The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 1993-01-23


Subject field(s)
  • Bronchi

The tests have a number of uses in occupational asthma. (...) Serial tests can be used with serial measurements of PFR to investigate whether the asthma is primarily caused by exposure to occupational sensitizers or whether the person has airway hyperresponsiveness from non-occupational asthma with episodes of airway constriction triggered at work from physical stimuli.


Occupational asthma may be defined as asthma induced by acquired hypersensitivity to an agent inhaled at work. The inhaled agent asthma can therefore be regarded as an example of airway hyperresponsiveness induced by an identifiable environmental agent.


  • Bronches

On a intérêt à distinguer les différents types d'asthme suivants : asthme immunologique (ou extrinsèque), asthme idiopathique (ou intrinsèque), asthme mixte, asthme d'effort, asthme associé à une maladie broncho-pulmonaire chronique, asthme professionnel. [...] Le lieu de travail peut contenir des substances qui provoquent le wheezing. [...] Agents intervenant dans le déclenchement de l'asthme professionnel : ammoniaque, dioxyde de soufre, dioxyde d'azote, poussières (ou particules) chimiques et vapeurs [...], formaldéhyde, urée, poussières organiques.


J.W. Hurst, Médecine clinique (Trad.), Masson, Paris, 1987, p. 746.


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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