The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

Search history

Search term Search criteria Subject field Delete saved record
DATE FERMETURE PLANIFIEE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - DATE FERMETURE PLANIFIEE
ACTION RESTRICTION TRANSFERT French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - ACTION RESTRICTION TRANSFERT
INTERVENTION EXCLUSIVE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - INTERVENTION EXCLUSIVE
POLAR CAP Words in English terms All subject fields Delete saved record - POLAR CAP
NOTRE PASSE IMAGES ELOGES GENS ICI French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - NOTRE PASSE IMAGES ELOGES GENS ICI
DOMAINE ACTIVITES All terms All subject fields Delete saved record - DOMAINE ACTIVITES
HIGH DRAG SYSTEM English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - HIGH DRAG SYSTEM
INSPECTION EXTERIEURE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - INSPECTION EXTERIEURE
INSTALLATION SUPPRESSION EXPLOSION French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - INSTALLATION SUPPRESSION EXPLOSION
REQUERANT CITOYENNETE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - REQUERANT CITOYENNETE
TRAITEMENT ANTIBACTERIEN French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - TRAITEMENT ANTIBACTERIEN
ECHELLE EVALUATION QUATRE POINTS French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - ECHELLE EVALUATION QUATRE POINTS
INCISURA SUPRAORBITALIS Spanish records All subject fields Delete saved record - INCISURA SUPRAORBITALIS
DRY LAND SEDGE English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - DRY LAND SEDGE
CROSS-CULTURAL EFFECTIVENESS English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - CROSS-CULTURAL EFFECTIVENESS
EQUIPEMENT OXYGENE DEBIT CONTINU French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - EQUIPEMENT OXYGENE DEBIT CONTINU
NAUA All terms All subject fields Delete saved record - NAUA
CROSS-FIBER CHRYSOTILE English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - CROSS-FIBER CHRYSOTILE
PIECE COMPLEXE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - PIECE COMPLEXE
ANTICOMICIAL All terms All subject fields Delete saved record - ANTICOMICIAL


Language Portal of Canada

Access a collection of Canadian resources on all aspects of English and French, including quizzes.

Writing tools

The Language Portal’s writing tools have a new look! Easy to consult, they give you access to a wealth of information that will help you write better in English and French.

Glossaries and vocabularies

Access Translation Bureau glossaries and vocabularies.

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