bulldog clamp; DeBakey-Satinsky bulldog clamp; DeBakey needle holder; DeBakey vascular scissors; DeBakey vascular dilators; etc.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux

Avec l'usage, il arrive que le nom de l'inventeur ne soit plus utilisé comme complément de nom, mais soit mis en apposition et se comporte, dès lors, comme un adjectif de relation. On parlera alors de «clamp DeBakey» et non plus de «clamp de DeBakey». De plus, on trouve de multiples graphies pour le patronyme DeBakey : Debakey; DeBakey; De Bakey.


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Record 5 2008-07-28


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

Debakey forceps are vascular forceps specially designed to grasp vascular tissue with minimal damage to the vessel. The design that minimizes the potential of damage is often described as atraumatic (meaning non-traumatic) and is used in other instruments as well.


There are many surgical instruments bearing the name of Michael Ellis DeBakey, a world renowned cardiovascular surgeon, medical inventor, medical statesperson, and teacher : DeBakey atraumatic forceps; DeBakey dissecting forceps; DeBakey grasping forceps; DeBakey ligature forceps; DeBakey atraumatic hemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Mosquito haemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Rankin haemostatic forceps; DeBakey tissue forceps; DeBakey vascular forceps; De Bakey peripheral vascular clamp; DeBakey multipurpose vascular clamp; DeBakey anastomosis clamp; DeBakey aortic aneurysm clamp; DeBakey aortic clamp; DeBakey bulldog clamp; DeBakey-Satinsky bulldog clamp; DeBakey needle holder; DeBakey vascular scissors; DeBakey vascular dilators; etc.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux

[La] pince de DeBakey [...] est la pince d'usage général. Elle permet de manipuler les tissus sans les traumatiser tout en réduisant le glissement des mors sur leur surface. Il en existe de toutes les longueurs et de diverses épaisseurs. Elle permet de suturer confortablemnt avec des fils de 2/0 à 6/0.


Avec l'usage, il arrive que le nom de l'inventeur ne soit plus utilisé comme complément de nom, mais soit mis en apposition et se comporte, dès lors, comme un adjectif de relation. On parlera alors de «pince DeBakey» et non plus de «pince de DeBakey». De plus, on trouve de multiples graphies pour le patronyme DeBakey : Debakey; DeBakey; De Bakey.


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Record 6 2008-07-28


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

Debakey Vascular Clamp [is] the most standard of vascular clamps. The jaw of the clamp is designed to clamp veins and arteries without causing damage.


There are many surgical instruments bearing the name of Michael Ellis DeBakey, a world renowned cardiovascular surgeon, medical inventor, medical statesperson, and teacher : DeBakey atraumatic forceps; DeBakey dissecting forceps; DeBakey grasping forceps; DeBakey ligature forceps; DeBakey atraumatic hemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Mosquito haemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Rankin haemostatic forceps; DeBakey tissue forceps; DeBakey vascular forceps; De Bakey peripheral vascular clamp; DeBakey multipurpose vascular clamp; DeBakey anastomosis clamp; DeBakey aortic aneurysm clamp; DeBakey aortic clamp; DeBakey bulldog clamp; DeBakey-Satinsky bulldog clamp; DeBakey needle holder; DeBakey vascular scissors; DeBakey vascular dilators; etc.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux

Avec l'usage, il arrive que le nom de l'inventeur ne soit plus utilisé comme complément de nom, mais soit mis en apposition et se comporte, dès lors, comme un adjectif de relation. On parlera alors de «pince DeBakey» et non plus de «pince de DeBakey». De plus, on trouve de multiples graphies pour le patronyme DeBakey : Debakey; DeBakey; De Bakey.


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Record 7 2008-07-28


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

The surgeon places a 3-0 polypropylene suture with a Teflon pledget in the proximal myocardial fat to allow the proximal aorta to be exposed and to establish the location of the coronary ostia. The surgeon cross-clamps the ascending aorta as close to the distal end as possible using an 35-degree-angled DeBakey peripheral vascular clamp.


There are other types of peripheral vascular clamps: MeisterHand Debakey peripheral vascular clamp ; Dale peripheral vascular clamp; Husfeldt peripheral vascular clamp; Leland-Jones peripheral vascular clamp; Martin Leland-Jones peripheral vascular clamp; etc.


There are many surgical instruments bearing the name of Michael Ellis DeBakey, a world renowned cardiovascular surgeon, medical inventor, medical statesperson, and teacher : DeBakey atraumatic forceps; DeBakey dissecting forceps; DeBakey grasping forceps; DeBakey ligature forceps; DeBakey atraumatic hemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Mosquito haemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Rankin haemostatic forceps; DeBakey tissue forceps; DeBakey vascular forceps; De Bakey peripheral vascular clamp; DeBakey multipurpose vascular clamp; DeBakey anastomosis clamp; DeBakey aortic aneurysm clamp; DeBakey aortic clamp; DeBakey bulldog clamp; DeBakey-Satinsky bulldog clamp; DeBakey needle holder; DeBakey vascular scissors; DeBakey vascular dilators; etc.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux

Avec l'usage, il arrive que le nom de l'inventeur ne soit plus utilisé comme complément de nom, mais soit mis en apposition et se comporte, dès lors, comme un adjectif de relation. On parlera alors de «pince DeBakey» et non plus de «pince de DeBakey». De plus, on trouve de multiples graphies pour le patronyme DeBakey : Debakey; DeBakey; De Bakey.


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Record 8 2008-07-28


Subject field(s)
  • Surgical Instruments

There are many surgical instruments bearing the name of Michael Ellis DeBakey, a world renowned cardiovascular surgeon, medical inventor, medical statesperson, and teacher : DeBakey atraumatic forceps; DeBakey dissecting forceps; DeBakey grasping forceps; DeBakey ligature forceps; DeBakey atraumatic hemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Mosquito haemostatic forceps; DeBakey-Rankin haemostatic forceps; DeBakey tissue forceps; DeBakey vascular forceps; De Bakey peripheral vascular clamp; DeBakey multipurpose vascular clamp; DeBakey anastomosis clamp; DeBakey aortic aneurysm clamp; DeBakey aortic clamp; DeBakey bulldog clamp; DeBakey-Satinsky bulldog clamp; DeBakey needle holder; DeBakey vascular scissors; DeBakey vascular dilators; etc.


  • Instruments chirurgicaux

Avec l'usage, il arrive que le nom de l'inventeur ne soit plus utilisé comme complément de nom, mais soit mis en apposition et se comporte, dès lors, comme un adjectif de relation. On parlera alors de "pince DeBakey" et non plus de "pince de DeBakey". De plus, on trouve de multiples graphies pour le patronyme DeBakey : Debakey; DeBakey; De Bakey.


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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