The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

HIS EXPENSE [21 records]

Record 1 2024-02-22


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Internet and Telematics
  • Telephony and Microwave Technology
  • IT Security

An individual who uses his knowledge of the telephone system to make calls at the expense of another.


In the latest twist of computer theft, "phone freaks" pride themselves on being able to break into the sophisticated telephone answering services used by a growing number of businesses around the world. Telephone saboteurs typically gain access to a company’s toll free number or use access codes for long-distance telephone accounts that circulate through the computer "bulletin board" underground. Then, they try random combinations of numbers until they stumble upon the electronic "mailboxes" and the passwords that give a person access to them.


Contrast with "phracker".


Phreakers take advantage of free telephone numbers (800’ numbers) to gain access to secret digital switchboards which grant access to outside phone lines. They want to avoid paying phone bills rather that to corrupt data. (J.J. Manger, The Essential Internet Information Guide, Mc Graw-Hill, 1994, p. 342).

Key term(s)
  • phone phreaker


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Internet et télématique
  • Téléphonie et techniques hyperfréquences
  • Sécurité des TI

[Celui] qui, grâce à un matériel électronique bricolé, se branche sur les lignes téléphoniques pour obtenir des communications sans payer.


Les pirates téléphoniques fabriquent des télécartes perpétuelles dont le décompte des unités est bloqué, ou épient les utilisateurs de cartes dans les aéroports pour usurper leur code secret.


pirateur : Mot-valise formé par le télescopage des deux mots «pirate» et «saboteur».


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Internet y telemática
  • Telefonía y tecnología de microondas
  • Seguridad de IT
Save record 1

Record 2 2018-02-27


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Maritime Law

Under time charter parties, the charterer appoints the port agent and it is open to the owner to also appoint his own protective agent to represent his interests. However, it appears that few owners choose to incur this expense and the selected agent is therefore considered as being the ship's agent in a general sense, and is therefore also the owner's agent. These two separate duties can give rise to a conflict of interest.


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Droit maritime


Save record 2

Record 3 2016-02-25


Subject field(s)
  • Government Contracts
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Execution of Work (Construction)

The period, after completion of a contract, during which a contractor is required to make good at his own expense any work which needs repair.


Do not confuse "warranty" and "guaranty". According to Construction Specifications Canada, "a Warranty is a ... contract or agreement between two parties and usually is included in a contract for goods or services between these parties", whereas "a guarantee is a ’collateral’ agreement for the performance of another’s undertaking".


guarantee. A. And "warranty". Originally the same word, "warranty" and "guarantee" (or "-ty") arrived in the language through different medieval French dialects. "Guarantee" is the broader term, ordinarily meaning either (1) "the act of giving a security; the undertaking with respect to (a contract, performance of a legal act, etc.) that it shall be duly carried out," or (2) "something given or existing as security, e.g., for fulfillment of an engagement or condition" (OED). "Warranty", as a legal term, has slightly more specific and elaborate senses: (1) "a covenant (either express or implied) annexed to a conveyance of realty by which the seller warrants the security of the title conveyed"; (2) "an assurance, express or implied, given by the seller of goods, that he will be answerable for their possession of some quality attributed to them" (the seller hereby disclaims all warranties); or (3) "in a contract for insurance, an engagement by the insured that certain statements are true or that certain conditions shall be fulfilled" (OED). B. And "guaranty". The distinction in BrE once was that the former is the verb, the latter the noun. Yet "guarantee" is now commonly used as both n. & v.t. in both AmE and BrE. In practice, "guarantee", n., is the usual term, seen often, for example, in the context of consumer warranties or other assurances of quality or performance. "Guaranty", in contrast, is now used primarily in financial and banking contexts in the sense "a promise to answer for the debt of another." "Guaranty" is now rarely seen in nonlegal writing, whether in G.B. or in the U.S. Some legal writers prefer "guaranty" in all nominal senses.


  • Marchés publics
  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Exécution des travaux de construction

Période contractuelle au cours de laquelle le titulaire du marché s'oblige à remettre en état ou à remplacer tout ou partie de l'ouvrage ou de la fourniture qui serait reconnu comme défectueux.


Malgré ce qu'indique la source OLFMB 1985, il ne faut pas confondre les termes anglais «warranty» et «guaranty», qui ne sont pas [...] synonymes. En effet, selon une étude insérée dans le Devis de Construction Canada, le premier signifie «garantie», tandis que le second correspond à «cautionnement».


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Contratos gubernamentales
  • Derecho de contratos (common law)
  • Ejecución de los trabajos de construcción
Save record 3

Record 4 2016-01-20


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)

... the plaintiff has in reliance on the promise of the defendant conferred some value on the defendant. The defendant fails to perform his promise. The court may force the defendant to disgorge the value he received from the plaintiff. The object here may be termed the prevention of gain by the defaulting promisor at the expense of the promisee; more briefly, the prevention of unjust enrichment. The interest protected may be called the restitution interest.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)

L'équivalent «intérêt-restitution» est un néologisme.


intérêt-restitution : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation, Promotion de l'accès à la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 4

Record 5 2015-06-16


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Tort Law (common law)
  • Law of Obligations (civil law)
  • Insurance

The mere fact that the misrepresentee has received a benefit under the contract does not bar his right to rescind, if the misrepresentor has not been put to any expense in conferring that benefit.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Droit des délits (common law)
  • Droit des obligations (droit civil)
  • Assurances


Save record 5

Record 6 2015-06-16


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Tort Law (common law)
  • Law of Obligations (civil law)
  • Insurance

A fraudulent misrepresentation amounts to the tort of deceit, for which the injured party will receive damages from the misrepresentor.


The mere fact that the misrepresentee has received a benefit under the contract does not bar his right to rescind, if the misrepresentor has not been put to any expense in conferring that benefit.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Droit des délits (common law)
  • Droit des obligations (droit civil)
  • Assurances


Save record 6

Record 7 2013-04-03


Subject field(s)
  • Insurance

If total benefits available to any one member is less than 50% of the maximum amount after one or more reinstatements the member may provide, at his own expense, satisfactory evidence of insurability to reinstate the $10 000 maximum for himself or dependent.


  • Assurances

Si le montant total auquel a droit un participant est inférieur à 50% du maximum, après au moins une reconstitution, le participant peut à ses frais fournir une preuve d'assurabilité suffisante pour que la garantie maximale de $10 000 soit reconstituée pour lui-même et ses ayants droit.


Save record 7

Record 8 2012-10-29


Subject field(s)
  • Property Law (common law)

Where the owner or occupier of a parcel of land erects a line or boundary fence between that land and an adjoining parcel of land, the owner or occupier of the adjoining parcel of land, as soon as he receives any benefit or advantage from the line or boundary fence by the enclosure of his land or any portion thereof shall pay to the first mentioned owner or occupier a just proportion of the then value of the line or boundary fence; and thereafter the expense of maintaining and repairing the fence shall be borne by the adjoining owners or occupiers in equal shares.(R. S. M. 1988, B-70, ss. 2(2)).


  • Droit des biens et de la propriété (common law)

clôture de bornage : terme normalisé par le Comité de normalisation dans le cadre du Programme national de l'administration de la justice dans les deux langues officielles (PAJLO).


Save record 8

Record 9 2011-08-31


Subject field(s)
  • Baseball and Softball

A bunt made with less than two out that allows a base runner to advance.


A "sacrifice" is a play in which the batter is out but not charged with an official appearance at bat because he had succeeded in putting a teammate further on the bases at the expense of his turn at bat. There are two types of "sacrifice" : the "sacrifice hit" or "sacrifice bunt" in which the ball touches the ground before being caught, and the "sacrifice fly", an intended fly batted inside the infield.


Seen on the board during a Montréal Expos baseball game at the Stade olympique, on September 15, 2002: SAC - sacrifice hit.


  • Baseball et softball

Marque accordée au frappeur d'un coup retenu qui, même en étant retiré au premier but, permet à un coéquipier d'avancer d'un but.


Il existe deux types de «sacrifice» : l'«amorti sacrifice» ou «coup retenu sacrifice» dans lequel la balle touche le sol avant le retrait du frappeur, et le «ballon sacrifice», («chandelle sacrifice» si très en hauteur), un coup retenu intentionnel capté sans que la balle n'ait touché le sol.


Affiché au tableau au cours d'un match de baseball des Expos de Montréal au Stade olympique, le 15 septembre 2002 : SAC - coup sacrifice.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Béisbol y softball
Save record 9

Record 10 2011-08-31


Subject field(s)
  • Baseball and Softball

When a batter flies out to allow a runner to score from third, he is credited with a sacrifice fly.


A "sacrifice" is a play in which the batter is out but not charged with an official appearance at bat because he had succeeded in putting a teammate further on the bases at the expense of his turn at bat. There are two types of "sacrifice" : the "sacrifice hit" or "sacrifice bunt" in which the ball touches the ground before being caught, and the "sacrifice fly", an intended fly batted inside the infield.


  • Baseball et softball

Marque accordée au frappeur d'un long ballon qui permet à un coureur placé au troisième but de gagner le marbre après le retrait.


Il existe deux types de «sacrifice» : l'«amorti sacrifice» ou «coup retenu sacrifice» dans lequel la balle touche le sol avant le retrait du frappeur, et le «ballon sacrifice», («chandelle sacrifice» si très en hauteur), un coup retenu intentionnel capté sans que la balle n'ait touché le sol. Le générique «sacrifice» se rapporte le plus souvent au premier, la possibilité du second jeu étant plus rare.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Béisbol y softball
Save record 10

Record 11 2008-10-14


Subject field(s)
  • Tort Law (common law)

The classical mode of conversion consists in unauthorized transfer or disposal of the goods, whether by sale and delivery, pledge, or just mistaken delivery to the wrong person....(It) is not even an answer to have acted under authority from someone who had himself no right to dispose of them so that a sale and delivery by an agent or auctioneer constitutes conversion as against the true owner, although made in honest belief that his principal had title to the goods. Property rights are protected at the expense of an innocent mistake.


  • Droit des délits (common law)


Save record 11

Record 12 2006-05-30


Subject field(s)
  • Economic Geology
  • Black Products (Petroleum)
  • Solid Fossil Fuels

A worthless black substance resembling oil, which is derived from blue shale.


An expression that refers to the landowner's share of oil from a well drilled on his property. This royalty is traditionally one-eight of the produced oil free of any expense to the landowner.


  • Géologie économique
  • Produits noirs (Pétrole)
  • Combustibles fossiles solides

Substance noire sans valeur semblable à de l'huile dérivée du schiste bleu.


Save record 12

Record 13 2004-12-07


Subject field(s)
  • Offences and crimes
  • Decisions (Practice and Procedural Law)

General order for security by recognizance. A court that has authority to quash a conviction, order or other proceeding on certiorari may prescribe by general order that no motion to quash any such conviction, order, or other proceeding removed to the court by certiorari, shall be heard unless the defendant has entered into a recognizance with one or more sufficient sureties, before one or more justices of the territorial division in which the conviction or order was made, or before a judge or other officer, or has made a deposit to be prescribed with a condition that the defendant will prosecute the writ of certiorari at his own expense, without wilful delay, and, if ordered, will pay to the person in whose favour the conviction, order or other proceeding is affirmed, his full costs and charges...

Key term(s)
  • security order


  • Infractions et crimes
  • Décisions (Droit judiciaire)

Ordonnance générale de cautionnement par engagement. Une cour compétente pour annuler une condamnation, ordonnance ou autre procédure sur certiorari peut prescrire, au moyen d'une ordonnance générale, qu'aucune motion pour annuler une condamnation, ordonnance ou autre procédure de ce genre, évoquée devant la cour par certiorari, ne soit entendue à moins que le défendeur n'ait contracté un engagement, avec une ou plusieurs cautions suffisantes, devant un ou plusieurs juges de paix de la circonscription territoriale où la condamnation ou l'ordonnance a été rendue ou devant un juge ou autre fonctionnaire, ou n'ait opéré le dépôt prescrit, portant comme condition qu'il poursuivra le bref de certiorari, à ses propres frais, sans retard volontaire, et, s'il en est requis, qu'il paiera à la personne en faveur de qui la condamnation, l'ordonnance ou autre procédure est confirmée, tous ses frais et dépens à taxer selon la pratique de la cour devant laquelle la condamnation, l'ordonnance ou la procédure est confirmée.


Save record 13

Record 14 2002-11-26


Subject field(s)
  • Translation (General)

at his expense; at her expense : terms linked with the conception and development of large-format film technology.


  • Traduction (Généralités)

aux frais de; à la charge de : termes établis dans le cadre de la conception et de la mise au point de la technique du cinéma grand format.


Save record 14

Record 15 2002-08-22


Subject field(s)
  • Military Law

(a) The place to which one's wife or dependent child was last moved at public expense, or(b) if his wife or dependent child is residing elsewhere than at the place to which last moved at public expense, subject to(3) of this article, the place where his wife or dependent child is residing, or(c) if his wife or dependent child has never been moved at public expense, the place where his wife or dependent child is residing.(Art 209. 50)


  • Droit militaire

(a) Le dernier endroit où son épouse ou son enfant à charge a été déménagé aux frais de l'État ou (b) l'endroit où son épouse ou l'enfant à sa charge demeure, dans le cas où son épouse ou l'enfant à sa charge n'habite pas le dernier endroit où il a été déménagé aux frais de l'État; cela toutefois sous réserve des dispositions prescrites au paragraphe (3) du présenté article, ou (c) l'endroit où demeure l'épouse ou l'enfant à charge, s'ils n'ont jamais été déménagés aux frais de l'État. (Article 209 . 50)


Save record 15

Record 16 1998-12-07


Subject field(s)
  • Administrative Law

A method whereby certain libraries are entitled by law to receive one or more copies of every book or other publication which is printed or published in the country.


Legal Deposit of new books 11.(1) Subject to this section and the regulations, the publisher of a book published in Canada shall, at his own expense and within one week from the date of publication, send two copies of the book to the National Librarian, who shall give to the publisher a written receipt for the book.


It should be noted that HARLI, 1977 and THALA, 1971 are British and American sources respectively. The synonyms they suggest should, therefore, be used with discretion.


  • Droit administratif

Obligation faite par la loi de remettre aux autorités compétentes des exemplaires d'une publication ou d'un ouvrage dès sa parution.


Le dépôt légal s'applique aussi bien à la Bibliothèque nationale du Québec qu'à celle du Canada.


En Belgique, on emploie l'expression dépôt légal pour désigner aussi bien le dépôt au greffe du tribunal des actes et documents des sociétés afin de permettre aux tiers de prendre connaissance, sans frais, de ces documents.


Save record 16

Record 17 1997-06-25


Subject field(s)
  • Customs and Excise

Every owner or lessee of a commercial motor vehicle... who has been granted a general authorization to transport goods in bond... shall, at his own expense, display on both sides of his vehicle in conspicuous letters the words "Canada Customs Bonded Carrier".


Term used by Revenue Canada.


  • Douanes et accise

Tout propriétaire ou locataire d'un véhicule automobile commercial [...] ayant obtenu une autorisation générale pour le transport des marchandises en entrepôt [...] doit, à ses propres frais, inscrire sur les deux côtés de son véhicule en lettres évidentes les mots «Voiturier cautionné des douanes canadiennes».


Transporteur cautionné - Douanes Canada : terme utilisé par Revenu Canada.


Save record 17

Record 18 1996-03-13


Subject field(s)
  • Military (General)
  • Military Administration

An officer who is being trained under one of the training plans, but does not include an officer who is undergoing training at his or her own expense under para 17 or 18. [9-62) AL 20/77)


  • Militaire (Généralités)
  • Administration militaire

Un officier qui poursuit des études dans le cadre d'un des programmes d'études susmentionnés, mais exclut un officier qui poursuit des études à ses propres frais dans les cas visés au paragraphe 17 ou 18. [9-62)Mod. 20/77)


Save record 18

Record 19 1991-10-07


Subject field(s)
  • Practice and Procedural Law

... Where a person refuses or neglects to attend or... to comply with a protective order, the court may(a) where an objection is held to be improper, order him to re-attend at his own expense...


  • Droit judiciaire

... Lorsqu'une personne refuse ou néglige de comparaître ou ... de se conformer à une ordonnance préventive, la cour peut (a) lui ordonner, si elle a formulé une objection jugée injustifiée, de comparaître à nouveau, à ses propres frais ...


Source citée : Règle 33.12 des Règles de pratique du Nouveau-Brunswick.


Save record 19

Record 20 1989-12-29


Subject field(s)
  • Construction Site Organization

Site sign: Term used by Public Works Canada.


Signs. The ordinary company-name sign that a general contractor puts up on all his jobs is not considered a job expense. If the contract should call for a special sign, however(perhaps one showing the title of the project, with the names of the owner, architect, and engineer), then an item should be carried in the estimate for it.


  • Organisation des chantiers

L'instruction du 21 février 1977 commente les conditions d'exonération des panneaux apposés sur les chantiers de construction et précise les cas où les clôtures constituent des portatifs spéciaux.


Save record 20

Record 21 1989-04-05


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Rental Agencies
  • Real Estate

A lease approach whereby the rent includes all services and the cost of alterations and fitting up carried out by the landlord at his direction and expense amortized over the period of the lease.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Entreprises de location
  • Immobilier

marché clés en main: marché aux termes duquel un entrepreneur s'engage à assurer la totalité d'une opération de construction, y compris la conception et les études préliminaires.


turnkey project: project "clef en mains".


(...) la vente est dite "clés en mains".


Save record 21

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A product of the Translation Bureau


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