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Test yourself

Choose the correct word.

  1. I am certain that every one of the decadent treats at Deena’s Dessert Emporium (contains/contain) at least 500 calories.


  2. My friend Julia is one of those people who always (listens/listen) attentively and sympathetically to others.


  3. The city councillor has stated publicly that there (is/are) a number of feasible ways to integrate bicycle lanes into the downtown core.


  4. (Is/Are) either of the twins free on Saturday afternoon to come over and paint our pergola?


  5. None of the health and safety inspectors, with all their know-how and detection gadgets, (has/have) been able to determine what is causing the dreadful smell in our cubicles.


  6. Amir is one of those athletes who (excels/excel) at many sports thanks to a rare combination of muscularity, speed and agility.


  7. Halifax is one of the few cities that (offers/offer) Scott, a master boat builder, a choice of jobs in his field.
