The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2012-10-19


Subject field(s)
  • Aluminum Alloys
  • Glass Fabrics
  • Aeroindustry

Glare is a laminated material made of alternate layers of aluminium and glass fibre. The word 'Glare' stands for Glassfibre Reinforced Aluminium. Glare was developed in co-operation with the Delft University of Technology and the Netherlands National Aerospace Laboratory (NLR). ... Glare has greatly reduced susceptibility to metal fatigue and is therefore stronger than aluminium, which allows significant weight savings to be achieved. ... The Glare material is bonded under high pressure and temperature in [the Glare autoclave]. Glare combines the ideal characteristics of metal and composites. The selected fibre material is glass fibre, and the metal used is aluminium. To ensure high integrity and durability of the aluminium and glass fibre layers, these are securely bonded using an epoxy resin. The resin and bonding must be able to resist the extreme operating conditions encountered in flight, such as pressure, tension and torsion forces, as well as extreme temperatures in polar and tropical regions, and must be designed for a long operational lifetime.


Glare®: a registered trademark.

Key term(s)
  • glassfiber reinforced aluminum
  • glass-fiber reinforced aluminum
  • Glare


  • Alliages d'aluminium
  • Verre textile
  • Constructions aéronautiques

[...] Glare [...] est un stratifié hybride élaboré à partir de couches alternées d'aluminium et de nappes unidirectionnelles de fibres de verre pré-imprégnées de résine époxyde. Ce matériau est 10% moins dense que les alliages d'aluminium et présente des tolérances à l'endommagement et en fatigue supérieures, ainsi qu'une meilleure tenue à la corrosion et une très bonne résistance aux flammes. Utilisé pour des panneaux du fuselage supérieur, le gain de masse attendu est de l'ordre de 800 kg.


Glare® : marque de commerce.

Key term(s)
  • Glare


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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