The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

Search history

Search term Search criteria Subject field Delete saved record
MATERIEL ELECTRIQUE TOURNANT French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - MATERIEL ELECTRIQUE TOURNANT
PROGRAMME SPECIAL EXECUTION French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - PROGRAMME SPECIAL EXECUTION
LONDON INTERBANK BID RATE English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - LONDON INTERBANK BID RATE
VITESSE PROPAGATION FLAMME French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - VITESSE PROPAGATION FLAMME
AUTORITE CONTROLE PRIMAIRE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - AUTORITE CONTROLE PRIMAIRE
MATERIEL ENLEVEMENT NEIGE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - MATERIEL ENLEVEMENT NEIGE
LONDON HISTORICAL MUSEUMS English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - LONDON HISTORICAL MUSEUMS
POINT ENTREE/DE SORTIE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - POINT ENTREE/DE SORTIE
RADIO VOR/ILS NSB 21 English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - RADIO VOR/ILS NSB 21
VITESSE PORTEE MAXIMALE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - VITESSE PORTEE MAXIMALE
MATERIEL ELECTROTECHNIQUE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - MATERIEL ELECTROTECHNIQUE
DIVISION FOOD NUTRITION English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - DIVISION FOOD NUTRITION
INDIVIDUALISME POSSESSIF French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - INDIVIDUALISME POSSESSIF
RADIO SYSTEMS ENGINEER English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - RADIO SYSTEMS ENGINEER
CONVENTIONAL BROADCASTER English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - CONVENTIONAL BROADCASTER
POINT ENTREE REGIONAL French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - POINT ENTREE REGIONAL
INDIVIDUALITE GRAPHIQUE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - INDIVIDUALITE GRAPHIQUE
RADIO WAVE HOLOGRAPHY English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - RADIO WAVE HOLOGRAPHY
CONVENTIONAL DEFLECTION English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - CONVENTIONAL DEFLECTION
POINT ENTREE DONNEES French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - POINT ENTREE DONNEES
PROVISION AMORTIZATION English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - PROVISION AMORTIZATION


Language Portal of Canada

Access a collection of Canadian resources on all aspects of English and French, including quizzes.

Writing tools

The Language Portal’s writing tools have a new look! Easy to consult, they give you access to a wealth of information that will help you write better in English and French.

Glossaries and vocabularies

Access Translation Bureau glossaries and vocabularies.

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